Mere days remain until the Bond Fan Events group trip to NOLA for an amazing four-day weekend celebrating Live and Let Die, the event known as Live and Let Fans!
M will bring fans to over 40 locations–yes, 40 locations– from the Bond books and films. M has been leading New Orleans 007 tours for nearly 20 years, since he was a young sprat in Her Majesty’s Service.
M is hooked deeply into Bond fandom and spends dozens of hours researching locations. He has done projects with 100 different Bond experts, actors, authors and production team members and has an inside track on fandom events.

What happens at Live and Let Fans? Glad you asked. Fans take photos and video on location at amazing places where Bond walked, dig into fabulous food, lift glasses together at stylish watering holes, dance to live music together, thrill to a balcony view above Bourbon Street, game at Harrah’s casino, relish a late night Haunted New Orleans Tour, dine together at Emeril’s, and more, including seeing the New Orleans most tourists never see.
The cost? Only $50. Why $50 when similar events have cost hundreds of dollars a day, even over $1,000 per day per person? To celebrate 21 years of M’s Bond Locations Tours. Cheers.

Look for updates at this site following the tour next month. Ask M for more or to join Live and Let Fans, live on location.
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