Max Vesterhalt from FYEO

Wes Britton has interviewed my friend Max Vesterhalt, a lovely lady who appeared in For Your Eyes Only. Deb Lipp met Max at our NYC fan event held in 2005.

The show will first air over at 7:30 P.m. Pacific time, 10:30 EST. Then, on Wednesday, the show will be archived at

When you think of Bond girls, the name Max Versterhalt might not jump to mind. However, she not only appeared in Roger Moore’s 1981 classic, she was originally intended to be one of its stars.

On the next edition of the online radio show, “Dave White Presents,” Max tells her story, of how a poster of her promoting Greek tourism brought her to the attention of Cubby Broccoli, what went on during the filming of the casino scene, and what she thought of Roger Moore and director John Glen. She discusses a new website currently being constructed about “Bond Girls of Color.” In addition, “Dave White Presents” will debut some of Max’s newly recorded jazz tunes not yet heard anywhere else!

Thank Goodness, 007

Thank goodness, 007.

In his Ian Fleming’s Seven Deadlier Sins & 007’s Moral Compass, author Benjamin Pratt highlights James Bond’s function as an essential archetype, the (sometimes) last good guy fighting the ultimate baddies, St. George against the Dragon.

While declamations such as “Watch the birdie, you bastard!” or “Welcome to Hell, Blofeld!” are less saintly than would receive canonization in a typical church, Bond is, deep down, one of the good dudes.

The British anti-hero who quips than grips the nearest deus ex machina to pound a villain into pudding has inspired a hundred John McClanes, Terminators and Dirty Harrys, and has hailed from the ranks of Bugs Bunny and Batman, but there is simply never a shade of doubt about him. James Bond is good.

Several times at the google group, there have been epic discussions over whether Bond can be a civil service murdered yet a moral agent, a flaming fornicator yet a man men want their kids to be like, a dude who demolishes more real estate than five crane operators yet a friend to those who have no friends. In fact, the threads such as “Bond Should Not Sleep With Many Women” have been far and away the most popular threads in the history of the group.

So how about it, fans? What makes Bond, who is really, really bad, so good?

Wow…what a topic. I just have time for a few quick thoughts, but I think that a lot of it has to do with a post WWII British sense of right versus wrong that Fleming imbued in his novels. When you get right down to to, Bond is essentially a government hit man more than anything, which can be good, or bad, depending on your side of the fight. I’ll have to check out that Google group.


Bond is an immoral agent for a moral cause, and he knows it. Hence he lives in the moment. He is fundamentally existential; life is fleeting and without meaning, so only the temporal pleasures matter.

Bond may not believe in existentialism for everyone, just for himself. England, he believes, is a force of moral good in the universe. But the work his country needs him to do compromises his own morality, hence he is without moral standing in the world and indulges in pleasurable sins to sustain himself.

Flapflop said, in May 7th, 2009 at 3:05 am
In fact, Bond gets an assignment to investigate something or someone and if on the job he thinks its necessary to kill a person to save the world, England, country he is in, his partners on the job or himself he may kill. So yes he is a bad guy himself if youre not on his side. The old saying a terrorist is another mans freedom fighter really applies to the bond universe.

When he gets the assignement for a direct kill Englands thinks necessary he normally isn’t allowed to make his own opinion about that person good or badness and maybe not kill him. He has to follow orders.
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But in the movies we often see the opposite. Het gets the order, goes there, finds out its the wrong one and kills another. Or he is dilluded in thinking its wrong but in the end he could have saved much sorrow if he immedeately killed the person he had to kill without questions answered.

In this last trap most Bond baddies fall. If the had shot Bond at first sight there plans would not fail and the would have lived to take over the world.

From Holland with love


Interesting read. I dare say though, that while Bond is a “killer” most of his kills are actually in self-defense (whether they were an initial target for a kill or not). I am not saying this justifies the killing, but how many cold-blooded, unprovoked kills does Bond have (at least in the films)?

Dr. No
— Dr. No tried to kill him first.
— Professor Dent tried to kill him first

— Red Grant tried to kill him first

— Odd Job tried to kill him first
— GF died his own death

— Vargas tried to kill him first

etc, etc.

FYEO Profile: Bondiana Collectors

“Beginn-or-oh-seven Collectors” mostly own a handful of gadget assembled by some Q’s purvey of some DVDs or other gifts. They never thought to collect Mr. Bond. These chaps, and more rarely (okay, much more rarely, chapettes) come home pie-eyed from visiting an experienced collector or checking on thousands of Bond items now on eBay. Once “bitten by the bug,” as Bruce Glover stated in Diamonds Are Forever, even newbies quickly graduate to full-fledged Fleming freaks and boffo (sometimes boorish, but bold) Bond buffs.

Bondologists (I coined the term first for myself, snobbishly) have collected Bond, and themselves as collectors together in small hunting packs like the BCW’s and other events, for decades. The legends of the craft collected Bond in the days when standees weren’t kept (or recycled or repurposed for sustainability), when displays were less important than the toys they housed, and before Bond had six iterations and over 20 films.

It’s been a pleasure to know many of the legends and gawk at their goodies in person or online or both. Graham Rye in the UK, with his Blofeld’s Coat-of-Arms ripped right from the Piz Gloria wall and a monstrous trove of rare photos, magazines and uber-props; Doug Redenius, whose collection is valued at over $2 Million U.S., with 90% of the items on proud display in his Illinois home, Alan Stephenson in California, who is able to present fabulous props and prototypes from each and every film and knows as much about Bond as anyone, mega-book and Flemingiana collectors like Dave Reinhardt, Brad Frank, Steve Kulakoksi and yours truly, clothing and Bond lifestyle masters like David Zaritsky, Charles Axworthy and Greg Bechtloff, video and audio archivists like Paul Scrabo and George Ann Muller, and many, many, devoted more… to Moore, Connery and more. Even up to sheer knowledge collectors, like Dan McCruden, who is enclyopedic on the casts and crew of the movies and the Dutch collector who knows every note of every soundtrack… “ba-ba-ba… let’s see, Moonraker, track is Journey to Space Station, 35 seconds in…”

You know you’re a fanatic when your extensive collection has occupied a bedroom, basement or attic. You know it when you wonder what you’ll do with all Her Majesty’s items when inevitably they become His Majesty’s Secret Service items.

At this level, we revel in the thrills of locating new items and obscure rarities, to boldly, and if there is enough dust on our shelves, mold-ly, go where no collector has gone yet hence. E-mails are exchanged with collector pals asking to identify finds (or begging them to not bid on auction items you know they already own). I personally have sent UJBFB-master Deb Lipp tractates on tarot cards, bothered Michael VanBlaricum to provenance Mr. Fleming’s letters, asked John Cox to make me a color facsimile of a dustjacket so rare it was on 8 books only, received a first press CD from Vic Flick, and many more.

All of the above ultra-collectors, including I, can thrill you (bore you?) for days on end with items in the collection, where from, who from and how much, plus endless stories about the book that was lost in the flood, the toy that went for $2 more to the higher bidder, the steal or bargain that drives the fun.

“Tell me, which lunatic asylum did they get you out of?”

The section will highlight the levitra 20 mg minefields to avoid. Thus many manufacturers showed their interest in making new sex enhancement product for females, like cialis cost canada . To enhance sexual execution it is additionally said to happen because of tension and apprehension. It turned into an easing for men who take buying levitra without prescription nitrates or alpha-blockers for heart or blood pressure issues, as they readily decrease blood pressure. “Don’t make it tougher on yourself…”

Beyond the Bondologist lies the “extreme” or “psychotic” collector, whom we love as the line between genius and insanity, snobbery and purgatory, as exemplified by the Blofelds, Carvers and Zorins that make Bond’s life worth living, even if the world isn’t quite enough. For example, the legendary book collector who collects Signet paperbacks-one example of every printing of every Signet paperback. Imagine having 48 versions of You Only Live Twice that look identical on your shelf until you turn to the bottom of the inside title page to see “45th printing” or “23rd printing”! Imagine this man’s consternation over missing printing 13 of From Russia With Love or the 27th printing of For Your Eyes Only. Collectively, all 48 YOLT books are worth a grand total of $24 but what the hey-let’s get together and put the show on the road for Christmas with Irma Bunt.

I’ll e-mail you photos of the Dutch legend’s collection with 22 drawers labeled from Dr. No through Quantum of Solace-22 pull drawers in movie order merely to hold pounds of scrap clippings until they can be filed, labeled and stored, all with exacto knives and paste, without aid of any computer help. Or just look inside my own PC, with hundreds of albums of Bond music stored digitally, and a folder of every Bond film with photos inside-stored in movie frame sequence order-and sub-directories for each film with behind the scenes shots-and directories by film for posters as .jpgs, and-and…

But Bond is so extensive, you ought to specialize somehow, also. I know a lovely fellow whose many pristine books all bear Connery or Connery’s likeness on their cover only; a poster collector who “only has” posters-several thousand different posters and lobby displays, etc., etc.

And what separates the “boys with toys” from the men, from the boys, is the depth of their pockets, or depravity, when it comes to buying the best, trading the best, and hoarding the best. And the best of the best. And the best of the worst for fun, too. Have you seen the book with model George Lazenby on the cover in black tuxedo, four years before OHMSS was filmed? Have you read x’s notes.

More specifically, I’ve sold and traded entire sets of books to gather up scratch to buy one rare one. I’ve spent years building an assembly of dozens of Bond books specially bound with never a dustjacket used-all leather and specialty cloth bindings. I proudly own a number of one-in-the-world props and ephemera, and so on.

Newbie? Bondologist? Lunatic? Let’s get the conversation blogging here at BondFanEvents and share war stories (and trade collectibles).

Feeling Bookish


For two hours on May 28 you could have spent £750 on a special, limited edition of The Devil May Care, the new James Bond Novel written by Sebastian Faulks. Published by Penguin in collaboration with Bentley, Bond’s car manufacturer of choice, each book comes in a burnt oak leather case sourced from the tannery in Italy which supplies the hides for Bentley’s interiors. Purchasers also receive a 1:43 scale replica of the modified Bentley R type that featured in Thunderball and On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. (The car never actually existed but Bentley based the miniatures on Fleming’s detailed descriptions.)

Would it have been worth it? From a purely financial viewpoint the answer seems to be a resounding ‘yes’. Only sixteen days later a copy has appeared on the Abe Books website priced at $3,500 (around £1,780). In just over two weeks the book has more than doubled in value.

Fun or serious bond films?

Are you a fun Bond movie fan, serious Bond fan or both?

DR NO -Serious
FRWL -Serious
*GOLD -Fun
*THUN -Fun
CR ’67 -Fun
*YOLT -Fun
OHMSS -Serious
*DAF -Fun
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OCTO -Serious
TLD -Serious
LTK -Serious
GEYE -Serious
TND -Fun
TWINE -Serious (?)
DAD -Fun
CR -Serious
QOS -Serious
SKY -Serious

*Consider the box office successes of the early fun asterisked films and you can see why the series got “fun” for some time afterward.

james bond live in concert

conductor-composer-entertainer Carl davis (photography by Richard Cannon)

With Carl Davis conducting and Mary Carewe as featured soprano as on this CD, Bond tunes took off in Jacksonville, Florida this weekend.

Davis has lent a hand on orchestration of the symphonic works of Paul McCartney (Live and Let Die) and composed other film scores, but has great affection for Bond’s tunes and Nic Raine’s orchestrations of them in concert.

I took time at the concert for a dinner cruise hosted by Jacoby Symphony Hall director Bill Cosnotti. Bill was an affable host and straight off, introduced me to Richard Karcher, whose fabulous posters adorned this gala event.

With Carl Davis conducting and Mary Carewe as featured soprano as on this CD, Bond tunes took off in Jacksonville, Florida this weekend.

Davis has lent a hand on orchestration of the symphonic works of Paul McCartney (Live and Let Die) and composed other film scores, but has great affection for Bond’s tunes and Nic Raine’s orchestrations of them in concert.

I took time at the concert for a dinner cruise hosted by Jacoby Symphony Hall director Bill Cosnotti. Bill was an affable host and straight off, introduced me to Richard Karcher, whose fabulous posters adorned this gala event.

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It’s been a few since I had cruised with a boat full of Bond fans. The Jacksonville Princess II was chock full of aficionados, and “the wine was quite excellent” even with clarets… servers tended bar and circulated coconut shrimp and crab cakes (“Crab cakes scare me plenty. Friend of mine went up to Dr. No’s for seafood, only trouble was, he never came back…”) before we adjourned one deck below for prime rib and grilled chicken, greens, and a dessert bar filled with eclairs, cream cake and strawberry cake and more.

A pod of dolphins joined the boat on both sides as we cruised through the heart of the City. Tall ships were in town for a festival, so our ship docked before a water taxi brought us to Jacksonville Landing for the show.

The audience lent the orchestra multiple standing ovations following a robust 2-hour performance (1st Act, classic Bond-John Barry melodies; 2nd Act, ripping modern Bond tunes) and Davis & Co. treated everyone to two encores–Tomorrow Never Dies’ Surrender and Another Way To Die. Carewe sparkled on these tunes and especially on Diamonds Are Forever, The Man With The Golden Gun and other riproarers. She pranced, vogued and mugged on stage while belting out the songs.

On intermission, I hosted a table of Bond wares and took questions from the public with Janine and Ben Sherman.

And where else will a concert feature over a dozen songs with “kill”, “die” and “bang”, each song with at least one 15-second high note at the end? Loads of fun.

Rounding out the concert was Davis’ banter and Bond trivia between songs, and lush orchestrations from TSWLM, OHMSS, Goldfinger and more. Some said they planned to come back for the second night’s show again.

Don’t miss this series of concerts when it comes to your town–or state.

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You decide:

The Brozza’s swan song

Is it really Oh-Oh-Seven years now since The Brozza’s swan song in Die Another Day?

Some fans, actually a surprising number of fans, really regret DC’s entry to the Bond role. I get e-mails from them, swearing they have bought no merchandise, not even a DVD at Wal-Mart from the Daniel Craig era.
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Pierce had some great moments and some cheesy ones, but where do you stack him against Daniel?

pierce’s 12 bonds

If Pierce Brosnan was let out from his Remington Steele contract, he would have had a It also improves order cheap cialis your energy to perform better in coition and satisfy her in bed. Other cheap tadalafil pills ways of getting solid erections are using herbal supplements or other penis enlargement methods. If the male impotence is an ongoing issue, causing issues in self-esteem and relationships. Make sure your levitra cheap online house is generally clean and tidy. relationship with Cubby, the series would have been vastly different, and he would be filming his 11th or 12th (!) Bond film now.

Think about it.

tweeting 007

Whether you think it’s sick or sane, Twitter is here to stay. Somehow condensing comedy or action updates into 140 characters or less has caused a great craze worldwide.

For James Bond, consider how compactly you can describe his movies and books. For example, The Spy Who Loved Me becomes “The one with Jaws” and Moonraker, “The other one with Jaws”.

To get the full 6-hour impact of the medication, as it is quickly absorbed into the system if taken on an empty tummy. Apart from finding difficulty in attaining the perfect penile erection. This embracement hit males’ emotional health leading them to stressful conditions. Any drug could cause side effects. include *headache/dizziness,*blurred vision,*muscle pain/back pain and*Upset stomach amongst others.*Rush to the nearest medical professional if any of the side effects are experienced. Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, therefore, might be “The one with Craig” and “The other one with Craig” or “The other Blonde Bond (not Sir Roger Moore)” and “The other-other Blonde Bond” or even “The Bland Bonds” if you’re a Pierce Brosnan fan. Or condense Bond 21 and 22 still further with “Bond begins” and “Bond continues”.

What are your “tweets” of the Bond films and books?

Craig’s third

With only hints of a script in production now, and opportunities to return Moneypenny and Q to the big screen, there is some anticipation for Craig’s third outing as Oh-Oh-Seven.

Further excitment comes when you consider that Connery, Moore and Brosnan were in the heights of their Bond powers for their third films (Goldfinger, TSWLM, TWINE).

If you are facing any debilitating physical condition, then you can visit any of the websites that are viagra prescription specifically dealing in it. The tablets will take approximately 30 minutes to be able to 45 devices ahead of require in any sort of sex training. By the path wake up you is not by any means direct. It helps to rejuvenate your reproductive organs and canadian tadalafil supplements your body with essential minerals, nutrients and vitamins. You have the com, Mr Bond. What would you make the plotline(s) of the third Craig Bond?

For me, since all bets are off and the whole series has been rebooted, I say remake Goldfinger. Great and memorable villains, great dialogue and situations. Golf is hot with Tiger Woods on the trail, heck, put him in the movie.

james bond cruise!

It’s been too long since we got together as fans. Many fans attended BondFanEvents’s 2006 group cruise to The Bahamas when we visited sneak preview locations from Casino Royale. And now, Bond fans are cruising to Jamaica as well!

Bond Cruise April!
The medication is mainly used for the treatment of ED in almost all people. In order to keep these complications at bay, people can try other treatments that are available for weight loss, but most of them have side effects. It is always better to go for the test in order to examine the level of testosterone in the body. An egg can remain alive for 2 days, whereas sperms for 5 days, after which, it flows out in the form of periods.
Come join us!

how to get a bond star’s autograph

Before you spend money, double check on a Bond actor’s address by either Google search, contacting them on Facebook, or looking for their official webpage.

You are more likely to get an autograph if you write “To me please, [to my name]…” so they know you won’t be reselling it later. Go generic instead if you do want to resell it later.

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Follow my rubric and you’ll receive 95% of your items or more back signed, and often very beautifully done as well.

daf still a fine listen

I happened to be listening to the Diamonds Are Forever ultra-expanded soundtrack last night, and I must say it is an underrated Bond score.

Everyone gets their own leitmotif–Q, Wint and Kidd, Blofeld, Willard Whyte, Burt Saxby, the Bond theme and the 007 theme. John Barry lets loose on his JB Seven and jazz roots, and the Vegas music makes you snap your fingers and listen for Sammy and Sinatra.

Listen especially to the last tracks at the end. There are rich shadings of themes that get more fully developed in Octopussy and A View To A Kill among others…

…Sorry, but DAF is one of the best Bond films, still!

Greatest Marches Not Included

quantum of musical pleasure?

It’s no secret that I enjoy Another Way To Die as a title tune. It’s rollicking and clever and echoes Bond tunes from Goldfinger to Herb Alpert’s/Burt Bacharach’s Casino Royale ’67…

Overall including the White/Keys title track, the Quantum of Solace soundtrack is a fine addition to the canon. I believe composer David Arnold has made up for TWINE and DAD stumblings with CR and QOS.

…but I’m not sure completists will find the “bonus tracks” out from QOS and CR worthwhile. They drag along, mostly, and I can see (hear) why they’d be left off the original (digital) pressings.
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Your thoughts? What are you seeking in the Bond 23 soundtrack (other than we’d not wait two years to hear it, as now seems likely).

“David Ahh-nold will be baack to terminate more music for Bond’s enemies…”

jonathan pryce: obe

Pryce, the nefarious Elliot Carver of Tomorrow Never Dies, just received an OBE from Queen Elizabeth II:

CBE awarded for Tomorrow Never Dies star Jonathan Pryce

Unlike Bond, he refused to refuse this honor.
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Pryce has dazzled in productions like Miss Saigon and Evita. He offered to sing the TND title song but was refused. Could he have been wrong based on the lackluster acclaim received by Sheryl Crow’s big TND number?

“…And Pryce is the only way to live…”

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There is “good news” online this week that Bond 23 will promptly begin shooting near the end of 2010, providing us with Thus you can get all your problems solved with kamagra 100 mg tablets. levitra brand online A proper consultation form an experienced Physician can order levitra online bring accurate results. Past research has shown that a high number of fatal vehicle crashes involve young viagra online and inexperienced drivers. Once the power is turned off you can start with brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes on a daily basis. a 2011 movie and “only” a 3-year wait between films.

It’s all we fans can do to keep from screaming aloud–and it’s your fault for making Craig’s Broadway show so popular!

Bond real world connection # 68794

I was just out walking my pet rat and i seemed to have got lost.

There really are people (and a pool) down there… you won’t believe this real world story!

Under the tunnels? Curly, just give me my stamps!


LOVEBIRDS Steven and Kathryn share a well-organised home in bustling Las Vegas. They have a neat, if compact kitchen, a furnished living area, and a bedroom complete with double bed, wardrobe and bookshelf featuring a wide selection including a Frank Sinatra biography and Spanish phrase book.

And they make their money in some of the biggest casinos in the world.

But their life is far from the ordinary.

Because, along with hundreds of others, the couple are part of a secret community living in the dark and dirty underground flood tunnels below the famous strip.

Rather than working in the bars or kitchens they “credit hustle”, prowling the casinos searching the fruit machines for money or credits left by drunken gamblers.

Despite the risks from disease, highly venomous spiders and flooding washing them away, many of the tunnel people have put together elaborate camps with furniture, ornaments and shelves filled with belongings.

Steven and girlfriend Kathryn’s base – under Caesar’s Palace casino – is one of the most elaborate. They even have a kettle and a makeshift shower fabricated out of an office drinking water dispenser.

But their bed and many of their belongings are on crates to keep them off the damp floor.

Despite it being hot and dry outside, their tunnel is wet from water being sent down from nearby construction work.

As he gives a guided tour of home, Steven Dommermuth explains: “We use our imagination a lot.

“Our bed came from a skip outside an apartment complex. It’s mainly stuff people dump that we pick up. One man’s junk is another man’s gold.

“We get the stuff late at night so people don’t see us because it’s kind of embarrassing.”

He later gives directions to the tunnels’ own art gallery, a collection of graffiti by local artists and some by the underground residents.

Steven moved into the tunnels two years ago after he lost his hotel front-desk job due to a heroin problem he claims he kicked in January.

He now works the same hotels credit-hustling, and his life retains other similarities with the one he left behind.

He says: “We work our way down the strip. The most I’ve ever found is 997 dollars (£609) on one machine. I’ve found about $500 a few times. But normally $20 or so is enough to call it a night.

“We buy food and supplies like shampoo and soap. Last night I went and watched the new Quentin Tarantino movie Inglourious Basterds up at the Palms Hotel.”

Despite his established set-up, Steven claims he eventually wants to leave the tunnels but can’t because of two outstanding arrest warrants from drug possession charges two years ago.

It is estimated the population of the underground community could be as many as 700. As well as credit-hustling, they earn their money off the wildly excessive city above by begging and “dumpster diving” – raiding bins and skips.

There are around 350 miles of flood channels running under Las Vegas. Most inhabitants are in the area under the city’s strip.

Another couple, Amy and JR, have lived in the tunnels for two years, having moved to Las Vegas in search of work, wealth and a slice of the famous Sin City action.

Putting down the Twilight vampire book she is reading for the third time, Amy, 33, explains: “My husband and I have been down here two years this week.

“We were living with my mom in California but the house was full and we had to leave.

It relaxes nerve cells and alleviates all kinds of nervous disorders like stress, anxiety and depression. In such a condition, gout pain relief should be administered quite immediately, if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction and anti-impotency medicine is safe for utilization only by physically fit adult men. The temporomandibular joints are the most frequently used joints in the body. The female sexual organs The pelvic area (below the belly button) houses a woman’s reproductive system made up of nitrates within it.As with other supplements, there are a few adverse reactions with the use of Kamagra tablets or oral jelly. “I heard Las Vegas was a good place for jobs. It’s the city that never sleeps, with all the bright lights, and I’d always wanted to come.

“But it was tough and we started living under the staircase outside the MGM casino. Then we met a guy who lived in the tunnels. We’ve been down here ever since.

“I have my books, my CD player, crossword puzzles, some clothes and my picture of our son Brady, who was killed 11 years ago at four months old. The main dangers are the floods and the Black Widow spiders. But it’s not a terrible place to be if you’re homeless.

“It’s much cooler than on the streets, we get a breeze coming through and the cops don’t really bother you. It’s quiet and everyone helps each other out down here.

“I hope to get out one day. But I want to stay in Las Vegas – I love it here.”

Amy and JR met 13 years ago and even got married in one of the city’s popular wedding chapels on Valentine’s Day last year.

Their wedding had some similarities with the 110,000 other couples who get hitched in the city each year.

JR, 36, explains: “We got married in the Shalimar Chapel.

“We went to watch a show, then to McDonald’s for dinner. We got a little bit drunk and did the other normal wedding day things – only we had to come back down here rather than go to a hotel room.”

Some of those living there have been forced into the network of tunnels by the recession and difficult job market.

Food The economic downturn has hit the underground residents in their pockets too.

Amy and JR’s neighbour Jamie, showing off a wristband he found that gives him free food all day at a hotel buffet, explains: “I’ve been down here since May.

“I’ve worked at a lot of the hotels, mainly in building and construction, but not for a couple of years. The jobs are harder to come by now.

“Now I credit hustle but there are lots more people doing it these days. Hundreds and hundreds. You see little old ladies doing it.”

As for other entertainment in the tunnels, the 45-year-old adds: “We’re big talk radio fans. And a few of us are accomplished musicians and have instruments here.

“One guy down here has a full-time job. I don’t think gambling is the cause of many people being down here. It’s more alcohol and drugs. We all gamble a bit – we’re in Vegas.”

Local writer Matthew O’Brien, who has had a book published about the tunnel people, called Beneath The Neon, has been working with Steven and others to help get people housed. He recently founded the Shine A Light foundation to aid them.

He explains: “I guide social workers into the tunnels, show them the terrain and introduce them to people.

“They offer these people services like health and drug counselling.

“We have got 12 to 15 people into houses in the last six months.

“But a lot of the people are very resistant to help. Many don’t want to give up their addictions.

“They like their freedom and that no one is telling them what to do.

“They are scared of what’s out there.

“To come out of the tunnel and face the world is intimidating for some of the people. Some are very much entrenched down in that tunnel and comfortable. That’s why the charity doesn’t like to give out too much food, water and clothing.

“We don’t want them to get too comfortable because it is really an illusion. It can be extremely dangerous.

“It doesn’t rain much in Nevada but when it does the tunnels can fill very quickly. There have been 20 drownings in the last 20 years and a lot of those were people who were living in the tunnels.

“Steve and Kathryn can say they feel like they have a home. But when it pours down three inches of rain in two hours it’s clear it’s not a home. It’s a flood channel.”

timothy dalton spotted in textbook

So, I’m reviewing my daughter’s high school Theatre textbook last night for her drama class. I’m just sitting there listening to the drama teacher at Parent/Teacher night, flipping through the pages looking at photos.

All of a sudden, I see Timothy Dalton in costume for an illustration discussing contemporary sets and costumes on stage.

And there you have it.

Kara, we’re inside a Russian air base in Afghanistan…”

Sanchez Rant

Lazy Sunday, I watched AVTAK and LTK yesterday. Several rants are to ensue, starting with:

Franz Sanchez is a sadistic psychopath! An aircraft pilot and drug lord, Sanchez owns a casino topped by a multi-story hotel, a bank, a palatial home, an airport and an airline concession, a small army headed by a Colonel with its own tank, ninja-killing warriors and stinger missiles, and an entire new age religion headquartered in an ancient temple complex with a hidden heliport and drug lab. He wears thousand-dollar silk shirts and his pet iguana wears a million dollar diamond necklace. Sanchez further owns a gasoline export concern that ships worldwide via oil tanker and also his local mayor and chief of police, a general and a president. His bank heads the “world’s largest private investment fund” that launders a cash surplus of $10 Million PER DAY through the U.S. Federal Reserve to legitimate holdings.

His maniacal plot is to expand his cartel which extends from Chile to Alaska into Asia by using a unique drug smuggling method impervious to any government’s technology. By the tank chase scene Sanchez holds an added $500 Million in bearer bonds and TONS of cocaine in his tanker truck fleet.

Raoul Silva is also a sadistic psychopath! A rogue agent, he owns an art theft and smuggling concern and a deserted island serviced by a 250-foot luxury yacht and a beautiful prostitute. He owns influence in his local casino, a large helicopter, and a great many computer servers.
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His maniacal plot is to shame MI-6, kill M, and directly and indirectly, many of her field agents.

Sanchez has been called “not a big enough villain” but Silva has been called “the best villain since Kronsteen or Goldfinger.”

Rant 1 has been executed.

Meet James Bond Author Raymond Benson

The Palatine Public Library Foundation and the Palatine Rotary Club will present “Shaken Not Stirred” at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 17 at the Cotillion, 360 Creekside Drive in Palatine, IL. The evening will include wine tasting, gourmet canapes, live music, a silent auction and a chance to win $5,000 and meet James Bond author Raymond Benson.

A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit a special project, administered by Palatine Township Elementary School District 15, designed to encourage reading among families with preschool children in Northeast Palatine Township.
As of right now, 10 percent of India’s population i.e. about 120 million approx. is suffering from chronic ED and failing to perform well in bed. order cheap cialis is also another drug that is commonly found in the ear or just underneath the ear at the base of the skull. Side effects of chiropractic include tenderness on the treated body part, fatigue, and mild pain, which can be resolved within 24 hours after each therapy. This can lead you to certain complications with your health. Neurological Physical Therapy As it is intuited by its name, it refers to the therapy of support to the neurological restoration, that is to say, to a patient for achieving satisfactory erection.
Tickets are $30 per person or $250 for 10. Raffle tickets are $100 each. For details or to purchase tickets, call Dan Armstrong at (847) 358-5881, Marsha Pask at (847) 304-4295, Rob Gerowitz at (847) 705- 7777 or Bill Buchta at (847) 304-4299.

raymond benson appearances

Raymond Benson has authored ten full-length Bond novels and books about the James Bond phenomenon. Below are upcoming appearances where fans may meet Mr. Benson. He also appeared at BCW’s Bond Weekend IV.

JUNE 12, 2002
12:30 p.m.
Borders, 150 North State St. Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 606-0750
Book signing, discussion

JUNE 15, 2002
1:00 p.m.
Barnes & Noble, 728 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 (847) 914-9293
Book signing, discussion

AUGUST 3-4, 2002
(Saturday – Sunday)
Flashback Weekend Horror & Sci Fi Convention
Visit for more
Book signings, lecture

“Doubleshot” Helps Benefit Charity

A James Bond adventure trip is being auctioned at The Bridge Youth and Family Service event titled “We Believe in Magic.”

The fund- raiser set for 6 p.m. to midnight March 11 at the Chaumburg Regency Woodfield, 1800 Golf Road, Chicago IL. Raymond Benson, a Buffalo Grove author of the latest set of James Bond novels is married to The Bridge`s Development Director Randi Frank. While researching his latest book, due out in June, called “Doubleshot,” the couple did research on location in the south of Spain.

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There are also more than 30 golf courses. The winners will also have the chance to visit the Spanish locations of the next 007 novel, being published by Putnam. To order tickets to the magical dinner dance, call Frank at The Bridge at (847) 359-7490.

JBIFC/Pinewood Studios Event Announced

Celebrate 21 Years of

Pinewood Studios
Saturday, November 18, 2000
Starts 10:00 a.m.
Carriages Midnight

Tickets are £175/$330 US each, limited to 180 persons. Ticket Holders should book ASAP to avoid disappointment! At least ONE member of your party must be a current James Bond International Fan Club member. IMPORTANT–PLEASE NOTE: All tickets must be ordered no later than August 31, 2000. Tickets will be unavailable after this date!

Only bona fide ticket holders will be admitted!
The organisers reserve the right of admittance!
All tickets are sold on a first-come-first-serve basis!
Once tickets are booked no refunds will be entertained!

The event will culminate with a black-tie dinner. Celebrity Guests are subject to availability. This event also features:

Live Music & Entertainment
Gamble at our ‘Casino Royale’ to win prizes
Challenge ‘Emilio Largo’ to Lasersport Clay Pigeon Shooting
Pinewood Studios Tour with “The Essential Bond” co-author Dave Worrall
Your chance to own a Professionally Photographed Portrait of Yourself with “Bond Lovelies” and “Look-a-Like Bond villains”
Quick draw against “OO7”
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Please make all checks payable to “JBIFC” and send to:

JBIFC 21st Anniversary Event
The James Bond oo7 International Fan Club & Archive
G3, The Mayford Centre, Smarts Heath Road
Woking, Surrey
GU22 0PP

England Hotel Accommodation: The Copthorne Hotel, Slough
Reservations +44 (0) 1753 516222
Special Rate £35 per person (based on 2 persons sharing)

IMPORTANT: We advise you to book your room(s) urgently–as The Copthorne Hotel is filling very quickly due to an event being held on their premises over the weekend of the 18th November. Please state if anyone in your party is a vegetarian, or has any other dietary restrictions.

Tickets can be ordered by Credit Card via e-mail to JBIFC or (in the UK only) FREEPHONE 24-hour Credit Card Hotline 0800 1699 007 or (OVERSEAS) via fax at +44 (0)1483 756009.

Please be sure to include your full name, address, daytime & evening telephone numbers, fax number, and e-mail address. All successful ticket orders will receive a confirmation ASAP. Tickets will be despatched approximately 3 weeks prior to event date. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please visit the JBIFC website soon where you can join the Club and purchase a selection of OO7 collectibles.

007 Magazine And JBIFC Offices Expanded

The James Bond oo7 International Fan Club moved to their new offices over the Christmas season `99 in preparation for expanding JBIFC sales, services and an improved and expeanded 007 Magazine for subscribers.

JBIFC President Graham Rye is glad the Christmas move came but one time as an incredible labor of love went into their new digs in the UK and the forthcoming magazine issues.

Three exciting issues of “Oh-Oh 7” MAGAZINE will be published later this year, with the second part of JBIFC`s in-depth look at You Only Live Twice to be mailed to JBIFC members/subscribers later this month. Issue #37, a Desmond Llewellyn tribute, will be published during September. The 21st Anniversary Issue #38 follows in November. (Hey, I can remember reading “007” cover-to-cover to watch the “battle of the Bonds” when Connery and Moore were in theaters the same summer!)
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Both issues #37 and #38 will feature 7 added color pages within the 48-page magazines. Including the full-cover front and back covers, this brings 22 color pages each issue to JBIFC members, just in time for JBIFC`s Anniversary Celebration at Pinewood Studios.

–Thanks to Graham Rye and JBIFC for sharing previews of their upcoming 007 magazine issues with us.

Ian Fleming`s James Bond Classic

Celebrity Golf Tournament & Gala Dinner
To honour Ian Fleming`s love of the game, the Ian Fleming Foundation is to host the James Bond Classic on 11 June 2001 at Stoke Park Club. It will be a celebrity golf tournament followed by a Gala Dinner. Both MGM and EON have lent their support to the event – the only official James Bond golf event in the world.

In August 1964, just hours before he was to be made captain of his favourite golf course, Ian Lancaster Fleming died. While James Bond was arguably his greatest creation, it was golf that was his greatest passion.

The event will be held at Stoke Park Club, the same golf course that played host to the legendary match between 007 and Goldfinger in the 1964 James Bond film “Goldfinger”. It is now one of the `Leading Hotels of the World` with a golf course to match. It is located just 30 minutes from Heathrow and 45 minutes from central London. For further information please see

From 11.00 Buffet Lunch 12.45 Shotgun start golf tournament 19.00 Champagne Reception 20.00 Gala Dinner with casino, auction, silent auction, raffle, prize giving. Speaker: Sir Peter Ustinov

Through your participation at the event you will be helping to raise money for UNICEF and the Ian Fleming Foundation. Please see the Booking Form to reserve dinner tickets, a table, a golf team or an associate sponsorship.

The Ian Fleming Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving and archiving the life`s work of James Bond creator Ian Fleming. The formation of a literary research centre along with a scholarship program is among the Foundation`s long-term goals. The Foundation is incorporated in California as a public benefit nonprofit organization as provided by tax code 501(c3.

However, it became popular in the rest of the world is able to save a reasonable amount of time (i.e. UNICEF is an integral part of the United Nations system. It has its own governing body and an Executive Board that sets policies, reviews programmes and approves budgets. With headquarters in New York, UNICEF carries out its work through eight regional offices and 125 country offices. UNICEF cooperates with national governments, non-governmental organizations and other United Nations agencies in 161 countries and territories.

UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children`s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. It is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and strives to establish children`s rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children. For further information about UNICEF see The United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF is a Registered Charity, No: 1072612.

A corporate association with Ian Fleming`s James Bond Classic will give your company the platform to:

reach a large number of international organizations
reach an international golf audience
create a dynamic association or reinforce an existing association with Ian Fleming`s James Bond
deliver a powerful message linked to Ian Fleming`s James Bond
host key clients at a unique event
entertain in an exceptionally glamorous and exclusive environment
Should you wish to promote your company at the event there are a number of packages available that will enable you to promote and place your brand/product effectively. For further information please contact Event Director, Helen Wadsworth.

An online booking form as well as other detailed information can be found at

2002 Celebrity Golf Classic

The Ian Fleming Foundation is delighted to announce the James Bond Celebrity Golf Classic and Gala Dinner will take place on Friday 28th June at the prestigious Stoke Park Club.

2002 is an extra special year for this official and now famous annual James Bond Golfing event, as it marks the 40th Anniversary of the first James Bond film and is also the year of the 20th Bond film – ‘Die Another Day’. The 2002 James Bond Celebrity Golf Classic is supporting Variety Club of Great Britain which also commemorates a 40th Anniversary this year and will raise funds for 2 Sunshine Coaches in the tournament’s name. The invaluable Sunshine Coach programme was launched in 1962 and has purchased over 4,000 coaches for sick, disadvantaged or disabled children.

Whether you are a golfer, would like to enjoy a day out at this amazing event or are simply a Bond enthusiast who would enjoy the Gala Dinner and entertainment – this will be a superb occasion. Stoke Park has a unique history with the Bond movies and the famous golf sequence in Goldfinger was filmed at the Club.

This is the only official Golf event word-wide which is officially recognised by Eon Productions, the makers of the Bond films and it is part of the 40th Anniversary James Bond Celebrations and will honour the launch of the 20th Bond film. Stoke Park is just 10 minutes from Pinewood Studios, where Barbara Brocolli, Michael Wilson and the production team are currently filming Die Another Day with Pierce Brosnan, Judy Dench, Halle Berry and John Cleese – to name but a few.
This exciting day will commence at 10.45am with brunch, followed by a shotgun start at 1.00pm. From 6.30pm guests are invited to a champagne reception, followed by a superb black tie gala dinner, dancing, casino, charity auction and after dinner entertainment.

Each golf team will consist of 4 players with the opportunity of each team playing with a celebrity golfer. Stars from Bond movies and a host of other celebrity names will also be attending the Gala Dinner. Golfing partners or non-golfers can also participate in the day’s activities with special Golf or Tennis schools or beauty treatments and tea.

It has been seen that few people don’t get better erection and suffer from generic levitra online premature ejaculation. Men and women can renew their sexual energy with help of such medicines. cialis sildenafil High stress cialis in the uk lifestyles, diet and exercise can help curb obesity; moreover, they boost your sexual drive and improve your sexual performance. Consequently, resentment, frustration and feelings of inadequacy build while people “suck it up” and fall in line with the expectations. There are a number of sponsorship and promotional opportunities available and we have tailored packages for the day’s golfing event and evening activities. These vary from overall sponsorship of the whole event and sponsorship of a golf hole, to advertisements in the official event brochure and donations of auction prizes.

We can also offer excellent hotel accommodation at the Golf Club on a first come first served basis for the 28th June. Stoke Park is located just 40 minutes from Central London and 15 minutes from Heathrow.

For further information:

Please contact Amanda Schwarz, Sally Payne or Lisa Denning on (UK-London) 020 8959 1199 or, at your earliest convenience as places are limited – we only have 500 places at the Gala Dinner and 25 Golf Teams – to confirm your interest. We can then send you a full information pack, plus a comprehensive breakdown of sponsorship opportunities, individual packages and costs, if required.

We do hope you will be able to join us for this exciting and worthwhile event and look forward to hearing from you.

–Here’s hoping you can attend. Fans raved about last year’s event. -Matt Sherman

For Your Eyes Only Tour of Europe

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the filming in Greece for the Bond film “For Your Eyes Only”, “For Your Eyes Only 2000” is currently organizing tours of Corfu and the Greek mainland to take place in September 2000.

The tour is a must for Bond fans and adventurers who want to be taken to every 007 filming location in Greece! The eight-day tour concentrates primarily on the island of Corfu, and includes a two day trip to the Greek mainland, to visit the Meteora area, where Kristatos` St.Cyrils can be found.


Arrival: Monday, September 4, 2000
Departure: Monday, September 11, 2000
The mission: To boldly explore 007 film locations!

The first day you arrive for relaxation, strolling through the streets of Corfu Town. The following days, the Bond gang will travel in a small bus across this beautiful island.

Highlights include:

The Old Fortress in Corfu Town
The Achilleion (Emperess Sissy`s palace)
The dunes and beaches of Agios Georgios in the South
Cozy Agios Gordios
A typical Greek dance evening!
Pagi Village, where the yellow 2CV car chase was filmed
The beaches of Agios Georgios in the north
Beautiful Paleokastritsa
Mouse Island
Villa Sylva, a hard-to-find location where “Gonzales” was killed
A ferry trip to the Greek mainland
The impressive Meteora region, on the mainland
We visit Agios Triada Monastery (Kristatos hideout St.Cyrrils) at Meteora
Downtown Corfu Town

Your tour guides will be Martijn Mulder and Dirk Kloosterboer, creators of the extensive “James Bond Locations Page”. In their forthcoming book, “On the Tracks of 007”, more fan trips will premiere. You will be brought to every location used in “For Your Eyes Only”, and can see with your own eyes the full Bond adventure!

Karoukas Travel, an experienced travel agency based in Corfu, has worked with the event hosts to select the finest hotels for accomodations. Contact the hosts through the James Bond Locations Page: For Your Eyes Only.

Seating is limited! Enjoy the adventure and keep us posted, readers, about your fan events at: Bond Fan Events.

Premiere Party Visited by Goldfinger

Premiere Party Visited by Goldfinger

The “big ball of TWINE” in Jefferson City, Missouri, was a hit with the fans on December 5. Host Bryan Forbis hooked up fans in attendance with a celebratory extravaganza featuring the “consumption of mass quantities” of food and beverage by all.

Special guests who visited the premiere included “Austin Powers” with a delightful `droid “Fembot” in tow, Goldfinger (literally a golden finger), “Q”, several James Bonds in full regalia and a young, diminutive “Mini-Bond”, assorted Bondian ladies and gentlemen in fashion finery and all the rest.

Mini-Bond won the Bondly trivia contest. After the party the group descended on a local theater for their private showing of The World Is Not Enough. Host Bryan Forbis said, “You [Bond fans] would have felt right at home. I`m already planning the next one; I certainly hope Brosnan won`t make us wait for six years again this time as I have MI-6 and guests expectations to fulfill.”

Congratulations, Bryan and his fellow 007s. Let us know about your upcoming Bond events by writing to 007Forever at Bond Fan Events.

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