MGM Interactive decided that kind of game it wanted Tomorrow Never Dies to be was a game that recreated some of the best moments from all the Bond films. While Goldeneye007 has been universally praised for it`s goal of being more than just a shoot `em up, in essence it still is a “Doom” style game, albeit with more sophistication. Black Ops won`t just be using what it has created in the past for it`s other titles. No, instead, John Botti , CEO and President of Blacks Ops has promised that Tomorrow Never Dies will only incorporate about 30% of the currently existing technology that goes into it`s other games. thus making for one of the most technologically advanced, sophisticated and challenging Playstation games yet.
As previously mentioned, 007 will snow ski, SCUBA dive, fly, and fight enemies on foot like Goldeneye007. But he`ll aslo be able to eavesdrop on the conversations of other characters. The goal of Black Ops and Playstation are several: create a fresh, new 007 game that stands alone and apart from the movie and create a successful video game that will equal the sales of Goldeneye007, which was the hottest “toy” of the Christmas `97 buying season.