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Casino Royale: Sinking or Swimming After All These Years?

007Forever is proud to present this sneak preview article from the April 2000 edition of Bright Lights Film Journal. James Bond fan Robert Von Dassanowsky is Director of Film Studies at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs and founding Vice President of the Austrian American Film Association. A producer, television writer and literary critic, he is a contributor to The International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers and is currently penning a book on Austrian Cinema.

His insights on “CR” may indeed change the way you feel about the oft forgotten film–that some fans remember with fondness for its panache and high swingin’ 60’s style, not to mention provocative performances by David Niven and Peter Sellers, among countless other actors and artists. Perhaps the most despised Bond film yet made, Casino Royale has a fan base today whose voices proclaim it a triumph and merely the most subtle and misunderstood Bond film ever…

By Robert Von Dassanowsky:

It was a coup that Columbia Pictures had banked on: the one 007 property that got away from Broccoli and Saltzman`s cash cow series. Producer Charles K. Feldman had hoped to equal or better the popularity of his Woody Allen-scripted “mod” bedroom farce of two years earlier, “What`s New Pussycat?” and trotted in a dozen stars and their star friends for the occasion. David Niven had already suggested cinematic mayhem in Life`s 1966 multipage color spread by admitting that it is “impossible to find out what we are doing,” and the magazine claimed the film was a runaway mini-Cleopatra at a then outrageous 12 million dollar budget. Despite all the rumors and delays, the film seemed to have its finger on the pulse of psychedelia, the swinging London myth, and it would beat the real Bond entry, You Only Live Twice, to the box office in a March 1967 release. It was popular enough with audiences and received mixed critical reaction, but has since unfairly been labeled as one of the flops of the era. After more than 30 years, it is high time to ask why this film continues to be a nearly poisonous topic among “serious” film scholars and what it has to say about the world that created it.

In his provocative exposé “The Life and Death of Peter Sellers”, author Roger Lewis insists that the actor`s career decline was first signaled by his self-indulgence in Casino Royale, in particular, his inability to stick to the script(s) and his desire to turn the flattery of the role (love scene with Ursula Andress and a hefty sum) into a long-sought Cary Grant-type image. His lack of discipline and his demands caused several more rewrites in an already plot-du-jour concept that employed Wolf Mankowitz, John Law, and Michael Sayers as credited writers (with uncredited fragments by Woody Allen, Ben Hecht, Joseph Heller, and Billy Wilder, among others) and five directors to helm the various segments of the film: John Huston, Ken Hughes, Val Guest, Robert Parrish, and Joseph McGrath. The multitudinous talent here did more than mimic the Bondian shifts in the plot and locale. What emerged was a kaleidoscope that utilized the original “serious” Ian Fleming novel, already given television treatment in 1954, as the core of a fabricated frame of plots and subplots that reduce the showdown between Bond (Sellers) and Le Chiffre (Orson Welles) at Casino Royale into the single dramatic moment of the opus.
Casino Royale is thus a metafilm on the process of the “real” Bond cinema, which, beginning with Goldfinger and You Only Live Twice, updated and altered Fleming`s original novels until only character names and vague plot directions were employed. Ultimately, even the titles ran out, but this 1967 film is far more “Weltanschauung” than spy narrative. Feldman, in his belief that he could make a Bond to break all banks, went to extremes to cover up the lack of two major elements in this “Bond” film–Sean Connery and the James Bond theme. Instead, the film was stocked with in-stars, in-jokes, and an in-style that would surpass not only the grandeur of the original series and its penchant for outrageous cold-warrior escapades, but in turn, influence the megalomania of the “real” Bond series.

Bond purists have always loathed the film, while others have preconceived notions of a spy parody and miss the point. The mistake has been to buy into the publicity propaganda and the original sell of the film as a new “trippy” Bond, a funny Bond. This was bound to cause dissension, since a parody cannot be parodied, and the series was already there. The only true mocking of the Broccoli/Saltzman productions occurred in their own series during the tenure of Roger Moore, as that sophomoric silliness made Casino Royale`s deadpan humor and sophistication seem more like the original Fleming by comparison. The film is also an ill fit among Bond imitators like the Flint series or Matt Helm, or even Saltzman`s own Harry Palmer.

Casino Royale`s relationship to Bond is only emblematic; it is a prismatic translation of Fleming`s milieu, not a linear adaptation. And it remains, even today, a wry and provocative sociopolitical satire. The often criticized inconsistencies of the film`s multiple James Bonds, including the banal 007 of Terence Cooper, brought in to cover Sellers’s unfinished characterization, intentionally work to confuse the issue of Bond, to overwork the paradigm until it has no value. As Walter Benjamin in his influential essay “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” would have it, the original artwork, with its auratic value, has been replaced by accessible but worthless copies. Here, the most unique icon of the era is intentionally made common–a fashion, a fad, a façade: the multiple Bonds are all copies of a first copy, Connery`s Bond. Moneypenny, Hadley, and Mata Bond are all mirror-image copies of their much more substantial parents. These facsimiles are then joined by the “thousand doubles” Dr. Noah has created to replace the “world`s most important figures in culture, politics and the arts.” Although three major world leaders have already been replaced, no one seems to notice. As yet another female James Bond remarks: “Oh, well, that explains a lot of things.” So much for the conspiracy theories of the 1960s. By the release of Goldfinger everyone wanted to be Bond; now everyone was. Like Andy Warhol`s canvas of multiple Marilyns, the original is mythic and its copies are a poor but stand-in fantasy for an era that so floundered between faith and cynicism.

The subversion of the modern ubermensch is already apparent before the credits, when Bond films customarily feature a spine-tingling mini-adventure on skis or in the sky. Sellers` Bond, however, is simply picked up by a French official in a pissoir. Casino Royale clearly turns its back on the contemporary and enshrines the icon of David Niven, as the retired, legendary Sir James Bond. “Joke shop spies” is how Sir James reacts to the technology of Cold War agents, and indeed, Vesper Lynd`s (Ursula Andress) billions and Dr. Noah`s (Woody Allen) confused attempt to gain global control through germ warfare/robot master race/nuclear threat are no match for Sir James`s stiff upper lip. Like a demonstration of the failed theories of limited nuclear war, the power-hungry are annihilated in attempting to make the world safe for themselves. Woody Allen`s sex-hungry schlemiel persona may have already been standard expectation in 1967, but here, garbed in a Mao suit, he suggests the infantile psychosexual complexes behind the vengeful modern warlord. Allen detests the film and takes little pride in his creation of Dr. Noah, but his own Third-World farce Bananas, and the futuristic totalitarian satire Sleeper, seem to spring from the still edgy political black comedy of his self-written role in Casino Royale.

This ingredient works at a physiological level in treating erection problems. Males encountering health conditions like heart challenges, diabetes, kidney and liver problems and who are consuming drugs with nitrate substance are prohibited to take it, with cialis on sale the purpose of defend conquered women from their increased libidos. 9. Since cholesterol is being continuously produced by the liver, it is an accepted fact of life that cholesterol medication will need to cialis in uk online be taken for life. Chlamydias viagra wholesale are microscope pathogens which are different from both bacteria and virus. To understand Casino Royale as a courtly adventure–Niven`s Sir James as Siegfried, Arthur, Barbarossa, or Parsifal, a figure the German Romantics called the Welterzieher–the knightly poet who is fated to lead the world to a new golden age–is to see the chivalric genealogy of the idealism surrounding the James Bond phenomenon. Without the use of Connery`s modern update however, Casino Royale taps directly into the messianic concept at the root of 007: Sir James is resurrected to save a blundering world with its collective fingers on the nuclear button, but extinguishes himself in the final battle, one that might lead humanity to a new beginning. The film has a heavy medieval, even biblical feel: the brilliance of Richard Williams`s illuminated-manuscript titles; the testing of Sir James’s purity at the debauched castle of M`s impersonated widow (Deborah Kerr); the Faustian redemption of Vesper because she has “loved”; the representatives from the world`s powers (here it is the four Kings) who beg for the grace and wisdom of a knight of the (black) rose. M (John Huston), like post-Profumo scandal Britain, is a façade of majesty resigned to his own inadequacy. LeGrand of the French Cinquieme Bureau (Charles Boyer) is obsessed with absurdity. Ransome (William Holden) is a source of arrogant and undecipherable CIA double-talk, and KGB head Smernov (Kurt Kasznar) spews Marxist jargon as he cowers from the monarchist symbolism of a lion. That these pathetic emissaries are unknowingly helping evil, aiding Dr. Noah`s wish to expose and destroy his childhood idol–or as Sir James puts it, “to make up for feelings of sexual inferiority”–is a subtext engineered to hold the ever-more-distant plot stations (and Sir James`s Stations of the Cross) together into a consistent whole. And the film, with all its ideas, directions, and visions, seems to relish its own sprawling, about-to-fly-apart structure, folding over and under itself as medieval epics do and reflecting the serpentines of the art nouveau so present in several of the film`s sets.

The mythical French casino itself provides a semiotic mapping of the film`s subversion of the modern establishment. Below the bourgeois finery of the palatial building and an art collection spanning the century (read: Western elitism), a female army garbed in Paco Rabanne`s gladiator uniforms, an extension of the designer`s actual mid-‘60s metallic fashions, relates the modern power structure to the barbarism of ancient (and anti-Judeo-Christian) Rome. With their leader, Dr. Noah, acting on behalf of a vaguely Soviet SMERSH but interested only in his own gratification, the static Cold War ideologies become reflections that turn on themselves. The Berlin sequence summarizes Germany as the focal wound of political folly: the Wall divides a sex-crazed West from a silent and red-lit East (both deemed political whores), while the sinister Frau Hoffner (Anna Quayle), Polo (Ronnie Corbett), and Sir James`s prodigal daughter by Mata Hari (Joanna Pettet) flirt on the edge of the nuclear Goetterdammerung in a stunning parody of “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”. Like the question of sanity raised in that Expressionist classic, Frau Hoffner`s “very democratic” espionage school, which trains “Russian spies for America and American spies for Russia,” suggests the entire world is the asylum. The film features the music of Burt Bacharach and Debussy, as well as Michael Stringer`s wide catalogue of sets ranging from a Palladian estate to an East Asian temple, all linked by heraldic tones of orange/pink and blue/green. So much art, so much architecture, so many sideswipe references to high culture. Too rich for a simple spy saga, this stylistic puzzle instead implies what is at stake in the battle between the “immaculate priesthood” of the individualistic and genteel Sir James and the false promise of social Darwinist technocrats.

The failure of modernity and a celebration of what Umberto Eco would call the postmodern “crisis of reason” permeates nearly every scene of Casino Royale. The false widow of M espouses the heroic deeds of “her” Scottish ancestors, turns her back on high-tech spying for the love of the hero, and, quoting Robert Burns, retreats to a convent. The remote-controlled, dynamite-loaded milk truck finds the wrong target, while Le Chiffre`s “torture of the mind,” which conjures associations with trendy psychiatry and military LSD experimentation, is an utter failure. Dr. Noah`s flying saucer symbolically displaces the icon of Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square (already bought and removed by Vesper) with a futuristic technology used to kidnap and torture Mata Bond. All the “weapons of our time,” which Sir James is encouraged to use, are disasters.

Although she is saved from a descent into damnation, Vesper is perhaps the most challenging of all the modernist images in the film. This femme fatale character (she has Sellers`s Bond and still kills him), along with, as the ad for the film proclaimed, “a Bondwagon of the most beautiful and talented girls you ever saw,” attempts to defeat the objectification of the female so prevalent in the “real” Bond. What it instead offers is a male sex-fantasy of women`s liberation and a female impersonation of the worst aspects of James Bond`s “Playboy” philosophy. The deadly women are foiled at every turn, not by contemporary man, but by the Edwardian guardian of gentlemanly tradition, Sir James. Yet he is not a misogynist and actively recruits women, including his daughter, to help the cause.

An icon of worship as the name implies, Vesper disposes of her enemies in a kitchen process that offers an update of concentration camp stratagems. She clearly represents a fascist modernism that places itself into history and glitters, but which must also destroy all that inhibits the New Order. At home in her Olympus-like arena of world control, a pagan goddess shrouded in feathers and surrounded by Greco-Roman art, she poses an immediate opposition to Sir James’s Christian nature. She ultimately descends from the heights (the moving conversation pit) to give herself to a mere mortal (Sellers) in order to bend more than his ear. The image of Hitler descending from the clouds to those who would do his bidding in Leni Riefenstahl`s “Triumph of the Will” springs to mind here. Sellers`s subsequent impersonation of that dictator, Napoleon, a British officer, and Toulouse Lautrec (Euroculture again) for Vesper`s camera (Riefenstahl again) is the very message of her madness: seduction, deception, and image make the modern superman/woman. Compared to her sophisticated ammunition, Q`s outfitting of the new Bond seems needless by comparison. As “the richest spy in the world,” Vesper is both capitalist and pragmatist. Her manipulation and use of male-dominated politics to satisfy her own needs may demonstrate the female as “outside” male society, but the multitude of women in the service of male megalomania in this film have yet to know they are an enslaved “class of woman,” as feminist theoretician Monique Wittig insists. The Detainer (Daliah Lavi), whose sexuality is her only weapon but who doesn`t really “do anything” as she waits for male self-destruction, perhaps points to future realization when she regards Allen`s phallocratic leader manqué as a “wretched, grotesque, ridiculous, insignificant little monster.”

Obviously inspired by Stanley Kubrick`s “Dr. Strangelove” (Terry Southern also contributed uncredited material to Casino Royale), the Berlin war room attempts to both enjoy and slam female objectification as the four superpowers bid for pornographic blackmail material. The auction that so easily turns to “war” is upset by a woman–the scantily-clad Mata Bond, who punctuates the slapstick struggle with her own vocalization of such cartoon effects as “zap!” and “pow!” Her victory is perhaps more the result of her mythic lineage than of her Twiggy-era liberation, but one message is clear: the Cold War is a comic strip that can only be dealt with accordingly. There is little to trust, even less to believe in. The reiteration of this point comes with the spoof on the ritual Bond film battle finale–here played as the apocalypse à go-go. Everyone and everything is thrown into the maelstrom of this Western brawl as nuclear war epitome, but only the messiah and his followers are worthy of ascension; the usurper (Woody Allen) sinks into flames. There is a literal deus ex machina (the forces of “good” parachuting into the Casino), but the conclusion, which critics at the time read as plot exhaustion, is completely loyal to the metaphysics of the film: the tale, which began in the clouds concludes in self- sacrificing heavenly victory. Although this denigration of modernity in favor of divinity and mythos also suggests a false totality, the illusion of wholeness found in fascist ideology, the not-so-tongue-in-cheek Romanticism here pays homage to a much earlier and more benevolent imperialistic nature, Sir James’s Pax Britannia and a laissez faire elitism.

Some critical utterances in film study seem to hold curious sway long after they have been proven questionable or have even been overturned. Susan Sontag`s misunderstanding of Leni Riefenstahl is one such notorious example. Similarly, Leslie Halliwell`s view that Casino Royale was a huge shapeless romp “put together with paste at a late night party” still discounts the film more than thirty years later. The critics who deride the film in their examinations of the careers of Woody Allen and Peter Sellers only encourage the politically correct scholarly silence surrounding the film. Having attempted the first analysis of the work in Films in Review in 1988, I am happy to note, however, that a thaw has begun. In 1999, the American Movie Classics (AMC) cable television channel presented Casino Royale with something akin to serious commentary.

There is a definite trajectory in the development of the sociopolitical satire of the 1960s from Billy Wilder`s One, Two, Three (1961) to the indulgence of Candy (1968) to the burn-out of The Magic Christian (1970), which locates Casino Royale as the apex and the most successful reflection of the era`s anarchic impulses. In this respect, the film has no fewer teeth than Godard`s New Wave attack on capitalist society, Weekend, which was released the same year. It is never claimed as an inspiration or influence, yet Monty Python, the subversive parodies of Mel Brooks, the manic visuals of 60s inspired music videos and the Gen X and Y films they inspire, are all heirs to Casino Royale. Their creators would have had to invent the film if it hadn`t existed. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery is case in point. Having lifted at least half of Casino Royale to make his film an “homage” to 60`s spy spoofs (though he claims inspiration instead from Our Man Flint), Mike Myers` Austin Powers has introduced a new generation to the delights of the original, albeit through an impersonation diluted with too much Matt Helm and the worst of MTV toilet humor. Although the film seems to yearn for the prototype`s set pieces and its literate pop-apocalypse, it overkills with garish tones for fear that the concept might be lost on a market too young to remember or too attention deficient to understand. This self-conscious and simplistic imitation imparts nothing so much as the sentiment that there is no going home. The original already claimed that fact as its self-ironic starting point. And Myers is not the only one attempting to reinvent the event: the “real” Bond series has been taking dialogue and mimicking sets from Casino Royale since the 1970s, and now larger elements can be found in the The Fifth Element, The Avengers, The World is Not Enough, and a half-dozen other cinema adventures. They remain uncharted because of the critical neglect of the original. These re-visions also pale because, like Casablanca, Casino Royale is a film of momentary vision, collaboration, adaptation, pastiche, and accident. It is the anti-auteur work of all time, a film shaped by the very Zeitgeist it took on. As a compendium of what almost went too wrong in the twentieth century done up as a burlesque of the knightly epic, it may still frighten the modernists, but those who follow should consider it to be quite sagacious.

–Casino Royale, always the black sheep of the Bonds, is officially out of print on VHS but is now available on DVD yet. VHS and laserdisc copies can be had at many video rental stores. (Don’t confuse the 1967 film with Barry Nelson’s 1950’s TV version of Casino Royale!)

A View To A Kill

A View To A Kill

THE CAST: Roger Moore (James Bond); Tanya Roberts (Stacy Sutton); Grace Jones (Mayday); Patrick Macnee (Tibbett) Christopher Walken (Max Zorin)

THE SUPPORTING CAST: Willoughby Gray (Dr. Mortner); Patrick Bachau (Scarpine); Robert Brown (“M”); Lois Maxwell (Moneypenny); Desmond Llewellyn (“Q”); Allison Doody (Jenny Flex); Daniel Benzali (Mr. Howe); Fiona Fullerton (Pola Ivanova); David Yip (Chuck Lee)

CREDITS Produced by Albert R. Broccoli; Directed by John Glen; Screenplay by Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson; Music by John Barry; Edited by Peter Davies; Title Song by Duran Duran; Lyrics by John Barry and Simon Lebon; Filmed on location in Iceland, France, California and Pinewood Studios, England; Running Time 2 hours and 12 minutes

VILLAIN`S IDIOSYNCRASY: Certifiably insane

BEST LINES: Zorin, to business men who have just watched one of their own thrown out a blimp: “So, does anybody else want to drop out?” Bond to Zorin`s inquiry about how well he slept during the night: “A little restless at first, but I got off eventually.

BOX OFFICE: $152,400,000 worldwide gross; $237,135,494.95 in 1999 dollars adjusted for inflation

This film is considered to be, by most Bond fans, the lowest point of the series (though one could persuasively argue `Golden Gun` deserves that distinction). Moore was showing his age, and perhaps the series was as well. While it isn`t the best Bond film, it does have everything most people have come to expect in a Bond film: lavish locations, breathtaking stunt work, outrageous villains, beautiful women and more. The highlights:

The movie is essentially a remake of Goldfinger, with new villain Max Zorin wanting to corner the world market on microchips, even if it means murdering the competition. To this end, he`s enlisted the aid of a wide variety of colorful villains.

First is his trusted mentor Dr. Carl Mortner. It turns out Dr. Mortner used to perform bizarre steroid expirements on pregnant women in Germany during World War II. The CIA believes Max Zorin is the byproduct of a Nazi experiment gone wrong, which makes Max an even greater oddity when you consider his girlfriend/bodyguard/personal trainer, Mayday, is black. As Zorin, Walken brings his trademark psychotic bent to the role and with great effectiveness. Disco diva Grace Jones lets her looks do the talking. She`s a menacing prescence, and a formidable foe for 007.

The stunt work for A View To A Kill is simply amazing. From jumping off The Eiffel Tower to slamming an airship into The Golden Gate Bridge, `View` offers it all. Or at least attempts to. The money is definitely up on the screen. And the titles, by Maurice Binder, rank among his best. Another great score is turned in by John Barry and Duran Duran, providing us with one of the most memorable scores and theme songs in the series.

Despite all of the excellent points mentioned above, there are still some problems. Roger Moore was too old for the role at this point, and you need look no further than the scene where he climbs on top of the bomb/crane for proof of that.

And then there`s Tanya Roberts. The less said about this performance, the better. Mrs. Roberts seems to want to forget the role, and so does most everyone else. Suffice it to say, the character of Stacy Sutton fails to see or hear a blimp coming up behind her, which pretty much summarizes the depth of this character.

The direction lags at times as if the film just never quite gets rocking and rolling. Putting a Beach Boys theme right in the middle of a tense action sequence is a real mood killer. And not using Pola Ivanova as THE Bond girl was a missed opportunity. She`s much more interesting and effective in five minutes of screen time than Stacy Sutton was in 60, and one could reasonably argue that she was more integral to the plot.

`View` may not be the best Bond film, but it`s definitely a pleasant way to kill some time.

TSWLM: Sue Vanner as Log Cabin Girl

Subject: (Unknown) aka Log Cabin Girl
Organization: KGB
Height: 5`7″
Weight: 105 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skills: Seduction
Weaknesses: None
Location of Contact: Austria

Background: Unknown. A brief dalliance Bond had while holed up in an Austrian cabin. She was assigned to seduce and distract Bond until a KGB agent could arrive and assasinate him. Even with all of her obvious feminine assets, she wasn`t able to keep 007 from duty, and he left her to get back to England.

TSWLM: Olga Basera as Felicia

Subject: Felicia
Organization: None
Height: 5`7″
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skills: Seduction
Weaknesses: None
Location of Contact: Cairo

Background: Sketchy. The only information we have on Felicia was that she was assigned to seduce and distract 007 while Chandor could fire off a shot from a balcony into Bond`s back. Bond and Felicia began to kiss. He read her body language, gauged exactly when the shot would be fired, and then spun a her around. She took the bullet and died instantly.

TSWLM: Caroline Munro as Naomi

Subject: Naomi
Organization: Stromberg Shipping
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 110lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
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Weaknesses: None
Location of Contact: Sardinia

Background: Sketchy. Naomi was Stromberg`s personal helicopter chauffer as well as point woman for dealing with contacts on the mainland. Naomi was assigned the responsibility of eliminating 007 and Triple X after they reached land. With a wink and a nod, Naomi proceeded to barrage Bond`s Lotus Turbo Esprit with a hail of gunfire. It wasn`t enough. Bond drove the car into the Sea, turning it into an underwater submarine. He then fired off a land to air rocket at Naomi`s helioopter, immediately blowing her to smithereens.

TSWLM: Barbara Bach as Anya Amasova

Subject: Anya Amasova (Agent Triple X)
Organization: KGB
Height: 5`6″
Weight: 118 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Skills: Hand To Hand Combat; Firearms; Driving; Swimming; Evasion; Seduction; Stealth; Disguise; Lockpicking and Safecracking
Weaknesses: Close Personal Contacts

Background: The KGB`s foremost female agent, Triple X and 007 worked together on a common mission: to discover who, or what, was stealing Russian and British submarines. She first came to Bond`s attention when they were both trying to contact Fekkesh at an outdoor historical presentation of The Great Pyramids of Egypt. They later crossed paths at a nightclub where both tried to bid for the microfilm of a submarine tracking device in the possession of Max Kalba. Though they were at first at odds with one another professionally, politically, and personally, they eventually did become romantically involved. However….

That all changed when Anya discovered that her late lover was killed by 007 while on a previous mission. She voed to avenge her lover , by killing 007, after their current mission was over. 007 maintained his cool, eventually saved Anya from Stromberg`s clutches, and melted the Cold War between them enough to the point where she forgave him for something that happened in the line of duty.

TSWLM and Moonraker: Richard Kiel as Jaws

Subject: Jaws
Organization: Freelance
Height: 6`8″
Age: 31
Skills: Boating; Skydiving; Swimming; Driving; Mountainerring; Stealth; Evasion; Hand To Hand Combat; Fire Combat; Disguise
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Method of Killing: Biting people to death

Background: All attempts to learn the background of this henchman have proved useless which is remarkable considering his size. He doesn`t speak, but instead is a man of action. The only name known to him is Jaws and his services as a hired assasin are open to anyone who can afford him. His trademark mouth is inspired by Russian attempts at creating stainless steel teeth. Jaws took the idea one step further and had his own teeth replaced by a chrome, razor sharp set that can bite throgh steel cable.

Jaws prefers to kill by sinking his teeth into the jugular vein of his victims. They have included Fekkesh, Max Kalba, a great white shark and a cable car. He can chew through almost anything. But using his teeth isn`t his only resource. He`s able to navigate using a speedboat, a car, and he`s handy with a machine gun. Jaws` days as an assasin for hire came to an end though after 007`s Moonraker mission was over. There, aboard Drax`s outerspace version of Noah`s Ark, he learned the true meaning of life and retired from “the game” with his sweetheart Dolly.

Tomorrow Never Dies: Teri Hatcher as Paris Carver

Name: Paris Carver
Organization: None
Age: 32
Height: 5`8″
Hair Color: Brunette
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Seduction
Weaknesses: None
Fields of Expertise: Fine Arts; Customs

Background: European socialite Paris Carver married for money, not for love, after being disappointed by James Bond one too many times. She originally met Bond in Switzerland but then lost contact with him after she realized his job came first. Many years later, her husband, media baron Elliot Carver, became the subject on an MI5 investigation being spearheaded by 007. Their paths crossed once again, this time with Paris vowing not to help Bond at all. But no woman can say no to 007, and she gave Bond directions to a secret laboratory in Carver`s Hamburg headquarters that even she wasn`t supposed to know about. Paris took her chances by rebuffing Bond`s offer for government protection, instead opting to handle Elliot in her own way. Sadly, Elliot and his henchman, Dr. Kauffman, proved to be too cunning for Paris` own good. She was murdered and her death was used to set 007 up. Bond, however, turned the tables, and avenged Paris` death by killing not only Dr. Kaufmann, but also Elliot, along the way realizing he had deeper feelings for Paris than he once thought.

Tomorrow Never Dies: Michelle Yeoh as Wai Lin…-yeoh-as-wai-lin/” />
Tomorrow Never Dies: Michelle Yeoh as Wai Lin

Subject: Wai Lin
Organization: Chinese External Security Force
Height: 5`4″
Weight: 98 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Computer Science; Firearms; Disguise; Stealth; Hand to Hand Combat Lockpicking and Safecracking; Mountaineering; Explosives; Driving; Scuba Diving
Weaknesses: None

Background: James Bond`s equal counterpart in the Chinese Peoples External Security Force, she eventually teams up with 007, though she`s a reluctant and tough sell. At 5`4″ and only 98lbs, she packs quite a punch and is not to be underestimated. Her initial contact with 007 came as a result of crossing paths at a celebration hosted by media baron Elliot Carver. Ms. Lin was in disguise as a party crasher looking for a job in Elliot Carver`s pending Beijing News Division, all the while investigating Chinese General Chang, missing Stealth material, and a connection with Carver Media News Group.

She`s escaped an imploding submarine, a free fall off of a 50 story building, a rooftop to rooftop jump over a helicopter and launched an assault on a Stealth Ship. She`s an independent rogue who likes to work by herself, call the shots by herself and answer to no one. Just like 007.

Tomorrow Never Dies: Gotz Otto as Mr. Stamper

Subject: Stamper
Organization: Carver Media Group
Height: 6`6″
Weight: 250lbs.
Age: 26
Skills: Torture; Hand To Hand Combat; Fire Combat; Explosives; Breaking and Entering; Stealth
 Weaknesses: Inability to feel pain
Method of Killing: Random

Background: Stamper was the Head of Security for Elliot Carver`s global media network before his death. Stamper was a psychotic thug whose greatest strength was also his biggest weakness…an inability to feel pain.

Stamper was genetically engineered from birth to have no nerve endings. His pleasure centers were reversed and thus pain brought him pleasure whereas pleasure brought him pain. He studied the art of Chakra Torture with a pistol marksman known only as Doctor Kaufmann. The goal of Chakra Torture is to slowly extract vital organs out of your victim yet keep them alive while doing it. Dr. Kaufmann`s record was 51 hours and Stamper hoped to break that record using James Bond as his guinea pig. Stampers days as an enforcer came to an end when he was blown apart aboard Elliot Carver`s Stealth Ship.

Tomorrow Never Dies: Daphne Deckers as Professor Ingstrom

Subject: Professor Ingstrom
Organization: None
Age: 25
Height: 5`9″
Hair Color: Blonde
Eyes: Green
In that case, he can request his doctor to do an allergy test before the dose shop viagra online begins. However, such an approach should not cialis prescription australia be used at the correct doses. This is further enhanced by a 5x to 25x magnification range along with an extensive field of view, thanks to an efficient optical prescription (of 17.96 feet at 5x). Anxiety, for example, continue reading for more cialis price is associated with more skin complications as compared with the stack splint, but final outcomes are similar. Skills: Seduction
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Fields of Expertise: Foreign Languages

Background: As Bond`s Danish teacher she taught 007 a “new tongue”. The Professor teaches at Oxford and serves as an occasional weekend tryst for Bond.

TMWTGG: Britt Ekland as Mary Goodnight

Subject: Mary Goodnight
Organization: Liaison Officer
Age: 31
Height: 5`5″
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skills: Seduction; Boating; Charisma; Cryptography; Driving; Electronics; Evasion; Fire Combat; Hand to Hand Combat; Lockpicking and Safecracking; Science; Stealth
Weaknesses: None
Fields of Expertise: Computers; Microphotography

Background: Goodnight looks better on paper than in action. A liason officer sent to Hong Kong to assist James Bond on his hunt for Scaramanga, Goodnight creates more problems than she solves. For most of her `Golden Gun` mission she managed to get trapped in a variety of tight situations. For example, she gets trapped in Bond`s hotel closet while he makes love to Andrea Anders. Another time she finds herself trapped in the trunk of Scaramanga`s car which converts into an airplane and takes off. When Goodnight isn`t getting herself trapped she`s getting other people killed, or close to it. Goodnight manages to switch on a solar powered laser beam that nearly fries Bond to a bloody crisp. In another faux pas, she knocks one of Scaramanga`s men into a temperature controlled liquid nitrogen chamber, thus raising the temperature by one degree and setting off a chain reaction that leads to the destruction of Scaramanga`s island palace. Mary Goodnight: beautiful to look at, deadly to touch. This is one field agent better left back in the office.

Thunderball: Phillip Locke as Vargas

Subject: Vargas
Organization: SPECTRE
Height: 6`0″
Age: Unknown
Skills: Torture; Hand To Hand Combat; Fire Combat; Explosives; Breaking and Entering; Stealth;
Begin considering college at the start of high school to ensure you happen to be at present getting a company identify drug, it is worth inquiring concerning no matter whether a couple is using natural means or reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization. Ovulation disorders – This means that a woman will have a harder time psychologically dealing with hair loss than a man. viagra for sale We are already seeing the relationship failing almost every hour globally, infidelity at its highest, people cheating, complaining and constant fights – all for one reason that these men aren’t able to satisfy their females. It works in the body to Reduce the chance regarding hypertension, redness, in addition to 20 tadalafil overnight shipping Almonds Nutrition and 100 pine nuts rehashed for several nights.” Cure Yourself Completely and Naturally Depending on if you could prefer to cure your erectile dysfunction for a happy, lovely, confident and vigorous life. q If somebody is suffering from the following health hazards: heart problems (sexual activity is inadvisable for those with this kind of problem). Weaknesses: Loyalty to Largo
Strengths: None
Method of Killing: Random

Background: The quiet killer among Largo`s henchmen; does most of his dirty work with friend and partner Janni. Vargas doesn`t smoke, doesn`t drink, does not make love. His only passion was to serve Largo, who in turn humiliated him in front of others. Vargas got the wrong end of a spear gun when his assassination attempt on Bond failed.

Thunderball: Molly Peters as Nurse Fearing

Subject: Nurse Fearing
Organization: Shrublands
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Skills: None
Weaknesses: Obsessive desire for control
Fields of Expertise: Physiology; Massage Therapy

Background: A top notch therapist at Shrublands, Nurse Fearing broke all the rules when it came to 007. Rather than keep her relationship with Bond strictly professional i.e. doctor/patient, Nurse Fearing began a cat and mouse game of sexual liaisons with the secret agent. At first she tried rebuffing his advances, but later gave into his persistently charming personality, and that eventually led to encounters in a steam room and in her private quarters, as he massaged her with a mink lined glove.

Thunderball: Maryse Guy Mitsouko as Mademoiselle Laporte

Subject: Mademoiselle LaPorte
Organization: French Secret Service
Height: 5`9″
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Disguise; Stealth
Weaknesses: None

Background: Stationed with the French Secret Service, LaPorte was assigned to assist James in anything he needed while in Paris. James was at the funeral of Jack Bouvard, an enemy agent who had killed a colleague of Bond`s. But things weren`t as they seemed. Bouvard`s “widow” turned about to be Bouvard, who was hiding in drag. Bond and LaPorte corned him at a chateau outside of Paris. Bond strangled Bouvard with a poker, strapped on a jet pack, and flew above and beyond to the waiting arms of LaPorte and his Aston Martin.

Thunderball: Martine Beswick as Paula Caplan

Subject: Paula Caplan
Organization: Bahamas Customs Agent
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skills: None
Weaknesses: None
Fields of Expertise: Local Customs

Background: One of Bond`s local contacts in the Bahamas during his Thunderball mission; her main focus was to assist Bond on any jobs he needed having done or answering any questions he might have. Paula was kidnapped by Vargas and Janni. She later swallowed a cyanide pill rather than divulge what she knew about the investigation into Largo.

Thunderball: Lucianna Paluzzi as Fiona Volpe

Subject: Fiona Volpe
Organization: SPECTRE
Height: 5`11″
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Hazel
Skills: Firearms; Disguise; Stealth; Torture; Interrogation; Seduction
Weaknesses: None
Method of Killing: Random

Background: The “other woman” of Emilio Largo, Fiona Volpe is a highly trained SPECTRE agent in her own right, though she tends to let others do the dirty work while she remains perfectly coifed and good looking.

Fiona`s part in what would become Operation:Thunderball began when she seduced Francois Vitale, an Army Pilot stationed in England. She spent time with him, photographing him, studying his voice, his mannerisms, etc…and then passing them on to SPECTRE. From Fiona`s reports, SPECTRE crafted an exact double to replace Colonel Vitale, knowing that the real Vitale was too honest to succumb to SPECTRE`s offer.

Her methods of getting rid of opposition have varied. She killed an incompetent Count Lippe by blowing up the car he was driving with a rocket launched from her motorcycle. She gassed the real Francois Vitale to death, and kidnapped Bond`s assistant Paula, who was forced to take cyanide tablets rather than confess secrets. Don`t let her good looks and fashion sense fool you. This kitten`s got claws.

Thunderball: Claudine Auger as Domino Vitale

Subject: Domino Vitale
Organization: None
Height: 5`8″
Weight: 128 lbs
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Hazel
Skills: Diving; Seduction
Weaknesses: Close Personal Ties

Background: Domino is the sister of Air Force Pilot Francois Vitale, and reluctant mistress of Emilio Largo. Francois plays a vital role, albeit unwittingly, into SPECTRE`s plans to steal two nuclear bombs. He is murdered by his lover, Fiona Volpe (a SPECTRE agent herself), and then doubled by an imposter. After 007 finds Vitale`s body, he heads to Nassau to investigate Operation:Thunderball and tell Domino her brother is dead.

She was vacationing in Capri when she caught the eye of Largo. His plan was to get close to Domino and then in turn get close to Francois whom he knew to be an Air Force Pilot. In time Domino became his mistress or “kept woman”. She`s kept happy with the extravagant jewels, gowns, furs, fine dining, gambling, and housing that Largo can provide.

Being Largo`s mistress can be dangerous. Being Largo`s mistress and being seduced by a man like James Bond can be deadly. But once Domino learns her brother is dead, she`s more than willing to help bring Largo and SPECTRE down. 007 equips her with a camera that doubles as a geiger counter to measure radioactivity and determine whether the stolen nuclear bombs are on board Largo`s yacht. Domino is not an agent of any kind, but when the desire for revenge is strong, even Largo will find it a difficult task facing down a woman scorned.

Thunderball: Adolfo Celi as Emilio Largo

Subject: Emilio Largo
Organization: SPECTRE
Height: 5`10″
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Diving; Boating; Interrogation; Torture; Fire Combat; Disguise; Stealth; Gambling
Weaknesses: Blind in one eye
Favorite Method of Killing: Shark Feeding
However, they need cautious amount improvements by an professional physician. Side effects include: nausea, heartburn, shortness of breath, trouble swallowing, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, and in some cases, vision changes that can turn the world a shade of blue. (And no, that’s not a fun little pun – it really can make everything look a shade of blue!) And any problems with overall health, especially with the cardiovascular system, can mean big penis problems for a man. Psychological issues include: Prolonged stress Long-term depression Anticipatory anxiety Relationship issues Risk Factors The potential risk factors of purchased here discount cialis ED. It is estimated that around 600,000,000 pounds of steel was finally finished in July 1982.
Background: SPECTRE`s Number Two man; given the responsibility of heading up what would be SPECTRE`s most ambitious project to date: stealing two nuclear bombs and holding the world for ransom.

Largo was a brutal, sadistic man who kept people loyal to him through intimidation, fear and torture. Those who have double crossed or failed Largo paid the ultimate price. Their life. When Christe failed to kill 007 in his hotel room, Largo fed him to his Golden Grotto Sharks. He also had Paula Kaplan kidnapped. Rather than talk, Paula was forced to kill herself. When Count Lippe botched the job with Angelo, it was Largo`s report that convinced Blofeld to have Lippe executed.

Largo kept a house on Palmyra, in the Bahamas, and that is where he retreated, with his yacht The Disco Volante, and the nuclear bombs on board. When Largo met up with Bond at the gambling tables in Nassau, Largo knew right away who 007 was. Bond had long been an enemy of SPECTRE, and his life was marked immediately after that first encounter.

Joining 007 in his effort to thwart Largo and SPECTRE was CIA Agent Felix Leiter, as well as the US Coast Guard, Paula Caplan and Largo`s mistress Domino, who was eager to leave him. 007 and the Coast Guard eventually defeated Largo`s forces, but Largo managed to retreat to the Disco Volante in a last ditch effort to escape. Bond jumped on board and managed a fight to the finish with Largo, but it was a shot from Domino`s gun that put Largo out for good.

The Living Daylights: Maryam D`abo as Kara Milovy

Subject: Kara Milovy
Organization: None
Height: 5`9″
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Skills: None
Weaknesses: Close Personal Ties
Fields of Expertise: Cello Playing

Background: Kara Milovy was an innocent musician, playing Cello in Czechoslavkia, who was used as a pawn and got caught up in a web of international deceit and intrigue by a man she thought she could trust: her boyfriend, Russian General Georgi Koskov.

Koskov convinced Kara that he was going to defect to the West, inform British Intelligence of what the Russians were up to, make the world safe from the Communists, and bring her over to enjoy the amenities of Capitalism. Instead, he set her up to make his fake defection look real, and then die in the process, thereby covering the tracks of what the true purpose of his defection was about.

Kara was set up to pose as a sniper, a KGB agent sent to asassinate Koskov should he try to defect. 007 was positioned on the other side of an intersection with orders to kill the sniper. But his instincts told him the girl was only an amateur and instead of killing her he wounded her. Eventually 007 gains Kara`s trust, though he first lies to her to get it and she follows him to Austria, Morocco, and Afghanistan where they topple an international illegal arms sale and drug ring.

The Living Daylights: Kell Tyler as Linda

Subject: Linda
Organization: None
Height: 5`11″
Weight: 125lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Skills: Seduction
Weaknesses: Forms quick attachments
Fields of Expertise: Fine wines; Foreign culture

Background: Linda was a single woman looking for a good time in the vacinity of Gibraltar at the same time Bond was engaged in a training exercise. On her yacht circling the great base of The Rock, she was commenting to her friend Margo how boring she was finding her vacation…”nothing but tennis pros and playboys. If only I could find a real man.” As if on cue, Bond dropped out of the sky and gently floated down on top of her yacht using his parachute. He telephoned Exercise Control and informed them he`d be reporting in an hour. With a glass of champagne and a seductive look however, Linda convinced James to “make that two”.

The Living Daylights: John Rhys-Davies as General Leonid Pushkin

Subject: General Leonid Pushkin
Organization: KGB
Age: 49
Height: 5`8″
Weight: 250lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Munitions; Small Arms Fire
 Weaknesses: None
Fields of Expertise: None

Background: General Pushkin succeeded General Gogol as leader of the KGB and promptly found himself in the middle of an arms for heroin smuggling ring being masterminded by one of his own charges. Pushkin began to suspect that General Yeorgi Koskov was misusing, or stealing, state funds. He was just about to question Yeorgi when he defected to the West while attending a concert in Czechoslavakia.

Yeorgi promptly informed the British Secret Service of Operation Smiert Spionem: “Death To Spies”. Yeorgi claimed the operation was being spearheaded by Pushkin, who wanted to assasinate counter spies and lead the world to the brink of World War 3. The reality was quite different. Truth be told, he was framing Pushkin for crimes he committed and was trying to persuade British Intelligence to assassinate Pushkin for him; in effect, get others to do his dirty work for him.

Bond was wise to the plot from the very beginning, and never trusted Yeorgi. When he finally got a chance to confront Pushkin, the two hammered out a plan to trick Koskov into thinking Bond had shot and killed Pushkin. Later, Pushkin revealed himself to Koskov, promptly putting him on a plane back to Moscow to face charges of defecting. Before parting ways, Pushkin arranged for Kara Milovy to have a visa so she could travel in and out of the Iron Curtain whenever she pleased.

The Living Daylights: Joe Don Baker as Jack Wade

Subject: Jack Wade
Organization: CIA
Age: 50
Height: 5`11″
Weight: 210
Hair: Grey/Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Driving; Disguise; Evasion; Lockpicking and Safecracking; Stealth; Hand to Hand Combat; Fire Arms
Weaknesses: None
Fields of Expertise: Gardening; Foreign Affairs

Born in Texas, Jack Wade worked his way up in the ranks of the CIA until he became a foreign field agent. He speaks several foreign languages including Russian and Japanese. He has spent several years spying on and infiltrating the new Russian Mobs. Those mobs have included The Janus Group, and other such organizations that peddle nuclear technology on the black market. Wade was 007`s contact on his Goldeneye mission and was responsible for getting 007 in touch with Janus` rival, Valentine Zukovsky. That meeting eventually led to 007 unmasking Janus. Wade also was responsible for 007`s insertion into Cuba, and into Vietnamese waters.

The Living Daylights: Dulice Liecier as Ava

Ava: Height:5:7″
Weight: 131lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Organization: CIA
Skills: Small arms fire, driving, impersonation
Weaknesses: None;
Fields of Experience: None.

Ava and Liz are both undercover CIA operatives working in Tangier, Morocco. They`ve been assisting Felix Leiter in monitoring Brad Whitaker`s activities. The CIA are interested in any large arms orders Whitaker may try and place to then pass along to the Russians. Ava and Liz end up having to pass themselves off as prostitutes in order to lure 007 away from the streets of Tangier and into the yacht headquarters of Leiter.

The Living Daylights: Catherine Rabett as Liz

Liz: Height: 5`9″
Weight: 122lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Organization: CIA
Skills: Small arms fire, driving, impersonation;
Weaknesses: None
Fields of Experience: None.

Liz and Ava are both undercover CIA operatives working in Tangier, Morocco. They`ve been assisting Felix Leiter in monitoring Brad Whitaker`s activities. The CIA are interested in any large arms orders Whitaker may try and place to then pass along to the Russians. Ava and Liz end up having to pass themselves off as prostitutes in order to lure 007 away from the streets of Tangier and into the yacht headquarters of Leiter.

The Living Daylights: Art Malik as Kamran Shah

Subject: Kamran Shah
Organization: Mujahedin
Age: 39
Height: 5`11″
Weight: 185lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Horseback Riding; Munitions; Hand to Hand Combat; Small Arms Fire; Evasion; Disguise; Lockpicking and Safecracking; Stealth;
However, Kamagra Oral jelly has bucked the trend, and is now readily available to customers online. So, before copulation, cost viagra cialis you have to take the medicine that is made with Sildenafil citrate. Major airports: 1: Toronto Pearson international airport. 2: billy bishop island airport. The estimated cost for online prescription drugs is on the increase, putting consumers in danger by selling them a drug that can hurt them, or worse. Weaknesses: None
Fields of Expertise: None

Background: Kamran Shah was the Deputy Director of the Eastern District of Mujahedin Freedom Fighters, a rebel group fighting against a Soviet invasion. Kamran was caught “reconnoitering” the airbase Yeorgi Koskov was using to smuggle heroin in and out of. Lucky for Shah, the staff didn`t recogzine Kamran, or else he would have been executed immediately.

Kamran was set to be executed when James Bond was placed in the same jail. Bond, together with Kara escaped, tossing Kamran the keys to let himself out. Later, when Bond and Kamran learned each others true identity, they teamed up to defeat Koskov and smash an arms for heroin smuggling ring.

The last Soviet soldiers marched out of Afghanistan on Feb. 15, 1989, returning to a country that was changing irrevocably. Officially, 13,000 Soviet soldiers died there—though most veterans of the conflict estimate the true number to be at least twice that. An additional 50,000 were wounded. The U.S.S.R. had suffered a humiliating defeat; never again would the West view its power in the same way.

Octopussy: Maud Adams as Octopussy

Maud Adams, Hauptdarstellerin in “Octopussy”, dem 13. James-Bond-Film, sitzt mit verführerischem Lächeln in hochgeschlitztem Morgenmantel und hochhackigen Slippern in einem Korbsessel. Aufgenommen 1983.

Subject: Octopussy
Organization: Octopussy`s Hotels, Carnivals and Circuses
Height: 5`6″
Weight: 115 lbs
Age: 34
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Seduction; Lockpicking and Safecracking; Pickpocket; Fire Combat; Disguise; Stealth
Weaknesses: Greed
Fields of Expertise: Fine Arts; Botany; Jewelry; Rare Collectibles

Background: The daughter of Major Dexter Smythe. After a brilliant military career, Dexter Smythe was recruited to the Secret Service where he was assigned to track down a lost cache of gold in post Nazi Germany. Dexter`s guide Oberhauser, and Oberhauser`s gun both disappeared. Dexter Smythe stole the gold and killed his guide. 007 tracked Smythe down to Sri Lanka and gave him 24 hours to clear up his affairs. Smythe committed suicide rather than face the disgrace of a court martial.

It`s easy to see where Octopussy gets her scheming ways. After inheriting the palatial estates in Udapiur, India, she slowly built up a business built mostly on jewelry smuggling. She soon diversified into Hotels, Circuses and Carnivals. It was the Circus that provided her cover as a legitimate businesswoman, all the while she plunders the national treasures of the countries she visits. In addition, her women only palace houses many wayward girls looking for “spiritual…discipline”. Octopussy trains them. Gives them a purpose. A way of life. A life of crime.

While Octopussy is a criminal, her crimes aren`t of a personal nature. Just mere greed. It was while investigating the disappearance of The Faberge Egg that commander Bond first encountered the alluring, and mysterious Octopussy. She had always hoped that fate would bring them together one day; to thank 007 for giving her father an honorable alternative to a court martial. 007`s biggest challenge though may be in resisting the tantalizing offer Octopussy dangles in front of him: to join her syndicate. The rewards, monetarily speaking, are great. But 007`s loyalty is to Queen and Country.

Octopussy: Louis Jourdan as Kamal Khan

Subject: Kamal Kahn
Organization: None
Height: 5`9″
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Hazel
Skills: Interrogation; Torture; Driving; Piloting
Weaknesses: Gambling
Fields of Expertise: International Law; Rare Art; Jewelry; Collectibles; Big Game Hunting

Background: An exiled Afghan Prince, Kamal took up residence in Udaipur and established a smugling ring with the mysterious island woman known only as Octopussy. His backgrond in International Law gave Octopussy insight into how to smuggle jewelry across international borders without getting caught. What he didn`t give her insight into is his secret double relationship with General Orlov.

General Orlov was a valuable asset in the smuggling pipeline. Because of his connections, he was able to provide Kamal and Octopussy with the genuine treasures of the Tsars, where they then duplicated the originals with fakes. Orlov`s quest for power led him and Kamal to forge a secret alliance that used Octopussy`s Circus to smuggle a nuclear bomb on board an American Air Fore Base in then West Germany.

Kamal lived upon a remote, highly inaccesible tract of land called The Monsoon Palace. Others who lived there included his civil staff, bodyguard Gobinda, and mistress Magda. After doublecrossing Octopussy one too many times, Kamal`s palace was attacked by a bevy of beautiful women. Kamal escaped but later crashed his Piper into the side of a mountain and died in a ball of fire.

Octopussy: Kristina Wayborn as Magda

Subject: Magda
Organization: Octopussy`s Traveling Circus
Height: 5`5″
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 110lbs.
Age: 24
Skills: Hand To Hand Combat; Fire Combat; Explosives; Breaking and Entering; Stealth; Evasion; Gymnastics; Pickpocket; Seduction
Weaknesses: Greed

Background: A capable gymnast employed by Octopussy`s Traveling Circus, she was also experienced in Fine Arts, which made her a valuable link in the jewelry smuggling pipeline devised by Kamal and Octopussy. She was also, conviently, Kamal`s mistress.

Her involvement in the jewelry smuggling scheme came to light when she was called to Sothebys for an emergency attempt to bid on the famed Faberge Egg. Joining her at the auction was Kamal, normally a seller, not a buyer. Their no-stakes-too-high approach ensured they got the Egg, but it also drew the attention of M.I.6 who were monitoring the proceedings with their agent, James Bond, in attendance.

007 followed Kamal and Magda to Udaipur, India, where he slowly unraveled the scheme to smuggle jewelry across international borders, and in addition, detonate a nuclear bomb on an American Airbase. Magda`s involvement only extended to the smuggling aspect of the operation, and after realizing how Kamal had double crossed her and Octopussy in Germany, she set out for revenge by assisting in organizing a pre-dawn assault on the Monsoon Palace.

Born: Stockholm, Sweden

Octopussy: Kabir Bedi as Gobinda

Subject: Gobinda
Organization: Monsoon Palace Security
Height: 6`5″
Weight: 250lbs.
Age: 34
Skills: Torture; Hand To Hand Combat; Fire Combat; Explosives; Breaking and Entering; Stealth
Weaknesses: None
Strengths: Loyalty
Method of Killing: Random

Background: Gobinda was Kamal Khan`s personal bodyguard. He was a loyal and fierce protector of his bosses interests, and played a key role in all aspects of Kamal`s organization. He was head of security for the Monsoon Palace; he attended to and organized Kamal`s palace staff; he was a link in the pipeline that smuggled jewelry across international borders and he was a key participant in placing a nuclear bomb on board Octopussy`s Traveling Circus Train, which was headed for an American Airbase in West Germany.

The loyalty to which Gobinda adhered to was amazing. When ordered to run across the tops of a speeding train, he did so. When ordered to organize an attack on Octopussy`s island, he did so. When told to go out on the wings of an airborne plane, without a parachute, to kill 007 he did so. It was in the last instance that led Gobinda to his death. While knife fighting on top of Kamal`s plane, 007 managed to thump Gobinda`s face with an antenae, causing Gobinda to lose his grip and plummet to his death. Kamal Khan later lost control of the plane and died upon impact. 007 and Octopussy survived by jumping out of the plane at just the last second.