Which Bond Girl Underwent a Sex Change?

Caroline Cossey, other wise known as Tula, was a woman and working runway model by the time she had a small role in “For Your Eyes Only”. In the film, she had no speaking part, and was simply a pool girl enjoying the sun at the villa of Hector Gonzalez. Her claim to fame has been widely exaggerated by the press and entertainment media.

Caroline, or rather Barry, in her teen years physically matured as any other young man. Barry had the normal amount of facial/body hair for a 16 year old and functioning genitalia. Barry most likely had less testoserone and more estrogen then average but this is not abnormal.

Caroline`s being born a man was certainly a mistake by nature but the exact cause of transexuality is still not known by medicine – only theories. What is known is that it causes extreme emotional pain in the affected person. It`s not any different from many diseases where the cause is not known but the treatment relieves the suffering.

Caroline`s offical position is that she has a genetic abnormality called Mosaicism (also known as Klienfelders Syndrome). She has had genetic testing which has proven she indeed has this abnormality.

What happens is occassionaly extra `X` chromosones get pasted on. Some of her sex chromosones are `XY` but others are `XXY` and XXXY`. This syndrome, in more severe forms, can cause mental retardation. The medical community is not convinced that this necessarily causes transexuality and many people live life as normal males.

This is NOT the same as being a 100% `XXY` she-male(such as several athletes in the Olympics have been). It is not the same as being a hermaphrodite either (both sets of sex organs).
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The reason Caroline is so attractive is because she is a `first wave` transitioner. First Wave transitioners are transexuals who start female hormones in their school years(age 15-25). These tend to be the beautiful transexuals because the harsher male characteristics(facial hair, thick skin, thick big nose, thinning hair, prominent browbone, etc) have not happened. Yet, they tend to have the positive male characteristics of being tall and slender (think of how Super Models look). They also age very gracefully.

Transexualism falls in the realm of an actual medical syndrome which is why it is eventually treated surgically. It sharply differs from being gay, which is a preference, or transvestism, which is a fetish or hobby.

Caroline is not making any public appearances or giving interviews currently. She still models and runs a business in Atlanta. The early 1990s were so tramatic for her that she is enjoying her life with her husband. She is 45 years old now (her handsome husband is 35 years old).

The “mayor`s office” of Atlanta gave Caroline Cossey the key to the city. The mayor later recieved some protests and he reponded by saying the office gave her the key without his authority. In reality he wanted to appease the gay community by giving her the key but still wanted an escape hatch in case the conservative community complained. And they did.

At one point Caroline wanted to open a night club in Atlanta similar to the Lido in Paris. This never happened. She is a private person and gets tired of the exposure.