Top Ten Proofs Kevin McClory Hired Poor Attorneys

From Our “Law & Disorder” Department

10. Recess pleaded for “due to problems delivering subpoena to Ian Fleming”

9. Keeps threatening, Largo-style, to “put the evil eye” on the Judge

8. Sues newsgroup for claiming Moonraker is a better film than Thunderball

7. Argues in court that all Bond films are essentially remakes of Thunderball including the three films made BEFORE Thunderball.

6. Is preparing justification defense that Kevin McClory is eternal and omniscient
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5. Bought all possible “Warhead 2002” Internet domain names so they can sell them back for mint prices

4. Keeps trying to electrocute the Judge in his chair and calls her “Number 11”

3. Will end up sueing us over this top ten list.

2. Feels confident they`ll win because “there`s a first time for everything”

1. Makes motion to drop the THUNDERBALL case to sue AOL instead, claiming Kevin McClory and Al Gore invented and patented the Internet