The photo gallery from our academic Bond Fan Event is below . . .

Our annual academic panels at SAMLA (South Atlantic Modern Languages Association) focus on Ian Fleming’s work, the continuation novels, and the James Bond films. Many of the members present academic papers, others give talks with PowerPoint or video presentations. Join us!
BondFanEvents will again be presenting at the annual SAMLA conference. From November 13-15, 2020 we will be presenting on “Bond Scandal”.
To help us discuss JAMES BOND AND SCANDAL, joining after-panel sessions are Dexter Ingram and Lawrence Keller:
* Dexter Ingram is a Special Advisor to The Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. An international Counterterrorism and Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction strategist, Ingram is also a STEM educator, and a top collector of real-world spy devices and James Bond memorabilia. His media experience includes numerous appearances on CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, BBC, Abu Dhabi TV (UAE), NHK TV (Japan), and Maghreb News (Morocco).
* Lawrence Keller, aka “Paladin9”, is a Para Rescue Specialist and former CIA NOC (Non-Official Cover) Operative. Keller will share unique experiences with us and demonstrate investigative techniques. He is also the creator of the documentary “The Guns of James Bond”.
We know many of you still want to join the intellectual excitement and social fun of SAMLA 92, so the deadline has been extended to submit our Session Information Forms (which means we can accept abstracts and proposals through Wednesday, July 15). Our CFP follows this message, so please get those ideas circulating for JAMES BOND AND SCANDAL, write them down then send us a proposal (, of up to 300 words by July 15.
From the first publication of Fleming’s James Bond novels in the 1950s, up to the troubled and controversial production of No Time To Die, the 25th Bond film, the persona and milieu of Bond has attracted scandal. Lambasted in 1958 by Paul Johnson for “sex, snobbery, and sadism,” Fleming’s novels attracted still more notoriety when they were adapted into film starting with Dr No in 1962. On the one hand, James Bond has been kept relevant by linking him to contemporary crises and scandals such as international terrorism, cyberhacking, and corporate corruption. On the other, the persistence of Bond’s heavy drinking, womanizing, and violence have themselves been provocative, leading to such dismissals as Bond being a “sexist, misogynist, dinosaur,” a notorious verdict uttered by Judi Dench in Goldeneye. Bond always breaks the rules, and his “licence to kill” also makes him a scandalously violent figure. The theme of this year’s SAMLA conference, Scandal! Literature and Provocation: Breaking Rules, Making Texts, is an ideal opportunity to reflect on ways in which the character and actions of Bond continue to shock, upset and offend—as well as enthrall and entertain—readers and viewers. We invite papers on any aspect of sexual, political, or other “scandal” in Fleming’s novels and/or the Bond films. Please send 300-word paper proposals, brief bios, and A/V requirements to Professor Oliver Buckton at Florida Atlantic University ( and Matthew B. Sherman ( by July 15, 2020.