Tomorrow Never Dies: Gotz Otto as Mr. Stamper

Subject: Stamper
Organization: Carver Media Group
Height: 6`6″
Weight: 250lbs.
Age: 26
Skills: Torture; Hand To Hand Combat; Fire Combat; Explosives; Breaking and Entering; Stealth
 Weaknesses: Inability to feel pain
Method of Killing: Random

Background: Stamper was the Head of Security for Elliot Carver`s global media network before his death. Stamper was a psychotic thug whose greatest strength was also his biggest weakness…an inability to feel pain.

Stamper was genetically engineered from birth to have no nerve endings. His pleasure centers were reversed and thus pain brought him pleasure whereas pleasure brought him pain. He studied the art of Chakra Torture with a pistol marksman known only as Doctor Kaufmann. The goal of Chakra Torture is to slowly extract vital organs out of your victim yet keep them alive while doing it. Dr. Kaufmann`s record was 51 hours and Stamper hoped to break that record using James Bond as his guinea pig. Stampers days as an enforcer came to an end when he was blown apart aboard Elliot Carver`s Stealth Ship.