Tag Archives: Poems And Poetry of Ian Fleming

Poems And Poetry of Ian Fleming

The Black Daffodil
by Ian Fleming (1928)
Privately published

Fleming later destroyed all copies.

what is a book?
a mirrored pool
of thoughts, ideals
so often better left unsaid
so often better left
with the soft outline of dream
(circa 1926)

How much I loved that way you had
of smiling most when very sad.
If the wages of sin are Death
I am willing to pay
I am so weary of the curse of living
the endless, aimless torture, tumult, fears.

There once was a girl named Asoka
Who played three young fellows at poker
Having won all their money
She thought it so funny
They calmly decided to choke her.
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Were it not for vain imagining
I could let time for ever pass
Without a thought.
But now the tinsel mist that memory brings
Colours my loneliness.
Since I met you, I see you everywhere
The azure of your eyes, your red, red lips
The golden mystery of your hair.
Well, now I am content
To pass my life in dreams
Of when we meet again.
(circa 1927)

“On Crossing The Brenner Pass”

While everyone was feeling tired and hot
Alone I was in love with all the world
I felt how far apart I was from all the train,
I thought I was a part of some small stream
Just on from all the scrambling rivulets
Which hurried down towards the sunkissed south
Eager to greet the emerald sea which lay
Flawlessly still in amber gold setting