Category Archives: Movies

O.H.M.S.S.: Diana Rigg as Tracy Bond

Subject: Tracy Bond
Organization: None
Age: 27
Height: 5`7″
Weight: 118 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Charisma, Evasion; Driving; Stealth
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Fields of Expertise: Fine Arts; Tennis; Skiing; Jewelry

Background: Daughter of Marc-Ange Draco and Countess Cesare di Vicenzo. An only child, she was already spoiled when the death of her mother caused her father to lavish even more gifts and indulgences upon Tracy. But in reality, what she needed was a man to help settle her down. That man was James Bond.

Bond needed some information on Draco`s main rival, Blofeld. But Draco would only help Bond out if he would agree to date Tracy. At first, Bond accepted this deal because he needed and wanted the information. Soon though he began dating Tracy simply because he`d fallen in love with her.

Tracy saved Bond`s life several times in Switzerland, when 007 tried to escape Blofeld`s clutches. After defeating Blofeld`s plans for world domination through gentically engineered viruses, Bond and Tracy were married in Portugal. The honeymoon was not meant to be. Shortly after the ceremony, Tracy was gunned down in James` car by Irma Bundt and Blofeld. Bond lived. Tracy, the love of his life, the only woman he has ever truly loved, died.

Moonraker: Lois Chiles as Holly Goodhead

Subject: Holly Goodhead
Organization: C.I.A.
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 140 lbs
Age: 34
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Computer Science; Firearms; Hand To Hand Combat; Lockpicking and Safecracking; Astrophysics; Disguise; Cryptology; Seduction; Electronics; Explosives
Fields of Expertise:Biology; International Law; Space Sciences

Background: 007`s most seductive, dangerous and able female counterpart. Holly is a fully trained astronuat on loan from NASA to the Drax Corporation. What The Drax Corporation didn`t know was that she`s was also working undercover for the C.I.A., investigating Drax`s ties to a biological nerve gas facility hidden away in Venice, Italy.

She came to 007`s attention when he was touring the facilities of The Drax Corporation. He was expecting Dr.Goodhead, who was to assist him on his tour, to be a man and he let her know that in not so many words. Holly though is more than capable of keeping 007`s chauvanism in check, and she comes back with a few choice words of her own.

Several of Holly`s gadgets, courtesy of the C.I.A., include a bottle of Christian Dior that serves as a minature flame thrower, a purse that doubles as a two way radio, a diary that shoots darts and an ink pen with a blade hidden inside.

Moonraker: Emily Bolton as Manuela

Subject: Manuela
Organization: Station VH
Height: 5`5″
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Weight: 110lbs.
Age: 24
Skills: Seduction
Weaknesses: None
Strengths: Makes a good martini

Background: Manuela was Bond`s first contact in Brazil when he arrived to investigate Drax and the missing Moonraker shuttle. She was asked to assist Bond by “M”, who felt Bond could use a good guide to navigate the busy streets of Rio DeJaneiro (it was Carnival at the time).

Manuela`s gorgeous body and seductive voice make it hard for any agent to take her seriously. In fact, it didn`t take Bond 90 seconds to “get to know her better”. Still, she did help Bond investigate the Carlos and Willmsburg Warehouse.

Moonraker: Corrine Clery as Corrine Dufour

Subject: Corinne DuFour
Organization: Drax Industries
Height: 5`8″
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 115lbs.
Age: 30
Skills: Seduction; Piloting
Weaknesses: None

Background: Corrine DuFour was Hugo Drax`s top personal helicoper chauffeur. She was dispatched to LAX to pick up 007, who had just arrived to investigate the missing Moonraker shuttle. Corinne also provided Bond with a brief overhead tour of Drax Industries, as well as Drax`s French Estate in the middle of the valley.

Corinne was privledged to some of the inner secrets of Drax`s personal life. In particular where he kept his safe. Corinne was a willing partner in helping 007 locate and unlock Drax`s safe and photograph sensitive documents. Unbeknownst to her, Chang, Drax`s personal bodyguard, spied her leaving Drax`s personal study with 007 late at night, and he reported what he saw immediately to Drax. The next day Corinne was summoned to Drax`s pheasant hunting fields, where she soon became the quarry. Sadly, she died at the jaws of Drax`s lethally trained Doberman Pinchers.

Born: 3/23/1950
Paris, France

Live and Let Die: Jane Seymour as Miss Solitaire

Subject: Solitaire
Organization: Mr. Big`s Gang
Height: 5`5″
Weight: 118 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Skills: Fortune Telling; Driving
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Background: Formerly the property of “Mr. Big”, Solitaire was cut loose from his organization and left for dead when it was discovered that she had slept with 007. Apparently her “powers” of prediction only work as long as she remained a virgin, and in 007`s presence, that virginity wasn`t going to last for very long.

Mr.Big found Solitaire in a Haitian cabaret, performing a telepathic act for the audience. He took her into his organization, with the intentions of making her his wife. She would have nothing to do with men, and that his how she got her name “Solitaire”. Her mother had certain “powers” that she herself inherited. Mr. Big was primarily interested in using Solitaire`s powers of fortune telling to help further his organizations nefarious activities. Her ability to tell Mr.Big who was lying to him, who was cheating him, etc… proved invaluable, and Big felt that when those powers had been maximized to his full advantage, he would take her abilities away by taking her virginity away through marriage. What he had not counted on was 007 entering their lives. The cards told Solitaire that she would become lovers with 007, a fact she desperately needed to hide from Mr. Big as long as possible in order to stay alive.

Solitaire was instrumental in helping bring down Mr. Big`s heroin smuggling operation. After helping 007 complete his Live and Let Die mission by destroying Mr. Big, the two enjoyed a romantic train ride together.

Live and Let Die: Geoffrey Holder as Baron Samedi

West Indian actor Geoffrey Holder plays the mysterious Baron Samedi in the James Bond film ‘Live and Let Die’, directed by Guy Hamilton, 1973. (Photo by Terry O’Neill/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Subject: Baron Samedi
Organization: Dr. Kananga`s Gang
Height: 6`6″
Age: 43
Skills: Stealth; Evasion; Hand To Hand Combat; Disguise; Fencing;
Weaknesses: None
Method of Killing: Fear

Background: Primarily an entertainer at San Monique tourist traps, Baron Samedi dressed as his namesake, the voodoo God of the Undead. With a top hat,white coat, tails, cross, half-painted face, and a sinister laugh, Samedi had the dual edge ability to entertain and scare people to death.

But what about his life behind the job? The Baron was one of Dr. Kananga`s right hand men. A vital link in Kananga`s scheme to control the world heroin market. How? By resurrecting the old superstition of a God of the Undead, The Baron managaed to instill fear and trepidation in the hearts of the San Monique locals. No one would dare enter or go near the poppy fields under Dr. Kananga`s control.

He was a master of the flute, but after seeing James Bond and Kananga`s mistress Solitaire ditching San Monique, the flute quickly converted into a two-way radio to alert Kananga of their presence.

But his big encounter with James Bond was yet to come. 007 had to return to San Monique to rescue a kidnapped Solitaire, all the while a voodoo ritual was going on. Samedi was summoned to the ritual with a top hat and three sword taps on an unmarked grave. He rose up from the ground. Could he be more than a henchman and an entertainer? Bond whipped out a gun and shot Samedi, who immediately shattered. No more than a mechanical clone!

Then the real Samedi rose. He laughed and pulled out a machete, as did James. After a brief sword skirmish, Samedi was thrown into a coffin of poisonous snakes and died. Or did he? MI6 Intelligence has gathered statements from several people claiming to have spotted Baron Samedi riding the engine car of the train Solitaire and 007 took to celebrate her freedom after the fact that he was supposed to have been killed. Dead? Or alive? You decide.

Live and Let Die and TMWTGG: Clifton James as Sheriff J.W. Pepper

Subject: Sheriff J.W. Pepper

Organization: Lousiana State Police
Age: 52
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 230 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Boating; Driving; Fire Combat;
Weaknesses: Bigotry; Low Intelligence

JW Pepper became an ally when he bumped into 007 while he (007) was in Thailand, investigating The Man With The Golden Gun. JW was vacationing in Bangkok with his wife Maybelle when he accidentally got caught up in a high speed chase between James Bond and Francisco Scaramanga. He was only too willing to help.

007 first encounted JW on his (JW Pepper) turf: Louisiana. At the time, 007 was investigating the connection between Mr. Big and Dr.Kananga, and his travel took him to New Orleans and eventually to a parrish right outside of the city. Because nothing major ever happens in JW`s neck of the woods, except for the occasional speeding car, Sheriff Pepper was chomping at the bit to arrest James Bond and those “Black Russians” who were trespassing through his swamps. After wrecking a wedding, blowing up an oil tanker, destroying a half dozen boats and causing a highway traffic jam, the Sheriff finally cornered 007 and was ready to handcuff him when he was told to let him go; that James Bond was working with the Americans. Which prompted the reply from JW: “On whose side”?

Licence To Kill: Robert Davi as Franz Sanchez

Subject: Franz Sanchez
Organization: None
Height: 6`0″
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Diving; Boating; Interoggation; Torture; Fire Combat; Disguise; Stealth; Gambling; Local Customs;Driving; Toxicology; Hand to Hand Combat
Weaknesses: Women
Favorite Method of Killing or Torture: Shark Feeding; Sea Spine Whip

Background: Franz Sanchez was South America`s biggest drug Kingpin before his fiery demise. Sanchez came to the attention of the American Drug Enforcement Agency when he snuck into the Bahamas to get his wayward girlfriend, Lupe Lamora, back. She had fled Isthmus with Alvarez, one of Sanchez`s operatives, and was in the process of starting a romance with him when she got caught. Alvarez had his heart knifed out of his chest by Sanchez`s men. Lupe was forgiven by Franz, but he first punished her with his “corrector”.; a whip made of sea spine and shark`s teeth.

What Franz didn`t know was that his plane had been spotted by the US Coast Guard. CIA Agent Felix Leiter, close by but getting married, was hastily summoned to join the effort at catching Sanchez, and his Best Man, James Bond 007, went along for the ride.

Sanchez was caught and subsequently sprung free from holding thanks to one of his famous million dollar bribes. He left America but not before exacting horrific revenge upon Felix Leiter and his newlywed wife, Della Churchill. She was raped and murdered, and Felix`s legs were fed to a shark. 007 was spared, as he was only considered to have gone along for the ride when Sanchez was captured.

Sanchez maintained his power grip on the South American drug shipping lanes in several different ways. He used Krest Enterprises research vessels as cover for his drug trafficking in Gulf waters. He used Professor Joe Butcher`s Ministry as a way of signaling supply, demand and prices of his latest cocaine shipments He also paid off most goverment officials south of the US border. As Felix Leiter put it, the law south of the border is Sanchez`s law. “Plomo o Plata”. Lead or silver. Those in power would rather get rich than run the risk of dying at the hands of Sanchez`s vicious drug gang. That law also seemed to extend north of the border as well, with the CIA, DEA and MI6 showing little concern for getting Sanchez back. But 007 never gave up.

With the help of CIA contact Pam Bouvier, and Q Branch Armourer Major Boothroyd, 007 ingratiated himself into Sanchez`s inner circle of friends and power. He analyzed Sanchez`s operation. It`s strengths. It`s weaknesses. One by one 007 got Sanchez so paranoid he turned against his own men. He eliminated Milton Krest by locking him into a decompression chamber and increasing the pressure inside so greatly that Krest`s head inflated and exploded. Truman Lodge was gunned down by Sanchez, while he had Heller impaled on the forks of a powerlift.

In the end, Sanchez and Bond dueled mano a mano on top of an out of control fuel tanker. When the tanker crashed, with 007 and Sanchez riding shotgun, the casing ruptured, causing fuel to spill out and drench Sanchez. With his cigarette lighter given to him by the Leiters as a gift still in his pocket, 007 lit the flame and ignited Sanchez, turning him into a roman candle.

Licence To Kill: Carey Lowell as Pam Bouvier

Subject: Pamela Bouvier
Organization: Freelance Pilot
Age: 30
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Green
Skills: Seduction; Aircraft Piloting; Hand to Hand Combat; Firearms; Stealth; Disguise
Weaknesses: Jealousy
Fields of Expertise: Drug Law

Background: Pam Bouvier is more than just a pretty face. She`s also a tough bush pilot whose been to the roughtest areas in South America and back. For her, Kevlar is more than just a fashion accessory; it`s a way of life.

Pam was first introduced to James Bond at the wedding party of Felix Leiter. Pam was a contact of Leiter`s who was keeping him informed of the activities of drug czar Franz Sanchez. When Leiter was maimed and unable to finish his investigation into Sanchez, Bond teamed up with Bouvier to help avenge Felix and bring down Sanchez`s drug empire. For Pam, that meant flying Bond into Isthmus City, filing false flight plans, going in under disguise, and even accepting orders from a man (a proposition she wasn`t used to).

Pam nearly made a mess of things by intervening even further into the situation by trying to get Heller to turn against Franz. When Bond failed to assasinate Franz on his first try, Heller backed off, Bond got upset, and Pam found herself in hot water.

Pam made up for that little gaffe by saving Bond`s life at Professor Joe Butcher`s religious retreat/drug conversion lab. And she was instrumental in flying Bond in close enough to Sanchez`s gasoline tanker that he was able to finish off Sanchez off once and for all.

Here And There: various actors as Felix Leiter

Subject: Felix Leiter
Organization: CIA
Age: 37
Height: 5`11″
Weight: 185lbs
Hair: Fine Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Munitions; Hand to Hand Combat; Small Arms Fire; Evasion; Disguise; Lockpicking and Safecracking; Stealth; Gambling; Interrogation; Driving; Piloting
Weaknesses: None
Fields of Expertise: None

Background: Felix Leiter was one of the CIA`s best agents until a fateful encounter with a shark sidelined him. In the novels he first met Bond in the south of France at the Casino des Royale. Together they worked on bankrupting the gregarious SMERSH agent LeChiffre. In the films, he first met Bond when 007 went to Crab Key to take on Dr.No. In both cases, Leiter and Bond became fast, good friends, with Bond even serving as best man at Leiter`s wedding to Della Churchill; a wedding that would never see it`s final realization. Before Leiter and Della could begin their honeymoon, drug Lord Franz Sanchez extracted a horrific revenge on the two by murdering Della and allowing a shark to gnaw away at Felix. Leiter survived the attack and now works for Pinkertons.

Goldfinger: Tania Mallett as Tilly Masterson

English actress Tania Mallet sits on a pile of gold bullion in Fort Knox, for her role as Tilly Masterson in ‘Goldfinger’, 1964. This was her only major film part, as she returned to a career in modelling afterwards. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Subject: Tilly Masterson
Organization: None
Height: 5`8″
Weight: 119lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Skills: Firearms; Stealth; Evasion; Local Customs
Weaknesses: Driving

Background: Tilly Masterson was the sister of Jill Masterson, paid companion to Auric Goldfinger. For years Tilly had tried to convince her younger sister to leave Auric and his criminal world. She`d long since believed that Jill could get herself mixed up in something deadly. Sadly, Tilly`s suspicions proved true, and when she learned of Jill`s untimely demise, she headed straight for Switzerland to kill Auric and avenger her sister`s death. She almost pulled it off. By teaming with 007, albeit reluctantly, she improved her chances for success. However, Oddjob`s deadly derby proved to be too much to contend with and Tilly died instantly when the bowler made contact with her neck.

Goldfinger: Shirley Eaton as Jill Masterson

Subject: Jill Masterson
Organization: Goldfinger Industries
Height: 5`8″
Weight: 124lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eyes: Green
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Background: Jill Masterson was one of 007`s more memorable conquests. He caught her in Miami, assisting her boss Auric Goldfinger in cheating at a card game. Bond made Goldfinger lose big and then took his prized possession, Jill, to his room. Jill was no prostitute. She was paid only to be seen with Goldfinger, but Goldfinger left an impression on Jill Bond would never forget. After having Bond knocked unconscious by Oddjob, Goldfinger had Jill suffocated by having her entire body lathered in gold paint, from head to toe. Jill died a horrible, slow death from skin suffocation and was left in Bond`s bed.

Born: 1/12/1937
London, England

Goldfinger: Nadja Rejin as Bonita

Subject: Bonita
Organization: None
Height: 5`8″
Weight: 110lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
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Weaknesses: None
Location of Contact: Havana

Background: Sketchy. Another brief dalliance Bond had, this time in Havana. Bonita was an exotic club dancer whom Bond had been seeing while undercover in Cuba. After successfully completing his mission in Cuba, he dropped by her club one last time to say goodbye. Bonita was ready. After her dance, she retreated to her dressing room to take a quick bath. 007 entered the room, handed her a towel, and the two embraced. Bonita was being used to keep 007 busy so he could be knocked out and later interrogated. But Bond, using his quick wits, saw the reflection of his attacker, sneaking up from behind him, in the reflective eyes of Bonita. As his attacker came down with full force, Bond spun Bonita around to catch the brunt of the attack.

Goldfinger: Margaret Nolan as Dink

Subject: Paula Caitlin
Organization: Bahamas Customs Agent
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skills: None
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Fields of Expertise: Local Customs

Background: One of Bond`s local contacts in the Bahamas during his Thunderball mission; her main focus was to assist Bond on any jobs he needed having done or answering any questions he might have. Paula was kidnapped by Vargas and Janni. She later swallowed a cyanide pill rather than divulge what she knew about the investigation into Largo.

Born: 8/1/1943
London, England

Goldfinger: Honor Blackman as Pussy Galore

Subject: Pussy Galore
Organization: Pussy Galore`s Flying Circus
Age: 30
Height: 5`6″
Weight: 127 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Seduction; Piloting; Judo; Hand to Hand Combat; Firearms; Stealth; Evasion; Charisma
Weaknesses: Greed
Fields of Expertise: None

Background: Hails from America, the only daughter in a family of five sons. She ran away at an early age and found work as a mechanic`s apprentice at a small airfield. She soon learned to fly and got a license. Galore found flying much preferable to physical labor. Disgusted with bias against female fliers, she organized a group of other female fliers and started Pussy Galore`s Flying Circus. The troupe gave her the means to start her own air freight company. The company was bought out by Auric Goldfinger and Galore became his private pilot soon after. There was no hint of intimacy between her and Goldfinger, or anyone in her past. She has displayed a marked disdain for men in general and maintains a very aloof and frigid attitude. It took all of Bond`s cunning, strength and charisma to win Pussy over to the side of right and turn against Goldfinger. Her betrayal of Goldfinger, by switching the canisters of deadly gas with non-toxic gas, doomed Operation: Grandslam and set in motion a chain of events that sent Goldfinger playing his golden harp.

Goldfinger: Harold Sakata as OddJob

Subject: Oddjob
Organization: Auric Goldfinger`s private bodyguard
Height: 5`11″
Age: Unknown
Skills: Torture; Hand To Hand Combat; Fire Combat; Explosives; Breaking and Entering; Stealth; Driving
Weaknesses: Low Intelligence
Strengths: Loyalty
Method of Killing: Deadly bowler hat; when aimed right, it can break a man`s neck

Background: Oddjob was the consummate henchman: loyal, unswerving, skillful and deadly as sin. Mute by birth, he let his actions do all the talking. Auric Goldfinger told the story that he found Oddjob during a trip to Korea uprooting tree stumps and immediately hired him as his professional bodyguard. Oddjob was never seen without his derby, which contained a reinforced alloy sharpened to a razor`s edge. Aimed right, the force of impact when thrown could kill a man or woman instantly. Ironically, Oddjob`s trusty possession also became his doom; while fighting with 007 inside of Fort Knox, his hat became wedged in between two steel bars. When he went to retrieve it, Bond grabbed a live wire, applied it to the steel bars and electrocuted Oddjob.

Goldfinger: Gert Frobe as Auric Goldfinger

Subject: Auric Goldfinger
Organization: Goldfinger Industries
Height: 5`11″
Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Age: 52
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Weaknesses: Greed
Fields of Expertise: Chemistry; Economics/Business; Fine Arts; Local Customs; Rare Collectibles; Golf

Background: Millionaire industrialist; was one of the richest men in England. He escaped across the Berlin Wall one Christmas and soon opened a small jewelry store in London (he was a jewler in Riga like his father and grandfather). Goldfinger expanded his empire to include factories, biological institutes, horse breeding farms and research facilities. He had the largest private gold reserve in the world, though rumors of smuggling have somewhat tarnished that record.

Goldfinger`s greed led him to conceive the ill fated Operation: Grand Slam, in which he attempted to irradiate the gold supply of Fort Knox, thus increasing the price of his own gold for the next 57 years. 007 thwarted the operation and later, inside of a private jet, dueled Goldfinger to the death, whereupon Goldfinger was sucked out of the cabin and plummetted to the Earth. Or did he? Rumors have run rampant that Goldfinger survived the impact of his fall, though he had to live in an iron lung to survive. Some intelligence reports have suggested that Auric Goldfinger, or his mysterious twin brother, may have been behind an attempt to fool the world`s leading scientists into believing that base metals could now be turned into gold.

GoldenEye: Serena Gordon as Caroline

Subject: Caroline
Organization: None
Age: 36
Height: 5`7″
Weight: 123lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Psychoanalyzation
Weaknesses: Seduction
Fields of Expertise: None

Background: MI5`s resident psychologist, Caroline was sent out to observe 007 in the field to determine his readiness for an emergency. Bond, however, was not too impressed with having his every move analyzed, so he decided to change the situation to his advantage: he popped open a bottle of chilled champagne and seduced his own psychiatrist.

GoldenEye: Sean Bean as Alec Trevelyan

Subject: Alec Trevelyan
Organization: Janus Syndicate
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Interoggation; Torture; Fire Combat; Disguise; Stealth; Evasion
Weaknesses: Scarred appearance
Method of Killing: Random

Background: Alec Trevelyan a.k.a Janus and better known as 006, is a turncoat agent. He turned his back on Her Majesty after years of pent up anger for the way his parents, and his people, were treated so many years ago.

Alec`s parents were Lienz Cossacks (expatriate Russians), a group of people working for the Nazis against Stalin during World War Two. The Cossacks surrendered to the British in Austria believing they would join the British and wage war against the Communists. Instead the British promptly sent them back to Stalin where they were shot.

Alec`s parents survived the slaughter, but his father couldn`t bear the shame and guilt, and committed murder/suicide taking his wife with him. Alec never forgave the British for the role they played in his father`s death. Alec vowed to get back at Britian, and in one of life`s little ironies, he went to work for the government whose betrayal was the catalyst in his father`s death. M.I.6`s screening processors figured Alec was too young to remember what happened to his parents, but they were wrong. Hence the term “Janus”, the two faced Greek God come to life.

After faking his own death on a mission deep inside Russia, Trevelyan began his new life as the head of the mysterious Janus Crime Syndiacte. They exported arms, nuclear technology, weapons, and training out of Russia to third world countries.

Now having crossed paths with his old friend James Bond, Alec Trevelyan`s bloodthirst for revenge has never been greater. He`s stolen the Goldeneye, an ElectroMagnetic Pulse Satellite capable of wiping out all electrical communications within a 30 mile radius of the blast. And if he has his way, he`ll wipe out Her Majesty`s best agent, 007, as well.

Born: 4/17/1959
Yorkshire, England

GoldenEye: Izzabella Scorupco as Natalya Simonova

Subject: Natalya Simonova
Organization: Severnaya Tracking Facility
Height: 5`9″
Weight: 115 lbs
Age: 24
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Computer Science; Encryption; Firearms
Weaknesses: Close Personal Ties
Fields of Expertise: None

Background: A Level Two programmer at the Severnaya Tracking Facility in Siberia, it`s Natalya`s job to keep track of and monitor Russia`s space based weapon system code named: Goldeneye. She`s a casual working girl who counts as her best friends her coworkers Boris Grivenovich and Anna. She dreamed of one day leaving her cold Siberian job for the warmth of the Caribbean and kept a picture of a beach on her desk at all times to remind her of what all that overtime is for.

She was literally thrust into international intrigue when an inside job resulted in the theft of one of the Goldeneye satellites. The other one was activated and reprogrammed to destroy the Severnaya facility in order to cover up the crime. Natalya survived the destruction, but her friend Anna did not. Believing that Boris may have survived the blast she returned to St.Petersburg to get in contact with him. There she`s turned against by Boris and winds up in a jail cell with 007.

Natalya is the quintessential Bond woman of the 90`s. Sexy but also extremely smart and intelligent. She`s a woman who forces Bond to get in touch with his emotions, and she makes the first romantic move. She tries to open up a man who is emotionally closed off. And if it weren`t for her skills, Bond would not have been able to disarm the Goldeneye.

GoldenEye: Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp

GOLDENEYE, Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp, 1995[/caption]Subject: Xenia Onatopp
Organization: Janus Syndicate
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Seduction; Firearms; Rapelling; Piloting; Stealth; Disguise; Hand To Hand Combat; Driving; Gambling
Weaknesses: Sadism
Method of Killing: Suffocation between the thighs
Fields of Expertise: Helicopter Piloting; Cigar Connoisseur

Background: Ex Soviet Fighter Pilot, now working for the Janus Crime Syndicate. She`s the only confirmed member of this highly secretive underground crime organization. She loves fast cars, exotic ports of call and high stakes gambling. She`s proficient with a machine gun or a head butt, though she prefers to kill her victims by squeezing the life out of them between her tightly toned thighs.

Her one weakness that can be exploited is her sadistic nature. Pain and the threat of danger or death is a turn on to her. She looks forward to killing or being in danger. She is without a doubt the most lethal villianess Bond has ever encountered.

Born: 1/1/1964
The Netherlands

For Your Eyes Only: Lynn Holly Johnson as Bibi Dahl

Subject: Bibi Dahl
Organization: None
Age: 19
Height: 5`8″
Hair Color: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Skills: Snow Skiing
Weaknesses: Seduction; Hand to Hand Combat
Fields of Expertise:Breath Control
Background: A wannabe Bond Girl, Bibi was a figure skating hopeful for the upcoming Olympic Games to be held in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. She was the protege of Aristotle Kristatos and worked under the tutelage of Jochoba Brink, once herself a former world class figure skater. Ari`s goal for Bibi was twofold: to train her for the Olympics so that she`d win the gold medal, and then once she won it, celebrate with her by taking her virginity. However, there was a slight problen with that plan….

Bibi was no longer “innocent in the ways of the world”. While Uncle Ari was laboring under the false pretenses that Bibi was a virgin, she was in reality a modern day hoochie mama, going for almost anything that wore pants. Bond learned this the hard when he went back to his hotel only to find Bibi naked and waiting under the covers. Regarding sex, Bibi states: “Everyone knows it builds up muscle tone.”

Bibi inadvertantly gave Bond some very useful information about East German Biathalon winner Erich Kriegler. Jochoba knew who Erich Kreigler was and what he was really about, and she warned Bibi to be careful not only of him, but also of Ari. Jochoba was well aware of what plans Ari had in store for Bibi down the road.

In the end, Bibi`s crush on 007 gave her the willpower and adrenaline to try and help stop Kriegler from killing Bond, even though it cost her an open backhand to the face. Her determination not to be sent off to Cuba, or become Ari`s concubine, made her join forces with Jochoba and turn against Ari. In the end, Bond was grateful for Bibi`s help, but couldn`t return her affection. That was okay though; she found a new sponsor in Milos Colombo.

Born: 12/13/1958
Chicago, Illinois

For Your Eyes Only: Cassandra Harris as “Countess” Lisl Von Schlaff

Subject: Countess Lisl von Schlaff
Organization: None
Age: 33
Height: 5`7″
Hair Color: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Skills: Seduction
Weaknesses: Greed
Fields of Expertise:None

Background: Austrian by birth, Lisl is a party goer on the European social scene. A socialite, she`s also an “expensive mistress” to Milos Columbos, a Greek smuggler. She sometimes roams the casinos but if she bets, as Aristotle Kristatos mentions, “it`s with other people`s money”.

Sadly, Lisl became caught in between a long running feud between Columbos and Kristatos that dated as far back as World War 2. With no other recourse, she agreed to seduce Bond and deliver him over to Colombos, so that Colombos could tell Bond the truth about Kristatos. Before she could though, Leopold Locque aka “The Dove” ran over Lisl in his dune racer. Bond eventually teamed up with Colombos and together killed Locque, thus avenging Lisl`s memory.

Born: Sydney, Australia

For Your Eyes Only: Carole Bouquet as Melina Havelock

Subject: Melina Havelock
Organization: None
Age: 24
Height: 5`9″
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Charisma, Evasion; Driving; Diving; Stealth; Disguise
Weaknesses: Revenge
Fields of Expertise: Archery; Marine Archeaology

Background: Melina was the only daughter of Judy and Sir Timothy Havelock, two operatives working for MI6. Their mission had taken them off the coast of Albania to look for a sunken British spy ship equipped with A.T.A.C. Melina came to visit them and ultimately witnessed their assasination by Hector Gonzales, a Cuban hitman.

Melina tracked Gonzales down to a villa outside of Madrid with the help of a private detective agency. There, she assasinated Gonzales, but found that her troubles only multiplied. Thankfully, James Bond was there to help her out of harms way; for a while. Melina found trouble again in Cortina, when she was tricked into meeting Bond. Bond convinced her to go back to Greece and let him investigate. She agreed to wait, but not for long. Later they both teamed up to locate the St. Georges, recover the A.T.A.C. and eliminate double agent Kristatos once and for all.

Dr No: Ursula Andress as Honey Ryder

Subject: Honeychile Ryder
Organization: None
Age: 21
Height: 5`8″
Weight: 136 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Boating; Diving; Evasion; Hand to Hand Combat; Riding; First Aid
Weaknesses: None
Fields of Expertise: Rare Collectibles; Animal Husbandry

Background: A resourceful woman, though not much help in high tech situations. She`s a proven asset when called upon to use her knowledge of the rough terrain of her homeland, the Bahamas. Her family is one of the oldest in Jamaica, having been deeded the land by Cromwell for signing the death warrant of King Charles. For generations the family flourished, but mismanagment over several decades put them on hard times. Then came the hurricanes that dropped several tons of salt on the fields and made them unsuitable for farming. By the time her father came into his inheritance there was not much left but the house. That burned down when she was five, killing her parents. Ryder was raised by her Nanny and lived in the old house together, after fixing it up. Her Nanny died when she was fifteen and she has been living in the ruins ever since, making friends of the animals she encounters in the forest and the sea. There was a local official named Manders who was rumored to have taken an interest in her, but that interest was cut short when he died from an unfortunate accident: a black widow spider got under the netting of his bed, bit him, and killed him.

Diamonds Are Forever: Putter Smith as Mr. Kidd

Subject: Kidd (pictured left)
Organization: Freelance
Height: 6`
Age: 33
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Weaknesses: None
Method of Killing: Random

Wint and Kidd are characterized by the imaginative ways in which they kill their victims and among henchmen, these two are notorious for having no conscience. They killed a little old lady (who was a smuggler) by drowning her in a busy Holland channel. They killed a motorcycle courier with a scorpion sting and blew a helicopter out of the sky. They strangled Las Vegas lounge act Shady Tree and killed Plenty O`Toole by weighing her down and throwing her in a pool. Their days as hitmen came to an end though when they encountered 007 one too many times. Posing as gourmet chefs aboard Bond`s cruise ship, they were tricked while in their disguise. Kidd was burned to death with a bottle of f flaming alcohol, while Wint was blown to bits with a “bomb surprise”. A fitting end to two of the most vicious thugs to ever enter Bond`s world.

Diamonds Are Forever: Bruce Glover as Mr. Wint

Subject: Wint
Organization: Freelance
Height: 6`2″
Age: 34
Skills: Boating; Driving; Demolitions; Stealth; Evasion; Hand To Hand Combat; Fire Combat; Disguise; Torture
Weaknesses: None
Men with ED sildenafil mastercard are usually unable to get an erection on being sexually stimulated. The medical researchers have made that works with similar efficiency to the cialis. Phone and laptop radiations can badly affect your state of mind. It has the signature Pfizer name that is . Method of Killing: Random
Background: Wint and Kidd are a pair of bodyguards/hitmen and lovers. They never take a job that seperates them. They`ve worked for the Japanese Yakuza and the American Mafia, where they were an intregal part in destroying a diamond smuggling pipeline out of South Africa.

Wint and Kidd are characterized by the imaginative ways in which they kill their victims and among henchmen, these two are notorious for having no conscience. They killed a little old lady (who was a smuggler) by drowning her in a busy Holland channel. They killed a motorcycle courier with a scorpion sting and blew a helicopter out of the sky. They strangled Las Vegas lounge act Shady Tree and killed Plenty O`Toole by weighing her down and throwing her in a pool. Their days as hitmen came to an end though when they encountered 007 one too many times. Posing as gourmet chefs aboard Bond`s cruise ship, they were tricked while in their disguise. Kidd was burned to death with a bottle of f flaming alcohol, while Wint was blown to bits with a “bomb surprise”. A fitting end to two of the most vicious thugs to ever enter Bond`s world.

–We met Bruce Glover at our Bond Weekend III.

AVTAK: Willoughby Gray as Dr. Carl Mortner

Subject: Dr. Carl Mortner aka Hans Glaub
Organization: Zorin Industries
Height: 5`9″
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Hazel
Skills: Interoggation; Torture; Local Customs; Disguise; Stealth; Evasion; Fire Combat; Explosives
Weaknesses: Limited eyesight

Background: Dr. Mortner was a pioneer in the field of steroid development. Unfortunately, that development was at the expense of Jewish women and children in concentration camps during World War II. Dr. Carl Mortner is actually Hans Glaub, an ex-Nazi entrusted with the job of using steroids to create a super race of human beings.

When Germany fell at the end of the war, and it began to be carved in two, Russia feared that Western intelilligence agencies would get their hands on Glaub, or at least on his research. So they set Glaub up with his own research facilities deep within the heart of the country, where Glaub was allowed to test and manipulate steroid developments on unborn fetuses. Though most of the steroid babies ended up aborting, a few survived, and with phenomenal I.Q`s. There was one side effect though: they were all psychotics.

Glaub`s prize creation was Max Zorin, a blonde hair, blue eyed Aryan psychopath. Other creations of Glaub`s include Jenny Flex and Pan Ho. Glaub became a father figure to Zorin, Flex and Pan Ho, and eventually Zorin and Glaub became KGB agents and were “allowed” to defect to the West to further the Soviet Empire`s objectives.

Those objectives became undermined by Zorin`s reckless industrial and personal pursuits. His sloppy and suspect racing activities invited inquiry by the French Jockey Association, and his business ventures, like the takeover of Sutton Oil, have left him wide open for accusations of monopolizing. Through all of it, Glaub has been right in the middle, and it was his steroid/microchip invention that gave Pegasus her extra stamina.

After it was clear that Operation:Mainstrike had been defeated by Bond, Glaub, Zorin and Scarpine tried to kill 007 by slamming him into The Golden Gate Bridge. Mortner fired off several shots at 007, but after emptying his round, he lit a bundle of dynamite, only to have it fall from his grip. The bundle exploded, causing the Zeppelin to implode and fall into the Bay. Glaub died instantly.

AVTAK: Patrick MacNee as Sir Godfrey Tibbett

Subject: Tibbett
Organization: M.I.6
Age: 42
Height: 5`2″
Weight: 152 lbs
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Driving; Disguise; Evasion; Lockpicking and Safecracking; Riding; Sixth Sense; Stealth; Hand to Hand Combat
Weaknesses: None

Background: Tibbett was a member of M.I.6, though he never attained `00` status. His background in horse jockeying was invaluable to 007 on his A View To A Kill mission. It allowed 007 to get into the inner circle of Max Zorin and his horse racing activities.

Together, 007 and Tibbett went undercover at Zorin`s French Chateau as a wealthy investor and his servant. Tibbett located a secret passage from the horse stables to an underground laboratory. There, he discovered the true nature of Zorin`s phenomenal racing results: Microchip controlled steroid injections used to give Pegasus a boost. The microchip could be activated from the whip handle of the jockey. Or the tip of Max Zorin`s cane. Unfortunately, Tibbett met his death at the hands of Mayday, who had stowed away in the back seat of Tibbett`s Rolls-Royce and strangled him to death in a car wash.

AVTAK: Papillon Soo as Pan Ho

Subject: Jenny Flex (pictured right) and Pan Ho (pictured left)
Organization: Zorin Industries
Height: 5`9″ (Jenny); 5`2″ (Pan Ho)
Weight: 115 lbs (Jenny); 97lbs (Pan Ho)
Hair: Blonde (Jenny); Black (Pan Ho)
Eyes: Data unavailable.
Skills: Jenny Flex: Seduction, Firearms, Horseback riding, Driving, Stealth; Pan Ho: Charisma, Driving, Fire Combat, Seduction, Pickpocket
Weaknesses: None
Method of Killing: Random

Background: A deadly duo the likes of which haven`t been seen since Bambi and Thumper. Jenny Flex and Pan Ho are another breed of Dr. Carl Mortner`s “super race” of genetically engineered human beings. Born in the Soviet Union like Zorin, they were both psychotics, conscienceless, and were very loyal to Max. Their loyalty to him was betrayed though, when he sent them on a mission to hunt down 007 and Stacy Sutton in the shafts of the Mainstrike Mine. As soon as they were inside, Zorin flooded the San Andreas fault, sweeping Pan Ho and Jenny to their deaths. A fitting tribute for these twin terrors. Prior to dying, their crimes included: assisting in the murder of Tibbett; dumping 007`s body in a lake to drown; the strongarming of General Gogol and his men; the killing of Howe and the subsequent coverup via burning down City Hall; the attempt to create a massive earthquake that would destroy Silicon Valley. It was their own plan to kill millions that resulted in their own deaths.