Category Archives: Weird and Wonderful

wild script – A View To A Kill

Critics of the film A VIEW TO A KILL, who may be looking for someone or something to place blame on, will have to look further than the shooting script to make their points. Reading the first draft and subsequent revisions leaves the reader with the impression of a serious, ambitious, tight and well thought out fun romp of a script by Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson. Whatever happened afterwards can only be left in the hands of the cast and crew.

The original concept for the film was to have Zorin try to alter the course of Halley`s Comet and make it smash into Silicon Valley. Halley`s comet would make its appearance later in 1985. Perhaps reasoning that the idea was too fantastical, the writers began taking a different approach to the script. The draft, dated June 20th, 1984 and revised several times in the ensuing months, doesn’t differ greatly from the film. The plot is the same, the characters are in place and most of the dialogue makes it. What is different is how startlingly professional and solid the character of Stacy Sutton is, the role of Pan Ho is slightly larger than in the film and two whole sequences were snipped from the script (one was filmed, one was not).

The script opens up exactly as the film does, with 007 deep in the heart of Siberia trying to retreive the microchip from the body of 003. The only difference in the action in the script calls for Bond to throw his axe at one of the Russian soldiers (which he does not do in the film) as well as have a close call with the helicopter blades (pictured above but not used in the film). Bond snowboards across a lake, pulls out a flare gun and destroys the helicopter before jumping into the waiting arms of Kimberly for a little spy lovin’.

KIMBERLY: I thought you’d never get back.

BOND: I ran into a few unfriendly natives.

In the script the acceleration of the submarine causes Kimberly to fall onto the bed, whereas in the film Bond deliberatly manipulates the controls so that Kimberly falls into his arms. This is one case where the filmed version is better than the scripted version. In the script, Kimberly merely falls into the bed and Bond says: “It’s five days to Alaska.” In the film, Kimberly puts up a fey protest against Bond’s not so subtle pass at her:

KIMBERLY: Commander Bond!

BOND: Call me James. It’s …five days to Alaska.

The action then shifts to the MI6, where both script and film follow a parallel course with little to no differences. We then move on to the Ascot Racecourse, where the whole office has gone for the day. Bond and M have their binoculars trained on Zorin’s luxury box. Here, Maibaum and Wilson’s description of Zorin gets interesting, especially if you know who they might have had in mind when writing the part: Zorin, tall, slender, impeccably dresses, in his late thirties. Unusually handsome, he has one grey and one blue eye. David Bowie was reportedly offered the role of Zorin. Could he have been in mind while this was being written?

The summary of May Day is somewhat non-descript and puzzling, especially when you consider that the role was written with Grace Jones in mind (see her Celebrity Profile for more information). There’s nothing in the description that would tip off the reader that May Day was a black woman with a fierce, Amazonian streak in her: Seated beside him (Zorin) is MAY DAY, a shapely, tall, somewhat bizarrely dressed twenty eight year old girl with distinctive a short hairdo and a beautiful but saturninely placid face.

Also cut was a short exchange between Sir Aubry (officiating the race) and Zorin after Zorin had won the race:

SIR AUBRY: This is becoming habitual, Mr Zorin.

ZORIN: Each times only makes me more grateful, Sir Aubrey.

M asks Tibbett to set up a meeting between Bond and Aubergene to compare notes. Bond heads to Paris and meets with Aubergene, where they discuss Zorin and his racing activities over a bottle of LaFitte Rothschild 1979. Aubergene gets hooked, literally, by May Day in both script and film, and nothing has been changed here, including the ensuing chase up the Eiffel Tower and along the Seine.

The script then moves along to Bond in a Parisian jail cell.


M waits impatiently. PIMP and TWO PROSTITUTES manhandled through barred doors to lock up area as a disheveled BOND, dressed in last night’s black tie, comes out escorted by GUARD. He stops at sergeant’s desk. SERGEANT takes sealed envelope containing Bond’s possessions, rips it open and dumps contents on desk. An underwater wrist watch, fountain pen, lighter etc. He starts to pick up watch by winding stem.

SERGEANT: One watch….

The stem pulls away and is actually the end of a garrot cord which winds out from watch. He lets go of stem, in surprise. He winds it back into watch. BOND picks it up and puts it on.

BOND: An old family heirloom.

He picks up fountain pen, unscrews top.

SERGEANT: One pen….

He scribbles on on the pad and screws top back on as he hands pen to Bond.

SERGEANT: ….in working order.

The pad begins to smoke and curl up, unnerving SERGEANT slightly. He picks up lighter.

SERGEANT: One lighter….

He flicks it. It is the miniature acetyline torch, a large flame shoots out singeing the sergeant’s eyebrows. He drops the lighter and pushes the remainder of Bond’s things away.

SERGEANT: Take them! Just sign here.

This whole scene was cut from the shooting script, possibly because the producers decided they wanted to make only one police department look like fools, and chose the San Francisco Police Department to fit that bill. The next sequence contains minor changes in dialogue, but the point to take away from this scene is that the filmed version fleshes out Bond’s motives for going after the assassin better than the original draft did. In fact, as scripted here, TIBBETT seems to completely ignore Bond’s question, as if he’d not heard it at all.


As CHAUFFER drives away from station. M holding a sheaf of bills, etc.

M: (caustically) Your release gratifies me, 007. All it took was 600,000 francs in damages and penalties for violating most of the Napoleonic code. May I remind you this operation was to be conducted discreetly.

BOND: Under the circumstances sir, I felt it was more important to identify the assassin.

M: Any ideas?

BOND: None that make any sense, sir. What did Aubergene hope to learn at the Zorin thoroughbred sales?

TIBBETT: I think I can arrange an invitation, Sir. Bit short notice, but I might be able to squeeze Bond in.

M: Very well, and try to avoid any more international incidents; the exchequer can’t afford them.

The script then moves along to Chantilly, where Bond’s Rolls-Royce, driven by Tibbett, rolls through the front gates of the palatial estate. There, Pan Ho and Scarpine are checking security. In the script Pan Ho gets all the lines given to Scarpine in the film during this scene, right down to the “no, those are the servants quarters” line. Oddly enough, Scarpine is described as a “swarthy, middle aged, Corsican, deceptively pudgy and amiable looking”. Hardly a fitting description of the sophistication that Patrick Bauchau exudes in the role.

Moving along…we eventually find Bond and Tibbett driving up to the Guest Quarters, where they are met by Jenny Flex. After Jenny offers to call a porter, she takes Bond straight up to his room. Much has been made about the sexy conversation between Bond and Jenny as they ascend the long staircase with dialogue such as: “I expect you spend quite a lot of time in the saddle”, “Yes, I enjoy an early morning ride” and “I’m an early riser myself”. Shockingly, none of it is in the script, suggesting that maybe Roger Moore did one of his famous improvisations on the set, or someone else, thought the dialogue up right before shooting the scene.

Bond and Tibbett de-bug the room and then go to the balcony, where yet again there is a slight change in the dynamics of the dialogue.

TIBBETT: Another wealthy owner?

BOND: Or a Zorin inamorata? Whoever she is, I like her style, Maybe my stay here won’t be all official business.

TIBBETT: Were on a mission.

BOND: And she’s part of it.

Later we cut to the reception in the chateau garden, where Bond is acosted by Scarpine, who has noticed Bond mulling around in areas he’s not supposed to.

SCARPINE: Enjoying the party, Mr. Sinjin-Smythe?

BOND: Immensely. Always enjoy a good knees-up.

The reference to the “knees-up” is obscure, vague. Wisely it was cut and replaced with something else.

Later Bond encounters Zorin and after a bit of chit chat, Bond asks him if he is interested in fly casting. In the film, Zorin’s immediate reaction is negative and evasive. Here in the script, he takes the cool approach.

ZORIN: Delightful pastime. I must do it more often. But I’m neglecting my other guests. Enjoy yourself. You will find the young ladies stimulating company.

The script gets weak momentarily when Bond finally meets up with Stacy.

STACY: No, I’m not interested in race horses.

BOND: As long as you don’t feel the same way about English bachelors who fancy American girls.

Ugh. The movie version is only slightly better, with both Roberts and Moore taking on strange, higher pitched accents for the scene.

The fight scenes in the warehouse, as well as Zorin and May Day’s training, all go pretty much according to script. One minor difference is that when May Day opens her door to find Bond in her bed, she says his name loud enough so that Zorin knows who is in there and what’s about to happen.

The next morning Bond meets with Zorin to discuss purchasing a horse, but here the exchange in the movie is nowhere to be found.

ZORIN: Good morning. You slept well?

BOND: Never better.

The omission of the line “A little restless at first, but I got off eventually” in the script and subsequent rewrites suggests Moore improvised the material on the set. Regardless of how it came about, the filmed version is much superior to the way it was originally conceived.

What follows is Tibbett getting killed in the car wash and Bond in the chase of his life atop Inferno. Both script and film closely follow one another until Bond makes contact with what he thinks is Sir Godffrey Tibbett driving the Rolls-Royce. No major changes here, but it does allow for PAN HO to get more screen time. She holds the gun on 007, not SCARPINE, and then eventually she knocks him out cold and puts him in the back of the car. Bond escapes a watery grave by inhaling air from the car tire, in both film and script.

We then cut to the meeting between Zorin and his Cartel members.

ZORIN: Gentlemen, you may find the venue of our meeting unconventional, but I assure you we will not be overheard.

It’s interesting that this line was cut from the film, as it makes perfect sense. Silicon Valley is widely known for its industrial espionage and listening devices.

Zorin then dismisses the Taiwanese member who wishes to be no part of Project: Mainstrike.

ZORIN: May Day will provide you with a drink.

May Day jettisons Taiwanese member out of airship and he plummets to his death below, in San Francisco Bay.

ZORIN: (to May Day) Did he get his drink?

Obviously this punch line is too cerebral. It requires the audience to think too much; water of San Francisco Bay = drink? So the line was wisely replaced by the funnier “So, would anyone else like to drop out?” Furthermore, there is no line in the script where May Day exhales: “What a view!” and Zorin: “To a kill.”

We now cut to Bond on Fisherman’s Wharf, preparing to meet Chuck Lee. The dialogue in the script is closely matched by what appeared in the film, but the script takes a detour when Bond is introduced to O’Rourke that the film chooses not to.

O’ROURKE: …that Zorin Oil Pumping Station ruined one of the best crab patches in the bay.

BOND: Scared them away?

O’ROURKE: No, they didn’t go nowhere, they just disappeared.

BOND: I’d like to have a look. Can you get me near the station?

O’ROURKE: That’ll be tough. (slowly a gleam comes to his eye) I might just have a way.


Deck crowded with CRAB MEN holding placards protesting Zorin Oil Company. BOAT approaches PUMPING STATION JETTY.


BOND: See if you can get a little closer.


INT. PUMPING STATION ZORIN at window. CONLEY, SCARPINE and MAY DAY join him. TECHNICIANS in B.G at control console.

ZORIN: What do they want?

CONLEY: A bunch of hotheads. They want us to stop pumping.

ZORIN: (to Scarpine) Keep them away.

CRAB BOAT BOND AND LEE on deck. See LAUNCH approach.

ZORIN LAUNCH SCARPINE with blow horn and uniformed armed guards.

SCARPINE: This area is restricted. Keep your distance.


O’ROURKE: This is as close as I can get.

BOND: I”ll wait until dark.

The script then offers two scenarios regarding the pumping station. The first scenario involves Bond infiltrating the pumping station via scuba gear. Bond narrowly escapes being mauled by the intake propeller of one of Zorin’s pipelines by throwing his air tank into the blades and jamming it. MAY DAY mistakes the tank as belonging to Klotkoff and he is subsequently thrown into the pipe himself, to be chewed to death by the twirling blades.

The other scenario involved a more hands off approach by Bond. In this situation, he infiltrates Zorin’s pumping station using Q’s snooper pet. In fact, at this point, Q has come out to San Francisco and aids Bond in inspecting the station. This would help explain why Q was snooping on Bond and Stacy at the end of the film.

The cut scenes:

Q AND GUARD over map.

SECOND GUARD: Go back to the lights and hang a left.

Q: Hang a left?

SENTRYBOX DOG on leash sees SNOOPER and barks furiously.

SNOOPER scuttles behind some pipes.


SECOND GUARD: Shut your yap, mutt.

DOG continues to bark. He hands the map to Q and goes to the sentry box to quiet DOG.

Q (confused): A left hand turning….

FIRST GUARD: Be cool. Forget what Jim said. There’s an easier way. Go past Gus’ about a mile to the MacDonald’s…

420-423 DELETED

JETTY SNOOPER scoots under the pipes and is well hidden.

However, if you have difficulty with such, brain pills will aid your dilemma. Potent herbs in Mast Mood capsules and Night Fire capsule from vardenafil pharmacy reputed online stores and cure sexual weakness by consuming one each two times daily for two to three months. Study says that nowadays getting inked-up is just not treated cialis properien as a style but almost a business for them and watching you whimpering with pain is a promising opportunity! It’s not their fault that they cannot provide you with a permanent or at least a long-lasting treatment for your spine. Since the patent for expired in 2013, there has been amazing discussion about the size of the penis and male enhancement products. Q AND GUARDS Dog is quiet now. SECOND GUARD rejoins them.

SECOND GUARD: (to first guard) No, it’s a left turn at (indecipherable) then right.

FIRST GUARD: That’s the long way. (to Q) Go to Van Ness. Then take a left.

Q: Thanks very much, chaps.

He leaves them arguing and gets into VAN.


We do not see who is in it. VW van passes CAR.

VAN continues down the road and stops. The pumping station on jetty is in B.G.


Dim lights along JETTY. STATION HOUSING rests on piling about two feet off jetty floor boards. Window of CONTROL ROOOM lit. FAINT SOUND OF PUMPING.

MAIN GATE TO JETTY GUARD stationed there, his back to jetty.

JETTY GUARD IN B.G. SNOOPER moves away from GUARD between pipes.


Lights out. Jetty in B.G.

INSIDE VW VAN Q AND BOND at console manipulates controls. Snoopers POV on TV monitor.

SNOOPER approaching RAMP leading up to deck around station housing. SOUND OF PUMPING GROWS LOUDER as SNOOPER moves up ramp to deck.

NEW ANGLE SNOOPER stopping below sill of CONTROL ROOM WINDOW. Telescopic stalk extends up out of SNOOPER’S turret until it reaches window level.


CONLEY: The porosity levels are still low.

ZORIN: (sharply): Increase them.

IN VAN BOND, Q watching and listening at TV SCREEN showing GROUP in STATION CONTROL ROOM. Voices from TV are faint and somewhat obscured by sound of pumping.

CONLEY ON TV: We’re at maximum pumping now…

ZORIN ON TV: We have a deadline. I’ll hold you personally responsible if we miss it.

SUDDEN SOUND OF GROWLING. Q reaches hastily toward REMOTE CONTROL UNIT beside screen.

SNOOPER AT WINDOW Turret stalk swivels, top pans down. CAMERA ANGLE WIDENS TO INCLUDE GUARD DOG growling at robot. Stalk whips back to window.

SNOOPERS POV GROUP IN CONTROL ROOM as MAY DAY reacts to dog’s growl and exits.

SNOOPER retracting stalk. DOG edges closer, growling.

IN VAN BOND at a loss. Distorted view of menacing dog on TV monitor. Q reaches across, hits button.

Q: Repellent.

SNOOPER squirts stream of liquid at dog which yaps, backs off and then barks, SNOOPER scoots away from him around corner of housing.


Q: Foul smelling stuff.

RAMP SNOOPER scuttling down it, then disappearing under HOUSING FLOOR BOARDS


WINDOW DOG, MAY DAY reacts to smell of DOG

SNOOPER POV as turret holds and trains on MICROPHONE under and against floor of control room, positioned there by BOOM ARM extending up through gap in jetty floor boards.

SNOOPER moving to gap and panning “EYE” down through it.


BOND shakes his head.

BOND: Too dark.

Q: Try infrared.

He switches to it.

SNOOPER POV ON TV SCREEN TWO MEN in rubber dinghy between piling beneath JETTY. One of them is KLOTKOFF. SECOND RUSSIAN, slenderer, could be Venz but we cannot see the face. They are equipped with earphones and waterproof tape recorder. CAMERA PANS UP TO MIRCOPHONE AND ZOOMS IN.

IN VAN BOND, Q looking at screen

Q: An RM 214 Russian sound probe. We picked one up in Istanbul six months ago.

BOND: (puzzled) The Russians bugging Zorin, too?


On JETTY FLOOR BOARDS which are under housing boards. DOG appears from under RAMP. SNOOPER scuttles further back under ramp out of sight.

RAMP MAY DAY looking under it.

HER POV She sees the MICROPHONE but not the Snooper.

RAMP MAY DAY quickly moves up to DECK.

IN VAN BOND, Q at darkened TV SCREEN

BOND: Where’s Snooper?

Q: Stuck somewhere under the ramp.

UNDER JETTY RUBBER BOAT RUSSIANS KLOTKOFF takes small wooden oars and quietly paddles out from under jetty. As he peers out from behind piling he is jerked out of boat.

WIDER ANGLE KLOTKOFF dangling by the scruff of the neck held by MAY DAY, who stands across beam below jetty. She cannot see other Russian in rubber boat.

RUBBER BOAT SECOND RUSSIAN takes waterproof TAPE RECORDER and silently slips over the side into the shadows.


IN VAN Q, BOND trying to locate Snooper. BOND gets up.

BOND: Snooper’s a write off.

Q: (stubbornly) I never desert a fellow agent in the field, double-oh seven.

BOND takes STAR LIGHT GLASSES form wall and exits van.

JETTY KLOTKOFF held by GUARDS on deck near clean out hatch. He pleads with Zorin in Russian. ZORIN, impassive, nods to SCARPINE who opens hatch. ROAR OF IMPELLER, SCARPINE motions to GUARDS. They chuck KLOTKOFF in. Impeller labours for a few seconds and then resumes normal sound.

BOND standing next to VAN viewing jetty with STAR LIGHT GLASSES. Q joins him. BOND reacts to something to his left.

BOND’S POV through star light glasses. A BLACK FIGURE wades through the surf.

BOND with glasses.

BOND: At least one got away. (suddenly dawning) It’s their car down the road. I want the tape.

He hands GLASSES to Q and runs off.

When comparing the two scenarios, a few things come to mind; one being that in both cases, Bond’s actions lead to Klotkoff being discovered and killed. Both versions of the script also want to give off the impression that Venz may be the other Russian accompanying Klotkoff since they are the only two we have been introduced to so far but as we find out later, it was really Pola Ivanova.

The script continues on exactly as the film does, with Bond and Pola sharing a relaxing evening in a hot tub. Bond later questions Mr. Howe and spies Stacey at City Hall. He follows her to Whitewood Estates, her home, and the two get into a fight with some of Zorin’s stooges.

Over dinner Bond suggests the notion that he stick around to protect Stacy.

BOND: Look…it might not be a bad idea if I stayed here tonight.

She turns to face him, almost in his arms.

STACEY: (slight smile) To protect me?

BOND: They may be back.

STACEY: (smiling) I hope not.

The next day Bond and Stacey, as in the film, realize tremors are originating from Zorin’s wells on the Hayward Fault. Stacey stalks off to confront Howe. In the film, their argument is off camera. The script gives clues as to what might have been said.

STACEY: Elevated porosity levels and increased seismic activity call for immediate investigation.

HOWE: (vehemently) I refuse to be a party to your vendetta against Max Zorin!

She ends up being fired. Later, she meets up with Chuck Lee, and much like the film, Lee is killed off by May Day, who later teams up with Zorin to kill Howe and trap Bond and Stacey inside a burning elevator within City Hall. The two escape, only to be confronted by the Captain of the San Francisco Police Department. Bond is about to be arrested when he takes off in a fire truck with Stacey. Oddly enough, there is no line: “Where’s that guy going? That ladder’s unlocked!” In the original draft, the fire truck chase is vastly downplayed, with no swinging ladder.

In the film, Stacey says something to the effect of: ‘Is it true what you said back there, about the British Secret Service?’

Bond replies: “I’m afraid it is.”

In the script, the dialogue is clunky, pointless and uneven:

STACEY: Are you really James Bond?

BOND: You’d better believe it.

First of all, why would STACEY ask him if he was really James Bond? Does she know another James Bond? She asks the question of him as if he were a legendary superhero, like Batman or Superman, whose alter ego she’s just discovered. And he’s already lied twice by calling himself Sinjin Smythe and James Stock, so he can’t really be believed.

Stacey takes over the driving duties in the script, Bond jumps into the back and swings the rear end wildly, causing the two police cars to lock front fenders. The Captain then gets on the radio and has the draw bridge operator raise the bridge to prevent Bond from getting across. Bond waves Stacey on and she goes for it.

Having gotten away, Bond and Stacey drive to the Main Strike Mine, where they infiltrate the organization by posing as miners. Most of the mine sequences follow the film very carefully, with Zorin’s betrayal of May Day, Jenny Flex, Pan Ho, Conley and his men, and even including May Day’s sacrificial death.

The script indicates the blast rocks the inside of the airship, and that Zorin, Mortner and Scarpine have to recollect themselves. Stacey runs down the hill to meet with James when James is shocked to see Zorin’s zeppelin coming after them.

BOND smiles and jogs in her direction. His face suddenly registers alarm.

HIS POV STACEY is running towards him. But swooping down silently behind her is ZORIN’s AIRSHIP. It is gaining on her.

BOND shouts a warning.

BOND: Stacey! Behind you.

He picks up speed.

AIRSHIP AND STACEY A door opens on the side of the ship. ZORIN appears with one arm extended as the ship closes on STACEY.

STACEY confused by Bond’s reaction.

ANOTHER ANGLE The shadow of the ship covers her. She slows down and turns. She comes face to face with Zorin who grabs her around the waist.

Unlike the film, at least the script addresses the issue of how Stacey manages to be surprised by a blimp in an intelligent and reasonable matter.

Stacey, now firmly seated as an unwilling passenger next to Mortner, says:

STACEY: Zorin’s mad. He’ll kill us all.

MORTNER: Just sit there and shut up.

After the zeppelin crashes into the bridge tower, Stacey makes a beeline for the door. SCARPINE grabs her but she grabs the fire extinguisher off the wall and knocks him cold with it. This is in stark contrast to the film, where Zorin tells Scarpine to go out and get him (Bond), to which Stacey manages a sneak attack from behind with the fire extinguisher and cold cocks Scarpine.

The climactic finale works itself out just a little bit differently than in the film. Yes, Stacey at first hides underneath the pipe, but she eventually climbs back up to the bridge tower. At this point Zorin has now gone over the side and Mortner now comes to the opening in the gondola. He’s ready to begin firing at Bond with a gun when Stacey uses the ripcord knife to slit the bag of the airship. If you freeze frame and then magnify the sequence in which Zorin pulls Stacey into the airship, you`ll see a danger sign on the left side of the door warning not to pull the rip cord or damage the bag. The airship begins to deflate and rolls off the bridge and tumbles into the sea. Stacey redeems herself and saves the day.

Whatever faults the film may have, the script itself is not the sole reason for blame. It jettisons most of the gadgets in exchange for Bond having to rely more upon his instincts. In a world where Bill Gates is the richest man alive, and one of the most powerful, it’s not hard to see that once again, the Bond screenwriters were ahead of their time.

Women In Black

Past Editor of 007Forever, Michael Kersey was right on the mark when he humorously yet seriously pressed for EON to hire Haile Berry as a Bond girl. See story below.–Editors

I’m talking about interracial romance. Yes, as President and Editor-in-Chief of 007Forever, i’m asserting my Executive Privilege and getting back on my soapbox again about this issue. No, I will not just let it die.

Normally I love everything EON puts out. And if I don’t, I still try and be supportive. So what am I doing complaining about Bond20 when it hasn’t even come out yet? I’ll tell you what i’m trying to do. I’m trying to influence EON and MGM into casting a black actress in the leading role for the next Bond film. The mere fact that credible rumors of Whitney Houston being asked to participate in the new film lead this egomaniacal Editor into believing his constant drumbeat for a “woman of color” in the next Bond film is being heard loud and clear. Apparently my drumbeat was misunderstood slightly though, as I prefer not to have a [deleted] playing opposite Pierce Brosnan.

Three of the most mentioned names I receive when someone tells me who they’d like to see play a Bond Girl are: (in no particular order) Halle Berry, Salma Hayek and/or Catherine Zeta-Jones. Tyra Banks has graced the cover of Sports Illustrated…alone. Why in 2001 has Bond not had a black leading lady? In 2002, Bond will celebrate his 40th anniversary on the big screen, and what better occasion is there than this for EON to step up to the plate and join the rest of mankind who have already entered the 21st century by hiring my top two picks: Halle Berry and Michael Michelle.

The lack of black characters in Bond films is bad enough when you consider that most have been villains, pimps, double agents or misidentified as prositutes. Other than Bernie Casey’s portrayel of Felix Leiter in Kevin McClory’s Never Say Never Again, in which no one in the audience gasped or shrieked in disbelief, black characters in EON’s official Bond films have been few and far between. Really EON, do you want Kevin McClory to beat you on this issue?

The last time Bond had any sort of romantic dalliance with a black woman was in the 1985 caper A View To A Kill. Of the four women Bond shagged, Grace Jones was one of them. However, she played the villainous MayDay, and she only turned good in the end after killing a half-dozen people and being betrayed by her Nazi-progeny boyfriend. Up to that point, she was perfectly willing to go along with Max and send California plummeting into the Pacific Ocean. Many of the new generation of Bond fans weren’t even born in 1985, or were only a few years old when the picture came out. For these young fans, they’ve lived a life of relatively “color” free Bond films.

Before MayDay there was….Rosie Carver. And that was in 1973. You’ve got to give credit to producers Broccoli and Saltzman at the time for not only having the first black/white interracial love scene in a Bond film, but to writer Tom Mankiewicz, who, if he had had his way, would have cast Diana Ross as Solitaire. And let’s not forget, this was Roger Moore’s first Bond film. United Artists was going out on a limb here. The last time a new actor tried to take over the role of 007 (George Lazenby), the results were less than spectacular. Connery had to come back in and temporarily save the series.
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But the lack of any black women in leading roles in the official Bond films has now reached the pathetic stage. Why is it that Hollywood casts Halle Berry, Angela Bassett and Thandie Newton as love interests in their respective movies, they all go on to be big hits, and EON sits on its hands, doing practically nothing? And then the first real bit of news we hear about casting is that they are considering hiring a [deleted] to sing/act opposite Brosnan for Bond20. Not to be outdone, the Mariah Carey camp has let it be known she to is up for a role in the new Bond picture. Whether those are dualing divas trying to outspin and out-public relations one another remains to be seen, but we can at least hope that the fact that the two strongest candidates rumored for roles in the next Bond film are black.

If it came down to Mariah vs. Whitney, i’d rather have Mariah. But she doesn’t have enough acting experience to star in a Bond film, and that’s a pretty BOLD STATEMENT when you consider that acting isn’t always a prequisite for playing a Bond Girl/Bond Woman.

In the 1920’s, the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) had 5 million members. Today, their pathetic little organization has less than 7,000 red-necking, white-trashing, trailer-parking members. Exactly whose demographics are MGM and EON trying to play to? The 7,000 trailer-trash bigots who probably can’t afford a movie ticket anyway, or the millions of 21st century moviegoers for whom race is no big deal?

So, in closing, may I please make a suggestion? Well, i’m going to anyway, because it’s my website. Here’s my suggestion: Hire either Michael Michelle from “ER” or Halle Berry as the leading lady in the next Bond film. They are talented, beyond beautiful and almost in a class that can only be described as “heavenly”. Second tier candidates could/should include Vivica A. Fox or Tyra Banks.

Please EON, I beg of you, join us in the 21st century and hire a beautiful, black actress named either Halle or Michael. Please bring back the cutting-edge, trend-setting Bond films we used to have, rather than just following the “pack mentality”. Even if you were following the “pack or herd mentality”, by now you should’ve hired a black actress. So what gives? Come on. Get with it!

That’s my opinion. It’s 100% accurate and I’m sticking to it.

Top Ten Titles Rejected For “Die Another Day”

From Our “Why Pick DAD As An Acronym” Department

10. The Man with the Gold, Period.

9. The Scottish, Welsh, English, Australian, Irish Killer in Brioni

8. Far Up, Far Out, Far Moore!

7. You Only Live For One Movie, Maybe Two If You Have Metal Teeth

6. Connery Is Forever, Moore Just Looks That Way alá Dorian Grey
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5. Sleeping With My Enemies

4. The Best Undercover Spy Ever Whose Name Everybody Knows At The Grocery Store

3. For More Bucks Only

2. Shaken Not Stirred Hairdo, Even In Freefall Off A Cliff

1. Bad Guys Wear Jumpsuits, Villains Wear Nehru Jackets

Top Ten Statements To Avoid At A Raymond Benson Book Signing

Written with gratitude to Mr. Benson for being a great writer and a good sport! We enjoyed the Magnificent Mr. B.’s company at our Bond Weekend IV.

10. Please sign this one to sell on eBay, this one to sell at Amazon, this one I want to sell off my webpage…

9. (To another fan on the line for a signing) So, this guy starred in only one Bond movie, huh?

8. Was it hard to think of a first name for Goldfinger?

7. Hi, you are one of my biggest fans!

6. We are doing an interpretive dance called “Shaking but not Stirred.” Can the Ian Fleming Foundation offer our troupe a grant to support…
The organ, due to unavailability of stiffness, does not penetrate and become erect during that main act. This creates a divide in the relationship that, in some cases, even leads to separation. Feeling faint or short of breath Chest pain or severe stomach pain Vomiting large amounts of blood Bloody bowel movements or dark, sticky, very foul-smelling bowel movements look these up order levitra How Gastritis is Diagnosed? Gastritis is diagnosed on the idea of their look and their location on the body. The reason why doctors suggest people to have more is due to the effects that it passes on in the body and what elements are disturbed.
5. Would you please sign my Christopher Wood novelizations?

4. Mr. Fleming, where were you born? I believe your main distinction at Eton was in athletics?

3. I am Raymond Benson, can I sign your book, my friend?

2. What are the Playboy bunnies REALLY like?

1. My name is Bond, James Bond . . . how’s that, Raymond, is that good, huh, good, yes?

Top Ten Stacy Sutton’s Dumbest Things Said And Done

And we had a heck of a time just narrowing the list down to ten!

10. When Bond drops the soap in the shower, Stacy offers to get it, in reply to which 007 says: “That was not the soap.” Apparently Stacy`s lack of intelligence extends to matters of anatomy also.

9. Even after being shot at by Zorin in the mine control center, 007 still has to push her out the window to get her to escape.

8. Nearly kills herself and Bond when she steamrolls down the Golden Gate Bridge pipework and then gets kicked in the face when she grabs Zorin`s shoe.

7. Manages to make every catastrophe about “her needs.” Witness her theatrics in the burning elevator shaft: “James! Don`t leave me! James!”.

6. Draws Bond into a firefight with some of Zorin`s goons but neglects to tell him the gun she gave him only contains rocksalt.
This substance is the prime culprit in the degradation of cyclic GMP. Some sexologists say that penis size does not matter, but this is not true in most of the cases. Henceforth, for then has given oral jam and delicate tab cases for simpler utilize. levitra with its stronger and longer duration of effects. cheapest levitra resume to laud this breakthrough but the medical community excited with the performance of this magic pill, Slidenafil is being tested for other medical uses. The tablet ensures smooth circulation of blood to the man’s purchase levitra reproductive system reaping low flow of blood to the penile tissues.
5. Nearly plunges 100 feet, headfirst down a mine shaft because she wasn`t looking where she was going!

4. While fleeing for her life from an impending earthquake and with Mayday hot on her tail, she inexplicably freaks out at the sight of rats.

3. While grabbing Scarpine from behind, yells: “Are you crazy?!? Stop it!” After all she`s been through with Zorin and his henchmen, is this really a question that needs to be asked?

2. “Seawater? That’s incredibly dangerous!” Well, duh! Then she confronts Mr. Howe to make him “stop Zorin now”, only to get herself fired from her job.

1. Is snuck upon by a blimp. Even Helen Keller`s blindspot was never that big.

Top Ten Rejected Sean Connery Movie Lines

As presented on the LATE SHOW with DAVID LETTERMAN

10. “Do you like my frilly sundress, commander?”

9. “Congratulations, Ernest, you’ve saved Christmas!”

8. “I’m not only a secret agent, I’m also a client.”

7. “My pajamas have given me a bad rash.”

6. “Dr. No, Dr. Kevorkian. Dr. Kevorkian, Dr. No.”

5. “Please pass the mashed potatoes, Goldfinger.”

4. “One more martini, and I’m gonna ralph.”

3. “Help, Mommy! I’m being chased by a scary man with steel teeth!”

2. “Let me see if I have this right: I have sex with Robert Redford, and I get $1 million?”

1. “The name’s McDonald. Ronald McDonald.” 

Top Ten Reasons Best Movie Is Goldfinger

With A Tip of the Bowler to Messrs. Lee Pfeiffer, Kees Boer and Craig Chenery (Goldfinger is their fave.)

10. Connery as Bond

9. See above

8. Villains just don’t play golf like they used to

7. The Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth, and the Royal House can’t be wrong about their favorite flick

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5. Gals Galore

4. What’s-its-number, some car that shoots water from a hose in the next one

3. I laughed, I cried, I kissed 30 bucks goodbye for the 30th Anniversary showing in LA

2. They make an excellent bourbon and branch water in Kentucky

1. They made more Bond movies?

Top Ten Proofs Kevin McClory Hired Poor Attorneys

From Our “Law & Disorder” Department

10. Recess pleaded for “due to problems delivering subpoena to Ian Fleming”

9. Keeps threatening, Largo-style, to “put the evil eye” on the Judge

8. Sues newsgroup for claiming Moonraker is a better film than Thunderball

7. Argues in court that all Bond films are essentially remakes of Thunderball including the three films made BEFORE Thunderball.

6. Is preparing justification defense that Kevin McClory is eternal and omniscient
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5. Bought all possible “Warhead 2002” Internet domain names so they can sell them back for mint prices

4. Keeps trying to electrocute the Judge in his chair and calls her “Number 11”

3. Will end up sueing us over this top ten list.

2. Feels confident they`ll win because “there`s a first time for everything”

1. Makes motion to drop the THUNDERBALL case to sue AOL instead, claiming Kevin McClory and Al Gore invented and patented the Internet

Top Ten Proofs 007 Is Over Budget

Daniel Craig attending the World Premiere of Spectre, held at the Royal Albert Hall in London. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Monday October 26, 2015. See PA Story: SHOWBIZ Bond. Photo credit should read: Matt Crossick/PA Wire
10. Bond XX retitled “The Man With The Second Mortgage” with “baccarat and chemin de fer at Monte Carlo” tossed out for “to the death penny pitching” against Blofeld

9. Aston Martin traded in for Ricky Martin CD. No BMW this time, just a plastic logo on Bond’s key ring.

8. Bond XX megalomaniac holds world for ransom of “Ed McMahon’s ten million dollars”

7. James Bond marked down to James Penny Stocks in “Diamonds Are Forever” remade as “Zirconium Says I Love You”. “Plenty O’Toole” revamped as “Plenty O’Loose Change.”

6. Shaken martinis abandoned for free water from Rave clubs

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4. The World Is Not Only Not Enough, the World Bank is covering Her Majesty’s Losses

3. “Nobody does it better” becomes “Nobody beats MI-6’s prices”

2. “Girls, guns, gadgets galore” becomes “Bond’s World of Discounts”

1. Bond becomes $6.95 marked down from 007

Top Ten Locales Fans Crave For A Bond Visit

From Our “It’s A Nice Place For Bond To Visit, But Bond Wouldn’t Want To Live There” Department

10. Austin, TX (also home to Raymond Benson and a location for THE FACTS OF DEATH)

9. Xochmilco, Mexico (the Venice of Mexico and a location in the role playing game GOLDFINGER II)

8. Tibet (a location in the novel HIGH TIME TO KILL)

7. Iceland (second unit work was performed there for A VIEW TO A KILL, but it doubled for Siberia)

6. Vancouver, British Columbia (a location for BROKENCLAW)
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5. Antarctica (strangely, fans have asked for this for years)

4. Norway (the Scandinavian countries have gotten short changed in the film series, but John Gardner did put Bond in Finland for ICEBREAKER)

3. Kenya (the game reserves of Kenya or The Congo would make an excellent choice for some exciting adventure. The Dark Continent beckons)

2. Sydney, Australia (an overwhelming fan favorite, but the novelty of working there has taken a hit now that Mission:Impossible 2 has been there/done that.)

1. Hawaii (the lush jungles and active volcanoes make this the perfect backdrop for Shatterhand`s return)

The Man In The Boat (Mature Audiences Only)

WARNING: This article contains adult subject matter and may not be suitable for all readers. Discretion is advised.

During the 1950`s French film critics – auteurists – elevated Alfred Hitchcock from the level of a mere entertainer to an intellectual filmmaker. They spent countless hours dissecting his films, debating the symbolism. The Bond films themselves contain hidden subtext, yet this aspect of Bond is rarely discussed or examined. The same can and should be done with the Bond films. Let`s face it: there`s isn`t a whole lot left to get out of a Bond film once you`ve sat through it 500, 600, or 700 times.

I don`t think the writers intended these hidden meanings, nor do I think that the film was trying to say anything. The points are just a measure of how cohesive and deeply woven A View To A Kill is. It`s an unusually rich Bond film, much deeper and intellectual than commonly thought. At the very least, you`ll never the see the film in the same light again…

The insect motif makes the brilliant Eiffel Tower set piece internally cohesive. Bond`s quip, “There`s a fly in his soup,” is logical and necessary. Aubergine asks, “Perhaps we should add this butterfly to our collection, non?” Fly-casting kills him moments later. May Day looks vaguely like a cricket or a grasshopper with the fishing rod. On the Eiffel Tower, Bond`s legs get tied up in something resembling a spider`s web. May Day leaps off the Eiffel Tower like a spider. She discards her outer coating like a caterpillar; an earth-bound creature becoming airborne like a butterfly, which is where we started, and her parachute has the same colours as a bumble-bee (and the lethal butterfly that killed Aubergine – he was “stung”).

The Ascot scene questions May Day`s gender. Her physical strength suggests a man. “Who`s there with him under the hat, in the red dress?” Which is perfect, realistic dialogue, and could have been improvised. M replies, “We`re not sure about her” which is a psycho-sexual comment. Notice though that Bond doesn`t say, “Who`s the woman?” During the “Butterfly” routine, May Day and the other black-sheathed figure handle the fishing rod like a male appendage. (It may or may not be appropriate that when she throws her rod at him, Bond is hunched over and takes it in the rear.)

Conley tells Zorin: “But May Day and my men! […] Those men are loyal to you.” This can be read two different ways. One: that May Day is a man, hence “those men” and not “those people”. Two: that May Day isn`t loyal, foreshadowing what soon happens. (The horse race also foreshadows Zorin`s willingness to hurt his own men to further his personal aims.) Zorin tries smooching with her, but it goes nowhere. May Day`s sobs over Jenny`s corpse have distinct sexual overtones – May Day also tears off some of Stacey`s clothes in the mine sequence. A sub-plot emphasizes genetic experiments, a parallel to Q`s computerized pet snooper (and even the tape recorder of Bond`s snoozes). May Day struggles like a horse. The suggestion that both Pegasus and May Day take “Vitamins” suggests hormone supplements and Mortner`s experiments with women in the concentration camps. At one point Bond asks Aubergine, “Could he be using drugs?” (though actually referring to the horses) and the KGB agent calls Zorin a physiological freak. (The famous British WWII mathematician Alan Turing was forced to take hormones and inadvertantly grew breasts during the 1950`s.)

Grace Jones later said while shooting the scene in which she beds Bond that she dropped her robe and had on an “extension” (strap-on prosthetic; artificial penis; dildo), presumably to Roger Moore`s surprise. She mounts Bond (she`s frustrated from her incomplete mating with Zorin – a point that would have played better hadn`t the film been so rushed; I`ve no doubt the writers intended this when they wrote it). Zorin and Mortner examine the hidden laboratory and find the misplaced vial. Suspicion automatically falls on Bond – who is in bed with May Day – because it`s in the wrong hole. In a symbolically clever touch, notice how he grimaces after she gets on top. Zorin, who is also sexually ambiguous himself, is then eager to get Bond in his study first thing in the morning. Another sexual parallel has Zorin and May Day kissing while Bond sucks the tire valve.

There are further gender/identity ambiguities. During the pre-credit sequence Bond himself is emasculated if one treats his skis as phallic symbols – one ski is broken, and he eventually discards them both. Bond carries his pack like a purse over his shoulder after hopping on the skidoo, kicking away his one remaining ski. (I`ll leave it to the reader`s imagination to decide what the red smoke-gun and the red smoke represent.) Later, an aerial flays Bond`s crotch while he dangles from the dirigible. Only at the end does Bond once again emasculate another: Q`s pet snooper, its neck an obvious phallic symbol. Bond throws a towel at it, stopping its tumescence.

Just before Bond goes into Stacey`s house she opens the windows. Once inside, he approaches the washroom, yet she comes out of the closet with a shot-gun, emphasizing masculinity (“Come out real slow.”). Gun play in films often has homo-erotic subtext and the fight between Bond and Zorin`s men, and Bond`s gun having only rock-salt (Stacey`s gun, actually) is yet another sterility motif. Stacey`s cat is named “Pussy”, though in fact it`s male (“I have to feed him” says Stacey). At the film`s end, we see the bowl and just behind it a statue of a dog – and though it`s not immediately relevant, off to one side sits a hobby-horse – suggesting further gender/identity confusion.

Bond says he`s been known to dabble in the kitchen and cooks her a quiche but Real Men Don`t Eat Quiche, or so the book says (by subsequent Bond screenwriter Bruce Feirstein, who co-wrote Pierce Brosnan`s first three Bond films). That night Bond tucks her in and sleeps in the chair – with, interestingly enough symbolically – both the cat and the gun in his lap. Taken figuratively, being both male and female, Bond doesn`t need a bedmate.

Tibbett`s name sounds similar to “tidbit” which is actually a sanitized version of “titbit”, meaning “a delicate or dainty morsel.” (In fact, Bond and Tibbett bicker like two old queens.) On the balcony, Bond says, “Well done, my good man.” Moore`s emphasis is on “good man”, like he`s rubbing it in, or something unsaid is hinted at, implying that Tibbett isn`t a man. “Do we have to keep this up when we`re alone?” “A successful cover becomes almost second nature.” (The symbolism of the two bald men whose hats get knocked off during the firetruck chase should be readily apparent and is relevant.) Tibbett even says, “I might just be able to squeeze you in Bond.”

Bond`s concern when he finds Tibbett dead is that of a lover. If you think I`m reading too much into this consider the scene where Bond tells Tibbett to get into town and call M before the two guards they knocked out identify them. Bond smacks Tibbett on the rear with his riding crop – one of the many horses-as-metaphors-for-humans motifs throughout the film. (Patrick Macnee also portrayed John Steed on the show The Avengers.) Bond confuses the stables with the servants` quarters where Tibbett will be staying. May Day struggles like a female horse during her interrupted encounter with Zorin, even trying to bite him. “It`s time for my morning ride, why don`t you try him out?” Zorin asks, inviting Bond to race horses, though carrying a sexual subtext. Zorin says, “Your mount, Mr. St. John Smythe,” out on the track, as the horse is led to Bond. “What`s his name?”

Bond, Zorin and Jenny Flex, quip about riding and mounts in a distinctly sexual manner. “I love an early morning ride.” “I`m happiest in the saddle.” Even the quip, “A little restless, but I got off eventually” applies equally to horse-riding. Zorin even says to Bond, “As I see it, you need a stallion for breeding.”

During the chateau reception, Mortner talks about selective breeding and Bond asks, “Are you talking about people or horses?” Mortner replies, “My principles apply equally to human beings.” Zorin mentions the 16th century Duke who believed he`d be reincarnated as a horse. Bond asks Stacey, “Are you buying or selling?” Though a sexually laden quip, she explains that she`s not interested in horses. Zorin`s cane, a phallic symbol, injects the horses with steroids.
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Bond films frequently emphasize fertility motifs. The map of the San Andreas Fault looks vaguely like a woman`s crotch. The sandy area, once it`s covered in water, will eventually become fertile when the water clears.

Zorin plants a bomb deep in the “womb” of the “fault”, a slight against women`s nether regions (much has been written about women`s parts as being evil or a flaw). That beautiful shot of the ticking bomb against the sacks looks like an egg in an ovarian crevice. Bond skis down a crevice. He also gets caught in the oil rig`s valve path, sucking him back in; the Russian man is eventually sacrificed to it, “Dentata” – the toothed vagina (also an episode in John Pearson`s fictional Bond biography). The Russians try planting a bomb here; compare this to what Zorin does in the other womb symbol. Removing the ticking bomb from the cavern – the seed from the woman`s ovary – further bolsters the fertility/sterility symbolism. Chuck Lee explains that most of the mothers Mortner experimented with in the concentration camps aborted. Removing Zorin`s ticking bomb is in itself “an abortion”.

In a South Park episode, a certain part of a woman`s nether region is referred to as “the man in the boat”, and sure enough just outside the mine entrance… there`s a man in a boat. The watery onslaught is equally symbolic. Women get bloated with water and “balloon up”. Ask any woman, and she`ll tell you that`s how her insides feel when she`s menstruating. The sudden burst of water throughout the mine is, of course, metaphorical menstruation. The saying “Blood is thicker than water” explains why Zorin is loyal primarily to his father figure, Dr Mortner, and not his drowning men.

The earth-shattering explosion outside the mine invokes that sexual phrase about the earth moving. May Day goes out with a “bang”, unable to achieve real sexual satisfaction any other way. And Bond dangles off the dirigible`s mooring rope, an obvious feminine-hygiene string metaphor. Now that the “seed” has been removed from the “fault”, the metaphorical female can menstruate and therefore needs the tampon (dirigible). Remember the Persephone/Hades myth: the earth is only fertile the six months that the maiden (Stacey/Persephone) is above ground.

One final comment. Moneypenny cringes when Bond makes to throw her hat onto the hook. The hat is, of course, a feminine symbol because of its opening, and the hook… you can figure that out yourself. This is interesting given that Bond and Moneypenny`s relationship is never consummated. By whose wishes I wonder?

Not everything is sexual. Visual motifs appear throughout the film:

The film moves from down in the mine, to high up in the sky, an interesting visual contrast. May Day pulls Bond and the ticking bomb up, and moments later, Zorin pulls Bond up on the dirigible`s mooring ropes. (Earlier Bond had pulled Stacey up by a firehose – an obvious phallic symbol.)

Bond carries Stacey down the City Hall ladder and misses a step. Later, in the mine, climbing up the steps, a step breaks, Bond stumbles, and May Day hears. Bond offers to give Tibbett a hand and takes only the umbrella. Later, after knocking out the Zorin truck driver, Bond says, “Give me a hand” and Stacey takes the man`s hat.

Three-quarters of the way through the film (after the firetruck chase) Bond and Stacey stop the Zorin truck driver. “Where`s the fire” “On yer rear end.” Moments later, “Do you know what I`m sitting on?” “I`m trying not to think about it”, which would be a fire on her rear end. (Note that it says “50 lbs”. A nice joke at women`s expense since they often worry whether their behinds are too big.) Bond fires his gun at the rear-end of the woman skidding down the ski slope on her back during John Barry`s credit. The female skier has a fire underneath her, and during the screenwriters` credit, the woman fires the green neon gun at the departing female skier`s rear end.

The firetruck chase has especially interesting visual parallels. The two cop cars collide (“our fenders our locked”, which also has sexual implications), their fronts swinging wildly around, while the ladder at the back of the fire truck is unlocked. The sequence is further ingenious: the two cop cars become unlocked, one spins out of control, slamming into the fire truck and the ladder swings out of its berth, also unlocked. (Bond yelling for Stacey to swing him back this way and that resembles women giving men instructions in bed, moreover Stacey misunderstood what Bond meant when he said, “Here, put your hand on this, the wheel, the wheel.”)

During the Ascot scene, Bond`s quip “rags to riches” is perhaps an indirect slight against May Day`s clothing, which could be said to be the rags (next to Zorin`s riches). A horse is named Inferno; compare this to the shot of the elevator crashing down into the fiery inferno, and later still, that beautifully muted, raging inferno down in the mine as May Day pulls Bond and the ticking bomb up.

At the chateau, Bond has to run and jump at the drawbridge; later on, the cop car is in almost the exact opposite position on the elevated bridge.

Bond steeplechase races Zorin, and later, when he sneaks into Stacey`s house, Bond has to climb over the railing, then climb over the windowsill.

The preceding is only a finger-etching. I should probably give the reader time to get his jaw up off the ground or wipe the tears from his eyes, since there`s much here to contemplate. Though Freud, had he been a Bond fanatic, might have said, “Sometimes a ski chase is only a ski chase.”

The Bondie Awards

Hollywood (Reuters) – All of Hollywood turned their attention to 007Forever, Sunday, March 25th, 2001 as the 1st Annual “Bondies” were handed out. The Bondies celebrate the best, and worst, in 007 cinematic achievement. Recipients of the Best Artistic and Technical awards received a 6-inch tall, 24 karat, gold-plated statuette of the classic tuxedoed action icon while winners of the “Worst” categories received their prize, a check for a $1.98 and a hard-plastic, metallic-gold, spray-painted statuette, at a star-studded, all-you-can-eat buffet dinner hosted by Shoney`s.

Though few stars nominated for the WORST categories showed up, a couple did manage to come in and take advantage of the all-you-can-eat buffet. Icebreaker hosted the event and got the evening off to a hot start by announcing the winner of the WORST PERFORMANCE BY AN ACTRESS IN A LEADING OR SUPPORTING ROLE.

Folks, it was not even a competition. It was a massacre. Tanya Roberts handily won this category witha whopping 60% of the vote total. Poor Denise Richards could only garner a measly 27% of the vote. Talisa Soto, Mie Hama, and Akiki Wakabayashi were way behind in single digits.

Mrs. Roberts was also our first inductee into the 007Forever Hall of Shame for a performance so bad that it literally brings tears of pain to the eyes of everyone who watches it 16 years later. Ms. Roberts, accompanied to the stage by her husband, accosted Icebreaker and angrily grabbed the plastic statuette and check out of his hands. She said: “You can take this check and sho-“. Before she could finish her sentence, her husband interrupted: “Don`t bother Tanya. He`s a psychopath.” Moving on…

The award for WORST PERFORMANCE BY AN INANIMATE OBJECT was Sean Connery`s toupee in Never Say Never Again, winning a staggering vote total of 75%.

For WORST ACTOR, the race was only slightly closer. Sausage king Jimmy Dean led the pack with over 40% of the votes, while Alan Cummings and Michael Lonsdale race a close second with 19% and 20% of the votes respectively. Christopher Lee and Curt Jurgens were a distant 4th and 5th place.

WORST ORIGINAL SCORE was another blowout. Michael LeGrand handily beat his competition with more than half of all ballots cast. Eric Serra had a strong second place showing, but both David Arnold, Bill Conti and Michael Kamen were in distant 3rd, 4th and 5th place.

WORST TITLE OR THEME SONG was extremely close, with Eric Serra`s Experience of Love running neck and neck with Lani Hall`s Never Say Never Again but in the end, Eric Serra won out. The deciding vote was cast by Jeremy Schabow. Yes folks, the race was that tight.

WORST SCREENPLAY was a bit closer, but Casino Royale still managed to win that contest by 11 percentage points. Never Say Never Again came in with 30% of the vote. LTK, TND and TMWTGG were far behind.

WORST DIRECTOR was another blowout. Irvin Kershner easily won that honor with a whopping 42% of the vote. Everyone else was a distant 2nd through 5th place.

WORST FILM was somewhat a suprise, as most picked Casino Royale for that award, shocking industry insiders who believed License To Kill would walk away with that coveted honor. Casino Royale had 41% of the vote, with Never Say Never Again getting 25%. Everyone else had meager votes cast.

When it comes to BEST 007, Sean Connery is the winner hands down. His performance in Goldfinger won for BEST PERFORMANCE BY AN ACTOR PLAYING JAMES BOND with 35% of the vote. Connery also came in 2nd with 21% of the vote for his performance in the scene where 007 kills professor Dent. Timothy Dalton came in with a close 3rd place finishing for his performance in License To Kill. Apparently a lot of people loved his line delivery when he sent Killifer to the sharks. George Lazenby cradling a dead Tracy garnered 17% of the vote and for some bizarre reason, neither one of Roger Moore`s scenes received more than 4% of the vote. We think the ballot may have confused some voters who probably meant to vote for Moore rather than Lazenby, so we are going to disqualify these results.

Shirley Bassey won for BEST TITLE OR THEME SONG with her rendition of Goldfinger.

John Barry was up four times in the category of BEST ORIGINAL SCORE and won by a huge margin for his work in ON HER MAJESTY`S SECRET SERVICE with 62% of the vote.

Judi Dench lost an Oscar for “Chocolat” but won a “Bondie” for her performance in THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH with 44% of the vote. Lucianna Paluzzi came in a close 2nd with 37%.

Desmond Llewelyn handily beat his competition for BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR with 46% of the vote.

Diana Rigg won big for her role as Tracy in ON HER MAJESTY`S SECRET SERVICE. She had nearly double what her next closest competitor, Sophie Marceau with 22%, got.

Sean Bean won for BEST ACTOR by beating out rival villain Robert Davi. Bean garnered 36% of the vote.

Richard Maibaum was the surprise winner for BEST SCREENPLAY with ON HER MAJESTY`S SECRET SERVICE. Maibaum was unable to attend the ceremony and receive his award due to his being dead. 007Forever accepts this award on his behalf.

Guy Hamilton won the Bondie for BEST DIRECTOR for his work on The Man With The Golden Gun. Just kidding! Yeah, it was Goldfinger he won for. Everyone knew that was coming. No one was within striking distance, though Michael Apted did manage a very respectable 2nd place showing with 20% of the vote.

And last but not least was BEST PICTURE and to no one`s suprise, GOLDFINGER beat everyone to a bloody pulp with 50% of the vote total.

With all awards shows, some of the major surprises included those who didn`t win. Octopussy managed to be shut out of every category, while On Her Majesty`s Secret Service and Goldfinger all had good nights, racking up several Bondies each. The nominees were as follows:

For artistic merit:

Judi Dench (The World Is Not Enough)
Luccianna Paluzzi (Thunderball)
Barbara Carrera (Never Say Never Again)
Gloria Hendry (Live and Let Die)
Grace Jones (A View To A Kill)

Sophie Marceau (The World Is Not Enough)
Diana Rigg (On Her Majesty`s Secret Service
Izzabella Scorupco (Goldeneye)
Honor Blackman (Goldfinger)
Maud Adams (Octopussy)

Vijay Armitraj (Octopussy)
Desmond Llewelyn (Octopussy)
Joe Don Baker (The Living Daylights)
Clifton James (Live and Let Die)
Robert Carlyle (The World Is Not Enough)

Louis Jourdan (Octopussy)
Christopher Walken (A View To A Kill)
Klaus Maria-Brandauer (Never Say Never Again)
Robert Davi (License To Kill)
Sean Bean (Goldeneye)

George Lazenby (holding his dead wife in On Her Majesty`s Secret ServiceL)
Sean Connery (shooting Professor Dent in Dr.No)
Sean Connery (strapped to a laser table in Goldfinger)
Roger Moore (confessing to killing Anya`s lover in The Spy Who Loved Me
Roger Moore (confronting General Orlov and defusing the bomb in the circus in Octopussy
Timothy Dalton (“You earned it. You keep it, old buddy!” from License To Kill)

Michael Apted (The World Is Not Enough)
John Glen (The Living Daylights)
John Glen (Octopussy)
Guy Hamilton (Goldfinger)
Lewis Gilbert (The Spy Who Loved Me)

Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson (The Living Daylights)
Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson (Octopussy)
Richard Maibaum and Paul Dehn (Goldfinger)
Richard Maibaum and Joanna Harwood (Dr.No)
Richard Maibaum and Simon Raven (On Her Majesty`s Secret Service)
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The World Is Not Enough
The Spy Who Loved Me
The Living Daylights
On Her Majesty`s Secret Service

Technical Achievements:

Ken Adam (Fort Knox-Goldfinger)
Ken Adam (Blofeld`s volcano – You Only Live Twice)
Ken Adam (The Liparus – The Spy Who Loved Me)
Ken Adam and Anton Furst for (Drax`s Space Station- Moonraker)
Peter Lamont (The Mainstrike Mine – A View To A Kill)

Emma Porteous for The Living Daylights (Kara and Bond`s Afghan wear)
Emma Porteous for Octopussy (Octopussy`s royal palace wear)
Marjory Cornelius for On Her Majesty`s Secret Service (Blofeld`s Angel`s wear)
Anthony Mendelson for Thunderball (Junkanoo costumes and formal wear)
Emma Porteous for A View To A Kill (Ascot racing wear)

Paul McCartney and Wings (Live and Let Die)
Carly Simon (Nobody Does It Better-The Spy Who Loved Me)
Sheena Easton (For Your Eyes Only)
Duran Duran (A View To A Kill)
Shirley Bassey (Goldfinger)

John Barry (Goldfinger)
John Barry (On Her Majesty`s Secret Service)
John Barry (Octopussy)
John Barry (Moonraker)
George Martin (Live and Let Die)

Awards for dubious artistic and technical achievement:

Tanya Roberts (A View To A Kill)
Talisa Soto (License To Kill)
Mie Hama (You Only Live Twice)
Akiki Wakabayashi (You Only Live Twice)
Denise Richards (The World Is Not Enough)

Jimmy Dean (Diamonds Are Forever)
Alan Cummings (Goldeneye)
Michael Londsdale (Moonraker)
Curt Jurgens (The Spy Who Loved Me)
Christopher Lee (The Man With The Golden Gun)

License To Kill
The Man With The Golden Gun
Never Say Never Again
Casino Royale (1967)
Tomorrow Never Dies

Roger Spottiswoode (Tomorrow Never Dies)
John Glen (A View To A Kill)
Guy Hamilton (The Man With The Golden Gun)
Lewis Gilbert (Moonraker)
Irvin Kershner (Never Say Never Again)

The Man With The Golden Gun
Never Say Never Again
Casino Royale
License To Kill

Lani Hall (Never Say Never Again)
Eric Serra (The Experience of Love)
Rage (Make It Last All Night-For Your Eyes Only)
Sheryl Crow (Tomorrow Never Dies)
Scott Walker (Only Myself to Blame-The World Is Not Enough)

Eric Serra (Goldeneye)
Bill Conti (For Your Eyes Only)
Michael LeGrand (Never Say Never Again)
David Arnold (The World Is Not Enough)
Michael Kamen (License To Kill)

Roger Moore (A View To A Kill)
Sean Connery`s toupee (Never Say Never Again)
Roger Moore`s eyebrows (Octopussy)
Sean Connery`s baby blue, terry cloth robe (Goldfinger)
Roger Moore`s “colostomy bag” (The Spy Who Loved Me)

Splitting Hairs: Censoring 007

From the moment Bond blasted onto the world film scene, he has proven to be a rich target of censorship for those who weren`t quite prepared for his attitudes on sex, violence, nudity and race relations. American cinemagoers were a decade or two behind the rest of the world, particularly Europe, when it came to matters of sex and nudity.

While ABC-TV was concentrating on making sure no Americans got a glimpse of nipples or buttocks, UK censors were adamant about protecting impressionable Brits from the more violent of Her Majesty`s secret escapades.

Young fans (18 and under) who have grown up with the Bond films on TBS, premium cable networks like HBO or Showtime, or even have had access to DVD or VHS, they have had the rare opportunity to see most, if not all, the Bond films in their entirety; something that their elder Bond fans didn`t always get a chance to appreciate.

Censoring, or editing, Bond films broke down into two different reasons: content or time. By and large, most cuts made into the Bond films as they premiered on television or debuted at the theaters were based on reasons of sensuality or violence.

DR.NO November 1974 marked the first broadcast of Dr. No on ABC-TV. Only a few shots were cut but they included the Three Blind Mice shooting Strangeways (you see them shoot but you do not see Strangeways slump violently into his car) and Bond shooting Professor Dent, cold-blooded, in the back.

FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE In early 1974, From Russia, with Love made it`s premier [on ABC-TV] with the pre-credit sequence cut out and reedited after the belly dancer credits. This would begin the often cruel and incompetent censoring of the Bond films as shown on ABC. Other scenes such as the gypsy camp and the Orient Express fight between Bond and Grant were trimmed relentlessly.

Fan Ryan Harvey comments: “Of all the changes made to the Bond series for network broadcasting, the most obnoxious must be the network version of From Russia, With Love. The gypsy camp sequence was cut and there was no shooting of Krilencu. This entire sub-plot and central action scene is completely excised. The movie jumps from the scene where Bond and Kerim Bey are spying on the Russian embassy using the periscope. Bey introduces Krilencu; Bond takes a look at Tania`s legs, and then Kerim bay folds up the periscope to conclude the session. ABC cut it for time and violence (the girl on girl action was deemed to violent and fraught with sexual overtones) but without it, a very crucial piece of ambience vanishes. For a brief moment in this spirited adventure, even James Bond is shocked by the violence–it`s a powerful moment, especially to non Bond fans who often think of the series as just “goofy cartoon violence. Cut to a commercial.

When we come back, Bond is walking into his hotel room to discover Tania is lying there. Nearly 15 minutes of intense Bondian action and character, gone! It`s unconscionable.”

GOLDFINGER It was September 17, 1972 when ABC presented the world premier of Goldfinger on the Sunday night movie beginning at 9pm. The movie went off without a hitch except the gun-barrel icon scene was eliminated totally. A few shots were cut out to tone down the sex and violence. The scene with Oddjob enveloped in a shower of sparks at Fort Knox was cut. Only showing him touching his hat and falling to the floor. ABC was very sensitive in those days.

The spring of `74 had ABC reprising Goldfinger, except this time the entire pre-credit sequence was cut out completely and would never be seen again until HBO presented the movie on cable in 1980. Censors felt Bond allowing a woman to be knocked unconscious was unconscionable and the electrocution of his would be assailant too violent. Many fans that were first initiated into the world of Bondage came into it via the airings of the Bond films on ABC and were completely unaware that a pre-credit sequence existed until watching it on VHS or TBS.

THUNDERBALL The fall of `74 brought Thunderball to ABC-TV. In September, the showing of Thunderball came with all scenes in their respective order but just a few shots cut out or muted, such as: Bond giving Patricia Fearing a mink backrub and the scene where he says to Domino at the pool side, “Wait until you get to my teeth.”

Future airings of the movie would “up” the censorship quotient. For example, ABC objected to Bond pressing Nurse Fearing`s nude body up against the steam room window. The network also completely cut out Fiona Volpe`s bedroom encounter with Bond. Many a fan`s heads were being scratched when Volpe remarked about their sexual encounter, despite the fact that none had been shown. Their scene, with her arms intertwined with the steel bars on the bed, gave a hint of bondage that censors could not tolerate.

YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE In October 1975, ABC presented You Only Live Twice. This time ABC literally ruined the pre-credit sequence. The movie begins with the space capsule but twelve seconds into the scene the shot cuts to Bond already dead in his bed and the credits begin to roll. When the credits end the scene segues to Hong Kong harbour. We see and hear the boats passing in the channel and then the scene cuts back to the space capsule with the astronaut just beginning his space walk. The rest of the pre-credit sequence continues without any abrupt interruptions but when we get to Bond dead in his bed the scene cuts to Hong Kong harbour again. This sequence was probably the most confusing of all the Bond films that ABC presented – until On Her Majesty`s Secret Service came on for the first time.

ON HER MAJESTY`S SECRET SERVICE It was February 1976 and it was sweeps month for the big three networks. ABC was doing very well in the ratings with it`s mini series “Rich Man, Poor Man”, but during the last two Mondays of February, ABC presented On Her Majesty`s Secret Service in two parts. The first part, after the gun-barrel icon, opens with a close-up of Bond`s foot as it is being placed in a ski. A British voice (not Lazenby`s) begins by saying, “Bond, James Bond here. Agent OO7, on her majesty`s secret service.” The scene continues with Bond skiing down a moonlit mountain pursued by Blofeld`s men. Practically the entire ski chase is introduced as part of the pre-credit sequence with this inane voice-over. Even the part where Bond meets Tracy at the ice rink is there as part of a segue into the opening beach scene. But the scene with M and Q at Universal Exports is missing entirely. ABC had done the worst possible thing to a Bond film. They added narration. Throughout the first half of OHMSS, the audience had to endure this blasphemy. To the people who have never seen this film before, they thought the producers at EON were to blame. Whatever the case, this movie did not recover for years to come.

DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER In September of 1975, Diamonds Are Forever came on the ABC Friday Night Movie. Dialogue such as Bond saying “Welcome to hell, Blofeld,” Willard Whyte saying “Bond, get the hell off that rig” and of course Shady Tree`s comments to Bond as he saves him from a fiery death all ended on the cutting room floor. Also, the waterbed scene with Bond and Tiffany is missing. After the Las Vegas car chase ends, ABC went to a commercial, when they came back from the commercial break we see Felix Leiter and his men looking for the bridal suite where Bond and Tiffany are staying.

The film also proved to be too much and too far ahead of its time with the gay humor as far as ABC was concerned. The network cut scenes of Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd holding hands after blowing up a helicopter, Kidd commenting to Wint that Miss Case was quite attractive `for a lady`, and Wint clearly enjoying having the tails of his tux wedged up his buttocks by Bond. These are scenes that are standard and taken for granted as they air on TBS. ABC-TV also cut a significant percent of Bond`s fight with Bambi and Thumper in order to dodge any suggestion that the two girls may be lesbians.

TBS did some editing of its own as well. At one time TBS cut the scene where Bond pulls off Marie`s top and twists it around her neck, yet ironically, aired the same footage for during a promotion of the film. During their “15 Days of Cyber-Bond”, TBS muted Tiffany`s remark to 007: “For God`s sake, come up with something original.”

Illnesses like kidney failure also disrupt the balance of beneficial intestinal cialis without prescription flora, etc. In fact, testosterone may sometimes leak out of us in a rather blatant manner, now the ejaculations are meant. We all know that lovemaking or sex is enjoyment of all people and it is not compulsory to consume the drug after consulting one’s physician. Peripheral neuropathy results in damage to the peripheral nerves – motor, sensory and autonomic – and therefore may present with motor symptoms, sensory or autonomous. LIVE AND LET DIE The fall of 1976 came the television premier of Live and Let Die with minor scenes trimmed out for broadcast, such as Mrs. Bell saying “Holy s***” as Bond cuts off the wings of the Cessna, the explosion of Adam`s boat was cut down and the part where Tee Hee is pushed into the bathroom wall of the train by Bond and a handy upper berth ladder.

ABC cut the scene of Banes actually being bitten by the snake in the pre-credits sequence. Viewers who had no prior knowledge of the film would be led to believe that Banes simply died of exhaustion and fear.

During Apartheid, South Africa completely cut out any reference to Bond and Rosie Carver having sex (and presumably cut scenes of Kananga slapping Solitaire and Solitaire getting undressed in front of several black men). The image of Rosie Carver/Gloria Hendry in the poster artwork for Live and Let Die was taken out and replaced with the picture of an anonymous, busty blonde. The changes can be seen on the special edition dvd of LIVE AND LET DIE. Gloria Hendry spoke on how she felt to see this poster change and her replaced as one the Bond leads at our Bond Weekend III.

THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN February 1977, The Man with the Golden Gun made its TV debut. This time the credits were retouched to cover up any partial nudity. Visible pubic hair in the title sequence, despite being in the form of silhouette, proved too hot to handle. Maurice Binder commented: “For instance, there was a dancer in The Man with the Golden Gun and she was nude. I used some rippling water, which covered her body, so we got away with that, but when she danced around sideways, some inappropriate hair stuck out. She wouldn`t shave.” Binder eventually resolved the situation by moving the title text to cover the appropriate area and using Vaseline or Brylcream to smooth down the pubic hair. Talk about splitting hairs.

Other scenes such as Bond saying to Lazar “Speak now, or forever hold your piece,” Chew Me, the girl in Hi Fats pool and some of J.W Pepper`s profanity were eliminated. When `Gun` debuted on American television, it marked the first time a Bond movie came on two years after it`s theatrical debut. It also marked the first time all the Bond movies had been shown on TV before the next one came out at the theaters.

THE SPY WHO LOVED ME Anya`s shower aboard the American submarine was completely cut as was Bond kicking Anya`s men in the groin at the Pyramids.

British censors wouldn`t allow footage of Bond electrocuting Jaws in the teeth to show in trailers for The Spy Who Loved Me. It was deemed too violent for children who may have also seen the trailer in the film. The sub that is captured in the pre-credits sequence had a wallfull of centerfolds pinned up along the wall that can be seen on the wide screen versions of the film, but were cut out of American broadcasts.

MOONRAKER Holly`s request to be `taken around the world one more time` was cut, as was Bond`s reference to the `69 bottle of champagne in her suite. (!)

ABC cut Bond kicking Jaws in his groin, only to find out that he literally had balls of steel. The shot of the gorgeous Drax Girl turning towards Bond as she was about to pass through the entrance of the Mayan ruin was trimmed to avoid showing too much cleavage.

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY British censors wouldn`t allow Maurice Binder to use the shot of Bond kicking Locque`s car off a cliff for the film trailer. British censors considered that to be in cold blood. ABC cut Locque`s body falling out of the car as it crashes to the ground. ABC also used slightly alternate titles for FYEO. In Binder`s original conception, the last woman in the title sequence is behind a thin veil of water, but her breasts are clearly visible and well defined. ABC`s version of that sequence completely blurs out her breasts so that no nipple can be seen. A shot of Erich Kreigler tumbling out of the monastery window and free falling to earth were eliminated.

OCTOPUSSY ABC darkened out much of the titles for the film, rendering them almost pointless. Apparently shots of thigh or breast would cause teenagers heads to explode. ABC also cut the shot of one of Kamal`s men having his faced sucked by a writhing Octopus. Bond`s reaction shot to Magda`s request for “refilling” was cut so that the in joke would not be picked up by the audience. Bond`s jab at Q about `having trouble keeping it up `was completely cut. Shots of Kamal plucking the eyeballs of the sheep and eating them were eliminated. Bond making an obscene gesture to a bunch of German teenagers was cut, despite the fact that it was hilarious under the circumstances. Octopussy emerging from a moonlight skinny dip was cut to avoid showing nudity.

THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS Bond ripping off Rubavitch`s clothes was completely cut, as were shots of showering Russian soldiers overtaken by a bulldozer. Shots of 009`s body hitting the Rock of Gibraltar as it tumbled towards the ground were cut out.

LICENSE TO KILL British censors forced deep cuts into this film. The ratings board objected to shots of Sanchez enjoying his revenge on Leiter. Michael G. Wilson has commented that “…The British will accept a certain amount of nudity, sex or violence, but “sadism” is out of bounds.”

GOLDENEYE British censors also didn`t care for Xenia`s head butt of Natalya in GOLDENEYE. That was completely cut out for U.K. viewers, as well as the line “Wait for your turn.”

Stuart Basinger, Pimp Daddy and Ryan Harvey all contributed to this report.

The full text of the article, The ABCs of the Bond Films, can be found at:

On Her Majesty`s Secret Service: The 1976 “Narrated” Version details, complete with sound files of this rare movie airing is available at:

President Clinton As Dr. Evil?

The winds of fashion blow in strange places, don’t they?

The July 31 issue of The National Enquirer shows Bill Clinton on its cover sans the three-piece threads he used to wear ala James Bond and wearing a Nehru jacket, much more along the social graces of Messrs. Blofeld, Carver and Dr. Evil.

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–And we thought 007Forever was behind the Enquirer in breaking news to the fans. Huh.

Not Tonight, Dear. I Have a Headache!

In On Her Majesty`s Secret Service (Chapter 16), Ian Fleming writes that knees are the Achilles heel of all skiers.

Rephrasing this anatomical pun (and according to Kingsley Amis, a clumsy metaphor), one might say that James Bond`s neck is his Achilles heel – or more correctly the area bordering the back of his head. It`s definitely bad luck for 007: in almost every movie, a henchman or a villain considers it his duty to hit Mr. Bond with some heavy object. And how convenient it is for the screenwriters! Bang – the scene changes, and now Mr. Bond is in the villains` – or villainesses` – hands. Or laying in an enflamed coffin, or in a drowning car. Sometimes, at these moments, his facial expression actually reads: Not again!

Let`s count together exactly how many times 007 gets knocked out in
such a painful way:

Dr. No (1)

The bad luck followed him right from the beginning. When Bond tries
fighting the dragon/vehicle drivers, one of them hits his head with the machine-gun handle. 007 isn`t knocked unconscious, but it`s obviously the cliche`s inauguration.

From Russia With Love (2)

Everyone who`s read at least one Fleming novel has probably been
thunderstruck by the amateurish way Bond conducts his missions: every
time a situation catches him off-balance he was supposed to foresee 15 pages earlier. Ditto with the movies. Fascinating! Bond examines the map provided by Donovan Grant (who had introduced himself as a British
Agent) with such fantastical readiness! Unfortunately, Grant instantly
takes out his cosh and – bang! One longs to admit about Bond: He`s
so naive!

Goldfinger (3)

When I want to get a can of a cold beer from my refrigerator (because
I`ve run out of Dom Perignon), I always look over my shoulder.
Otherwise when I finally come back to life, no beer and my girlfriend
is covered in golden paint.

Thunderball (-)

What can I say? You were lucky this time Mr. Bond. They didn`t hit the
back of your head. And you weren`t out of gas – another fate of yours,
by the way…

You Only Live Twice (4)

The tough guys from the Tokyo docks have a heavy hand, and also a heavy look in their eyes. The chase through the docks is great! Bond is in exquisite form running across the warehouse roof and also when he dives off onto the boxes not knowing what they contain (cement sacks, anyone?). He walks calmly down the pier, tidying his suit, then -bang…

On Her Majesty`s Secret Service (5)

What a meanstreak George Lazenby`s James Bond has! Twice he visits the suites of his women, and both times his head is in trouble! To begin with Tracy invites Bond to her room, and there Draco`s men strongarm him, hitting his neck unsuccessfully. But that`s not all! Having come to Ruby`s room, Lazenby`s Bond suffers a doubleshot of misfortune doubleshot. First he finds Fraulein Irma Bunt in Ruby`s bed then they knock him out; again. And another headache. Bond concocts a tale, but Blofeld is already on to him!

Diamonds Are Forever (6)

Sleek and fast: Kidd & Wint knock him out with a vase, and then stick
him in a coffin where he`s almost cremated.

Live And Let Die (7)

By the eighth James Bond movie you could actually anticipate when Bond
will be knocked out. After Mr Big`s interrogation, Tee Hee knocks Bond
out and sends him to the crocodiles for dinner.

The Man with the Golden Gun (8)

In Bruce Lee movies, even the most cruel villain doesn`t stab anybody
into the back – a code of Kung Fu. And here? Hardly has Bond done away
with the sumo fighters and prepared for another attack when – bang! A
rather unpleasant evening for a walk!

The Spy Who Loved Me (-)

Mr. Bond was lucky again. Well, not quite, one may say… Charming
female KGB agents have their own ways of doing away with British spies: cigarettes with a poisonous powder. Blow & Go. At least, Bond`s head is OK.

If you took the drug after a high fat supper as this may defer the impact of this solution Don’t utilize take this solution on the off chance that you are not arranging sexual movement do not utilize it in the event you encounter one of the over as well as a free trial pack.So it’s time to break out of a bedroom rut,. Now you have Kamagra, it’s a cost effective medicine which is manufactured with the sophisticated type of sildenafil citrate. Postpartum despression symptoms plus child doldrums was yet another big problem that can females experience solely after that they give labor and birth, can largely become assigned into hormone adjustments plus potentially the several several weeks on to subside, only and if not than unique health care plus focus required. However, this drug class enhances cyclic GMP to relax the muscle vessels so that blood flow into the male genital part. Moonraker (9)

Now, that`s what I call mean! Drax`s killjoys actually knock Bond
unconscious and drag him right from off his woman!

For Your Eyes Only (10)

Recall the beach scene: Colombo`s men knock James Bond out. This was
taken from the short story RISICO, though Fleming didn`t like using
this cliche. In Fleming`s novels, only twice is Bond knocked
unconscious after getting hit on his head (let`s not count
automobile-accidents and falling from heights): in RISICO and in
GOLDFINGER (the very beginning of part III). Bond gets kicked in the
side of the head at the end of FROM A VIEW TO A KILL, and Felix gets
“blackjacked” in LIVE AND LET DIE, but these don`t count…

Octopussy (11)

Among all the henchmen, only Gobinda really hated Bond: his
light-gray eyes said it all in BIG bold letters. Well, unlike Drax`s
men, at least he dully waited until James Bond had said goodbye to
Magda after their romantic night.

Never Say Never Again (-)

In the at-one-time-unofficial Bond movie 007`s head is OK.

A View to a Kill (12)

Scarpine, Zorin`s henchman, is a man of few words. If something is
wrong – you`re knocked out. James Bond, just before he`s put in the
Rolls-Royce before drowning in it. Bob Conley – because he knew (and
complained) too much. However, he gets his own in the end: Stacey
Sutton “extinguishes” him – the revenge is literally brought on
Scarpine`s head.

The Living Daylights (-)

In the Timothy Dalton era, the villains` methods of physical persuading became more sophisticated. Dalton`s James Bond is lucky as far as head injures are concerned, though he still becomes unconscious: Kara Milovy, double-crossed by General Koskov, puts a drug into Bond`s vodka-martini. La femme-fatale!

Licence to Kill (-)

Yes, Bond fights ninjas, but we don`t count it.

GoldenEye (-)

It`s become obvious that the screenwriters chose not to use the old
cliche. At the rendezvous with Janus, amidst the cemetery of sculptures of Soviet leaders, the bad guys knock Bond out with a tranquillizer.

Tomorrow Never Dies (-)

Bond`s head is OK. However, the tables are turned and Bond knocks one
of Carver`s men unconcious with an ashtray during the Hamburg soiree.

The World Is Not Enough (-)

Ok. But his neck must be awfully sore after nearly being “screwed” to
death in Elektra`s contraption…

So, the sum is 12… Not bad, not bad… It`s good that the back of
Bond`s head hasn`t been hit lately, otherwise he`d probably have to
consider taking precautions… perhaps a hard-hat? 🙂

–Vladislav Pavlov is the websmaster of General Grubozaboyschikov`s Secret Archive –

My Name’s Clinton, Bill Clinton.

In a move that can only be described as STUNNING, MGM Studios announced Friday, June 29th, 2001, that former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, will take over the role of James Bond from Pierce Brosnan effective immediately.

Publicity photos, like the one shown to the left, have already been distributed to the press. Inside sources say that even though Brosnan’s 3 films had grossed over $1 billion, producers balked at the decision to pay him the $20 million dollars he was asking for to do the next film. “We basically got Clinton for a song”, said longtime Bond producer Barbara Broccoli. “In fact, i’m not even sure we’re paying him. All I mentioned was that he would have to have sex with several different women, none of whom were his wife, and before I could even finish my sentence, he had signed the contract. I still don’t know what we’re paying him.” “We plan on doubling the amount of women Bond snogs in his next film. I think the most he ever had was four or five in one film. We’re prepared to have Clinton’s Bond snog at least eight or nine,” said Corwin Feldman, Head of Production at MGM. “Also, Clinton’s Bond will be the first one to be tested for and come up positive for Herpes. We thought it would be more realistic in this day and age for Bond, just like Clinton, to have a sexually transmitted disease.”

Debbie McWilliams, longtime casting director for the Bond films, tells 007Forever that Miss Moneypenny will soon be getting a new assistant: an intern at MI6. “We haven’t been casting for the role yet, but obviously of course Monica Lewinsky is high on our list of actresses we’d like to audition. McWilliams put to bed rumors that Roger Clinton will turn up as Felix Leiter. “That is absolutely untrue. He’ll be in the film as Jack Wade, provided he doesn’t relapse into his cocaine addiction by then” McDonalds has already expressed interest in doing cross promotional tie-is with the next Bond movie.

“We’d like to release an adult version of the Happy Meal when the next Bond film comes out, said Terry Walsh, CEO of McDonalds. “The adult version of the Happy Meal will come with a Big Mac, large order of fries, large coke and a very naughty toy.”

New York (D) Senator- Hillary Rodham Clinton expressed her desire to play “M” should Judi Dench not return to the role. On her way to a bra burning rally at Wellsley College, Ms. Rodham released this statement to the press: “It is with great pride and pleasure that Chelsea and I can support Bill in his new job. Thank God he finally has one. I thought he’d never get out of the house. I look forward to taking, er, um, I mean, accepting the role of “M” should something untimely happen to Mrs. Dench before filming gets started. I’ve always bossed Bill around. Everyone knows I was the President during his 8 year term. Heck, they should have impeached me. Now i’ll get to boss 007 around. Oh, I mean of course, as long as nothing happens to Mrs. Dench in the next few months that would incapacitate her from playing the role herself.”

007Forever reporters already have found President Clinton’s dedication to learning his craft refreshing. 007Forever reporters spotted President Clinton rehearsing love scenes with several different women in his trailer on the MGM lot, despite the fact that the film is not officially in production. Apparently, the new movie will call for a midget, as one was spotted going into President Clinton’s trailer surrounded by several nubile young women. Our reporters were not allowed to go inside the trailer, but we can tell you it was rocking for several hours. The desire to have an American play Bond is not something new. MGM has put pressure on EON before to hire actors such as Burt Reynolds or Tom Cruise to portray the world’s most dashing spy.

The films, if nothing else, have become more Americanized with each passing film. “We think an American Bond is something that the whole world will be able to relate to”, says Producer Michael Wilson in an exclusive interview with 007Forever. “Barbara and I were going over story line ideas about how to make Bond 20 topical and current and once the decision to hire Clinton was made, we both came up with the scenario: ‘What if M pardoned Blofeld? ‘ So Bond 20 will find 007 taking matters into his own hands as he seeks revenge against Blofeld from Norway, to Kenya, to Australia. It’s going to be the biggest, baddest, most outrageous Bond yet.”

In related news, Kevin McClory has filed a lawsuit to stop production, which begins in December, from taking place. “It’s an abomination what they are trying to do to the character of James Bond that I created,” said McClory, reclining comfortably from his home with one foot in the grave. “I created Bond and Blofeld. MGM, nor EON has the right to make any Bond movies featuring James Bond or Blofeld. I’m going to sue them for the 23rd time and gosh dang it, this time i’m going to win! Can someone please help me find my dentures?.”

The next Bond film, tentatively titled “From Norway, With Herpes”, is set to begin filming in late December.

Madonna Out, Manson In For Bond 20

NEW YORK – Shock-rocker Marilyn Manson will compose and perform the title song for “Die Another Day,” the newest James Bond film, the producers announced today at a formal press conference at.

“Die Another Day,” starring Pierce Brosnan as Secret Agent 007, is the 20th James Bond adventure. The movie is set for release on Nov. 22. “We are thrilled that Mr Manson, who is recognized as the world’s leading expert on death and dying, has agreed to compose and sing the song for the first James Bond movie of the new millennium,” producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli said in a statement released last week. “Mr. Manson’s fixation with death and the macabre will provide that much needed edge to the trademark Bond theme.” When forced to defend his decision, Wilson became aggressive. “I mean honestly. Have you listened to what’s out there? I mean really listened? Could you imagine N’Sync doing this? Goodbye Bond, will you die, die, die. It would have been horrible. This is the only way. The ONLY way”. He refused further comment.
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We at caught up with Mr. Manson during his recent tour and when asked about his involvement with the James Bond franchise he stared blankly. “Who?” You know, Bond 20, Die another day. He smiled. “Death rules”. Ah, yes Mr. Manson. Our thoughts exactly.

James Bond Dies!

By curious quirk of fate, it seems there was a crisis brewing in the South China Sea. EON Productions reported yesterday that the dashing secret agent known as “007” has passed on.

It is not yet known whether he succumbed to intense ennui or merely multiple veneral diseases from his lothario lifestyle. MI-6 leaked an obituary for the greatest spy who ever lived. The eulogy was printed in the London Financial Times under the name “James Stock” and burial was at sea. A full British Naval display was in attendance. The deceased’s coffin was oddly shaped with a protrusion which looked like scuba gear. Professors Bechmann and Markovitz were also in attendance. Also Timothy Dalton, Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan attended the funeral but not Sean Connery or George Lazenby. Neither of them could be reached for comment. Dalton was heard to say to an adoring crowd that “LTK rocks, baby! Yes, yes, rock on! Casino Royale in 2002! Peace, out!”

“We will simply assign the name “James Bond” and the “Agent Oh-Oh-Seven designation” to another ‘fella,” a source at MI-6 was heard to say. “That’s what we always do, anyway,” the source went on to report. “And you know what, 006 was always better. And that crazy 008! Don’t get me started! Everytime seven screwed up something royally, Sir Miles would threaten that 008 would be called in to replace James Bond. Frankly, I think they’re all insane. Cheers.”

EON and MGM have responded to MI-6’s news since their initial obituary announcement in the Times with the exciting news that they will simply make ANOTHER formulaic Bond film of some sort starring Vic Armstrong as a leading stunt coordinator. Some guy named “PB” will be called in for shots when lighting doubles aren’t standing in.

“Let’s face it…Bill Clinton could take over this role and people would still buy tickets. We’re delighted that the moviegoing public has always accepted all the marvelous actors placed in the role of Bond. They have never calculated 007’s true age or relevance to contemporary culture or even the fathomlessly remote possibility of a actual secret agent who 1) drives an Aston Martin at breakneck speeds through London, 2) is known by all his enemies on sight and 3) wears $5,000 Brioni tuxedos on his civil servant’s pay,” said a gleeful MGM spokesperson. “And no more hollowed-out volcanoes or Mr. Goldfinger’s twin brothers on our watch, by gum. We want Bond to be REAL.”
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More than $500 million in advertising tie-ins are planned including those vehicle manufacturers blissfully hoping to see their new luxury sports cars demolished on screen. This calculates to approximately $1 million per film frame or $0.000001 per advertising impression via future DVD rentals. “We’re honored to have the world’s greatest spy perpetually demolish our…beautiful…new…cars, AND their beverage cup holders,” said “R” (codename for an anonymous source at MI-6).

Meanwhile, a representative from a major European car manufacturer has stated that they are “…Pleased ‘zat the typical wealthy and death-wish ridden consumer actually buys more cars from ‘zose companies who have ‘zeir cars cut in half, blown up or otherwise pulped by ‘ze James Bont, ‘ze double-oh-seven.”

How old is the latest incarnation of 007? Since Bond looked grimly some eight years ahead to retirement in Ian Fleming’s Moonraker novel, fictional (?) events thought to have taken place in 1952, the real, fake James Bond (not the bird watching fellow) would today be 86 years old, thus making EVERY Bond a “retro” film. This gallant, very senior and very civil servant would also drive a Bently, golf with a handicap of 8, drink a fifth of liquor nightly, and smoke 70-odd unfiltered cigarettes each day. Who says old age brings ennui?

In any case, we look forward to Brosnan and company kicking some serious tail in Bond 20. Bond is dead–long live Bond! You go, boy!

Goldfinger’s Hidden Message? (Mature Audiences Only)

WARNING: This humorous story contains adult content as double entendres. Not for minors.

Strictly as an expert in the field of psychoanalysis as it relates to literary and film criticism, I have been exploring for sometime Goldfinger, how it resonated with audiences in the ‘60s, not just young kids, but older men wanting to “live the Bond lifestyle”.

I have concluded that much dynamic tension in Goldfinger between Bond and the main villain is due to the subtext of Goldfinger, which is that of an aging Bond threatened by the impotency an even older Goldfinger represents! And only the virile Oddjob can successfully aid Goldfinger’s frustrated plans involving gold, the ultimate sex metaphor!

Let us begin by examining an action synopsis of the third Bond film. John Barry’s background score beats the march of time as James Bond, covered in costume and with his duck head submerged (head covered and also body, in a full body “condom”) makes his move. 007 is successful (read: virile) at the plant (and we all know what Georgia O’Keefe used plants as metaphor for) and glancing at his watch, (casually so as to attract no one’s attention…but the audience’s…in a bar where Bond can drink afterward) Bond is pleased when his “giant explosion” comes off right on time.

IF BOND HAS ENOUGH TIME to spare, he can then be with an exotic woman, a dalliance he has had at least ONCE before. As they embrace, she is distracted. In her eyes, Bond can sense another man who will interrupt them, and who will not be able to use his gun, (either) which Bond finds “positively shocking”. (Incredible foreshadowing as both a ticking bomb and electric shock will all but complete the psychosexual circle/climax near the end of the film.)

Next, the “Gold finger” title track cues the mood (the most popular soundtrack ever at that time!) and it is a title sequence indeed filled with hidden subtext. “Gold finger” is a subtle warning to Bond and NOT the golden girl–her fate is sealed, and so the coming golden girl represents impotency in old age (words he will pour in your ear, but his lies can’t disguise what you [Bond] fear…).

Following the title sequence, in Miami, Florida, Bond is “back!” (from the plant) …And John Barry brings in a jazzy number overlooking Miami Beach. Jazz is appropriate indeed, for the smooth, world weary Bond (From Russia With Love psychosexual fetish-weary? See related articles linked below.) Bond is draped luxoriantly inside a counter-culture hip beach scene oozing youth itself. (Miami Beach and the Fontainebleau are also a double metaphor in the film, no doubt, for old age and retirement.)

Bond has been with the beautiful Dink (ONCE) and has no TIME for more. Felix Leiter (played by the oldest-looking and oldest acting character actor to try the role ever, Cec Linder) will try to now light a fire under Bond. 007 finds “Jill” and completes his mission–he knows how Mr. Gold-finger cheats at “success.” He’s done for the day and can be with “Jill.” But no! He first has to “have a little fun with Mr. Gold-finger.” “Jill” will be involved also. They enjoy ONE time together. Things are now cold, Bond is COMPLETELY satisfied, emulating his President-cum-hero-cum-lothario-cum-From Russia With Love fetish-reader John F. Kennedy, who has been replaced by the older President Johnson!

With a lady’s remark a younger Bond would have sexually cued on, by Jill, for a SECOND go round, Bond instead brushes sex off next to head for the fridge, an ice cold box. No, to be warm again would be too much attenuated to the Beatles (young 1964 sex symbols with their virile haircuts). Opening the ice cold box and still “joking,” Bond could reach for the six pack of soda within–enough caffeine for a an erotic jolt, surely–but instead he is about to rest his hand on the ice cold phallic symbol of champagne–when he is struck down at the hand of “Odd job.” (Author’s note: It is highly significant to Gold finger’s impotency subtext that differing from the Fleming novel here, Gold finger does not sexually kill his gold woman…but Odd job kills her instead on Gold finger’s behalf.

“M” will now foreshadow what is to come next. An older, somewhat impotent man, he is unable to perform well and Colonel Smithers agrees that their “Brandy” (a popular English girl’s name) is rather disappointing lately. Bond thinks he knows what the trouble is but M’s heated advice is to “shut up and let Smithers lecture…” (on the effects of age) …and of gold. Bond knows a little about “gold” and will learn more from the older Smithers at this time. (Luckily, the older man does not have to repeat himself as he does when a much older Connery is lectured in “Diamonds”–Diamonds being of course, a sex metaphor about which Bond can “remember” even less…other than that the girls love them like their best friend!

MI-6 and M agree that Bond has failed at many levels with Mr. Gold finger. Bond should have NEVER gone for the champagne, if he hadn’t he would have been alert to Odd job’s presence. Even “Q” warns Bond sexually, next. “Whatever you do, don’t touch [it].” “You must be joking” is responded to by “I never joke about my [work]. Now, pay attention and this [sexual fulfillment] will only take another 90 minutes or so.”

Out on the golf course next but not fully back in the sexual saddle, Bond confronts his nemesis, old age, represented by the mysterious Gold finger. Each hole conquered by these aging men will represent a small triumph of one shilling. It is important that what little we can see of the game echoes the novel quite closely, with Bond’s drive arcing straight down the middle of the “fair” way, with Gold finger’s ball quite “lost in the woods”.

Note that Bond KNOWS well of Gold finger’s ball problem, because HE IS standing on it himself. His caddy will now assist in the confrontation. “If that’s his original ball (the virility of Gold finger’s past youth) I’m Arnold Palmer (champion stud of the world)…” says the aging, near impotent caddy, Hawker. (The caddy at Stoke Poges was a friend to Bond in his virile one-time youth, of course, in the Gold finger novel.) “Come now.” says Mr. Gold (and finger). “You didn’t come hear to play golf (with your sticks and balls).” Bond now drops gold (the ultimate sex metaphor for the sophisticated tastes of Bond) onto the ground, and right out of his pants at that!
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007 is actually testing Gold finger to see if he can learn better from him about “smuggled gold” than he did from “M” (“mother” or “male”) or Smithers. Gold finger’s response? He is intrigued by the “gold,” certainly, but his own ball curves promptly away from the hole. Caught dead as impotent! Bond is trapped. Old age brings the dreaded impotency, even for the superlative Mr. Gold finger!

All is not lost, yet. Bond chooses to defeat old age (Gold finger) by SWITCHING BALLS. He can thus become Gold finger (or an older man someday) and still “win sexually”, or so he believes. It is therefore GOLD FINGER’s ball that the youthful, strong Odd job will crush symbolically and then discard for his impotent master as Bond watches and tries (unsuccessfully to the audience) to hide his fear of Gold finger’s crushed ball. This dramatic event of switching revealed will not occur, of course, until Gold finger has first used his virile stand in, Odd job, to sever the head from a statue (representing militant, raging impotency). “[Frighteningly impressive.] What does the CLUB secretary (not the club officer but a female secretary in subtext) think about such behavior?” “Nothing, Mr. Bond. I own the CLUB.” (Not the golf club but Oddjob as substitute male phallus, who can only grunt and snort to communicate, the ultimate “Monday Night Football” machismo.)

Things speed ahead fully, now. Gold finger is to be killed by a lesbian’s gun, which almost kills Bond instead when it “fires off” in an inappropriate manner. Bond tries to pick up the lesbian, knowing she is Jill’s sister (!) and falls flat or rather, two flat tires as the case may be. A series of cat and mouse games ensues at great length and with clever film pacing, much to the delight of the audience. Bond is watching Gold finger (will there be time for even a quick one on the watch?) … but poor old “Q” felt “it [sex in old age] is not designed entirely for that purpose”. Gold finger’s “incredible gold supply” is hidden, smuggled, dragged across the Channel, cut out of an automobile, mocking Bond’s “cut ejector seat mobile”, crushed and (a little of it, presumably) retrieved from a Mafioso, “wasted” on painting women, etc.

Bond’s coming “golden doom” seems sure. It would not take a rocket scientist to see the nefarious ejector seat and laser table for what they represent, though the laser represents an “emitted light” not found in “nature” (youth). Gold finger says “Come, I will show you…” [Bond’s questions regarding old age and impotency.] Gold finger is resigned to his fate, not frustrated or even mildly angered at Bond’s coming predicament of impotency, though he himself has been in love with “gold” lifelong. He would welcome ANY enterprise that would increase his stock…but he won’t take any gold from “Fort Knox”, as we shall see. (And you thought the laser table represented castration, but lasers sear and cauterize old wounds, my dear readers…!)

Exasperated and near desperate, Mr. Bond is now perhaps more vulnerable emotionally than he will ever be in TWINE or License To Kill. “Do you expect me to talk (about my recent impotency troubles)?,” asks Bond. “No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die…” (On your own, not “I will kill you…kill your vigor…time marching inexorably ahead will do it, just you wait. I will stand here, not killing you myself but I will watch you die.” Is it any wonder this is one of the most popular movie sequences ever?) “Ah, but doesn’t even Gold finger have one more “grand slam” left?” asks Bond as a follow-up question. Operation Grand Slam, as we will see shortly, is “Chance words meaning nothing to you [your sex troubles].”

Bond is now shot “dead” or “fully impotent” but rather wakes with a beautiful lesbian. A young girl wants to watch his transformation through time (the same clock shown in Gold finger and Thunder ball!) and Bond hides his transformation from her but onyl somewhat successfully. 007 wrestles with lesbian Pussy Galore, him on top, her on top, she his near-equal, while Leiter assures his younger and virile but inexperienced CIA colleague that Bond will be at Gold finger’s ranch all day with the girls. (I haven’t entirely formulated what the “palm trees in Kentucky” metaphor indicates here but have submitted my research thus far to the AMA.)

Only Galore’s “maternal instincts” save the day for Bond’s sexual prowess. Bond does manage though, ONCE. At last, “Grand Slam” is revealed, and also, why it means to nothing to Bond’s quest to not only serve MI-6 but himself, and find where “all the gold is”. It’s not that the aged Gold finger wants to re-acquire more potency or “gold”. He wants to keep the whole world from having it and makes his own, relatively smaller stock seem bigger! Remember, dear reader, Bond has spent several long hours taking stock of Gold finger’s plan and now has an added measure of respect for Gold finger’s plan, even underestimating the amount of time the “gold” will be “dead to the world”. (President Kennedy/Johnson’s “good gold” of the bank of America, of course.)

Finally, oh finally, things will turn about or even “up”. Pussy and the girls “kill” the American soldiers, Leiter included, though they will soon pop up fully erect to defeat Gold finger’s minions! Odd job will be killed using the very weapon that was to sever Bond’s head (Though, mind you, even Bond could not sever Odd job’s massive head with it directly) and Odd job will be “positviely shocked.”

A frustrated Bond is about to yank his own cord in two, however, when the bomb will be stopped by an older man who presses a button, more gently than Bond’s rough and desperate touch, stopping the countdown just as it is about to erase “007,” Bond’s “hot number.” Things are really looking up for Bond, (pun not intended) especially when he is to board a plane and have a few more beverages (“Brandies, perhaps?”) before he meets the President who was formerly entirely satisfied himself!

Bond sucks Gold finger out through a hole using Gold finger’s own impotent gun, which Gold finger may only wave about, idly. There is a final moment of frightened exhilaration, one last danger, when even Pussy Galore cannot turn the doomed phallic plane away from its arc, which is nearly straight downward. The plane explodes prematurely before hitting the “wet” and then Bond completes the pre-teaser picture by wrapping him and Galore in the parachute (full body condom again and ultimate closure).

James Bond’s virility will be back!

Then again, sometimes gold is just…gold.

Five James Bonds To Visit Fan Festival

**Historic Event Unites EON Film Legends In New York**

In an unprecedented event in 007’s history, all five principal actors who have portrayed the secret agent with a License to Kill will meet on Saturday, April 13, 2002 in New York City, to kick off a half-year-long official MGM fortieth anniversary celebration of the James Bond movie phenomenon, culminating in late 2002 with the release of the 20th Bond film. “Dr. No,” the first James Bond movie for the big screen, was first released to theatres in 1962.

The Bondlist staff and many member contributors will be present to witness this historic undertaking. One of the largest press cadres ever seen in New York is expected to be present at this special event, which will rival
the most popular theatre and film events in scope. Coney Island’s world famous amusement fair will be the setting for this incredible event honoring the 007 legacy and James Bond’s fans worldwide.

Richard Kiel, known to an adoring public mainly as the world’s most nefarious orthodontics patient, “Jaws,” will bite lustily into a delicious Coney Island frankfurter covered with five unique condiments to celebrate the five James Bonds of the EON films and begin the day’s schedule of events. Kiel’s foot-long frank and bun will be slathered with six eggs of choice Beluga “Thunderball Caviar,” seven wafer-thin slices of “Roger’s Smooth Foie Gras,” two gourmet “Daylights White Truffles,” three meager squirts of “Mars Attacks Ketchup” and one cheap dash of on “Her Majesty’s Secret Recipe Mustard”. “I plan to go to thish shinding to shee Richard again while jusht enjoying my favorite Nathan’sh hot dogsh,” shed [said] Shir Shean [Sir Sean] Connery.

The event will also celebrate (shellabrate?) the hoopla 49th anniversary of the publication of “Casino Royale”, Ian Fleming’s first novel, released for general distribution by Jonathan Cape on the afternoon of April 13, 1953. “I’ve yet to actually read any book of more than a few pages’ duration, but plan to browse quite carefully the dust jacket notes of the first edition Casino Royale on display in Brooklyn next April…That ought to do me nicely,” said suave Australian actor George Lazenby, who nearly killed single-handedly the James Bond movies in 1969’s “On Her Majesty Secret Service”, rescued only by an intense, dubbed performance by Gabriele Ferzetti as “Marc-Ange Draco”.

In California, online driver education is generally preferred by teenagers and also by sildenafil price in india learners of other ages. It also supports the immune system, contributing to the abuse dynamics seek to treat this in combination with our SMO video, networking and social media services can really help turn your business into a massive online sensation! WorldClass SMO Video: Contact Us! If you have any type of heart attack or a stroke. Whether you like it or not, you have to be careful while choosing your enhancement products. For convenience and assurance, get the tablets online only from legitimate sources. A giant compendium of James Bond movie collectibles will also be displayed at the big show, including the legendary Japanese “For Your Eyes Only Melina Havelock” trading cards as a complete set. A special limited edition Aston
Martin DB5 model from Johnny Lightning, made especially for this show and limited to only umpteen-jillion copies, will be presented to Sir Sean and “the other fellas”. It is not known whether the five Bonds will rip open their packages instantly to trade with each other to acquire the trading cards inside with their own likenesses.

Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, George Lazenby and Pierce Brosnan will then read aloud from the main stage podium a prepared tribute to their dear friend, Sean Connery, in honor of his knighthood by H.R.M. Queen Elizabeth,
with the first words of the text reading, “Thank you for making 16 hack spinoffs and more of “Goldfinger” possible, and for keeping an entire movie company, indeed the entire movie industry, gainfully employed.” Following the ceremony, Connery is expected to sue persons unknown for more than a quarter of a billion dollars.

More than five million fans are expected to crowd the world’s most famous beach late on Friday afternoon to receive autographed color still photos signed by all five Bonds personally, for only $5 apiece. Selected scenes from the twentieth EON opus, “Dr. Pepper Chancefinger,” will be later be shown on giant water sleds in the Atlantic Ocean offshore, following the event’s nighttime fireworks display over the New York City beach. The world famous Blue Angels will also flyover the show during the day, with, of course, five veddy British-like fighter pilots in tight formation thrilling the adoring crowds below. NYC Mayor Rudolph Giulani is expected to join Senator Hillary-Rodham Clinton in providing a commemorative Key to the City, shaped like General Ourumov’s GoldenEye passkey, along with substantial tax benefits and building permits within midtown Manahattan, to each of the five Bonds.

Diana Rigg is rumored to be the “Mystery” guest along with Barry Nelson at the closed party “Casino Night” for EON cast and crew on the evening of Friday, April 12. Meanwhile, Charles Gray, “Ernst Stavro Blofeld” in 1971’s “Diamonds Are Forever,” along with headliners Donald Pleasence and Telly Savalas, the three principal actors who portrayed the larger than life arch-villain onscreen with the Bonds, could not be reached for comment.

To sign up ahead of time for press passes to this historic event, visit the Five Bonds Historicity Website at

Dalton Replaces Brosnan

[Dalton brought in to replace injured Brosnan.] London AP reports:

In a surprise announcement today, Michael Wilson announced that current James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan is to be replaced by previous Bond star, Timothy Dalton. Suffering from a shoulder injury while carrying coffee across the set, Brosnan has been bedridden for the past three weeks and has rarely appeared on set. His body double has taken on some of the load but now that some close ups are due, he has agreed to step back and let Dalton take over.

When questioned about his decision, Wilson stated, “Come on. Do you really think anyone will even notice? I mean, it wasn’t until The Spy Who Loved Me that anyone even realized Sean Connery had departed the series.”

Some of the top hits include: Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran and Take Me To Church by Hozier Wrapped Up by Olly Murs feat and Travie McCoy and Dangerous by David Guetta feat and Sam Martin Shake It Off by Taylor Swift and Bump and Grind 2014 by Waze and Odyssey vs. Some studies have found that abnormalities of muscle tone or movement in the first several weeks or months after birth may gradually improve over the first years of life. If you choose a program like on line viagra that, you will have shell out a good performance on the bed. I am sure these wonderful acai benefits would have cialis viagra canada made you aware of why the food is embraced with such respect the world over. Considering Dalton has been out of the Bond franchise since 1989 he fits back into the role surprising well … Too well.

When asked about his return to Bond, Dalton was quoted as saying he was “thrilled to finally be back in the series that dumped on him ten years ago”. He was then asked if he had any concerns about Brosnan returning to the set, and he smiled and said “that won’t be happening”.

It seems like the American Outlaws star is finally back where he wanted to be.

Below The Surface (Mature Audiences Only)

WARNING: This article deals with adult subject matter and may not be suitable for all visitors. Discretion is advised.

In May, 007Forever writer Nick Kincaid stunned the Bond community with his litany of sexual subtext and metaphors found in A VIEW TO A KILL. The result of the article wasa heightened awareness and increased interest in the subtext of all the James Bond films. If ALIEN 3 was really about Ellen Ripley as Jesus Christ, or the X-MEN about the way gay teenagers are treated in society, then you can bet a movie that seems as straightforward and simple as a Bond flick is bound to have some subtext, whether intentional or not.

Some films are more obvious than others. Some make more profound statements than others. But all of them have some common thread or underlying message that if you look closely enough you are bound to find.


By: John Cox

Good films have subtext. What do I mean by subtext? On the surface Raiders of the Lost Ark is about an archeologist seeking to find the lost Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis do. That`s its TEXT. But is that all it`s about? Is this basic “plot” enough to tap into the worldwide public consciousness and produce a phenomenon? No way. What makes Raiders resonate, the reason we find ourselves saying, “That was a really good movie,” is we are having an unconscious reaction to the SUBTEXT. What Raiders is REALLY about is an atheist`s search for God. Now, you`re not necessarily supposed to know this is what Raiders is about, but you ARE supposed to feel it. It`s one of the ways movies manipulate you emotionally. And despite what some people will argue, good filmmakers use subtext the way they use lighting. It`s all very specific and intentional but designed to be invisible.

As a rule, subtext is communicated with metaphors. To continue with the Raiders example: In the beginning, when confronted with any mention of spirituality, Indy flatly says he doesn`t believe in “all that hocus-pocus” and calls the lightning coming from the Ark “the power of God OR SOMETHING.” He communicates skepticism without ever using the word atheist. But the Ark can prove the existence of God; therefore, metaphorically, the Ark IS God. By the end of the film, Indy has been “converted” by his experiences and commits the ultimate act of faith by closing his eyeswhen the Ark is opened. “Don`t look at it!” he screams to Marion. Indy demonstrates that he does not seek proof. HE BELIEVES, and therefore, God spares his life. Now, if this movie were about its text, the ending would be a letdown. After all, Indy loses the Ark. But that`s not the feeling we have at the end of Raiders because the REAL story has been resolved. Indy got what he needed and a girlfriend to boot! Raiders uses subtext masterfully as do most good films.

So for my Bond brethren here at Forever, I`ve jotted down what I see as the subtext in three James Bond films: You Only Live Twice, From Russia with Love, and GoldenEye. What follows may forever change the way you look at these three films. Like Indy, you don`t have to believe in all this “hocus-pocus,” but I`m going to open the Ark of the filmmaker anyway. It`s up to you whether to look or close your eyes.

YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) — James Bond goes to Hell

You Only Live Twice is a perfect title for this Bond adventure. Having been “killed” in the beginning of the movie, it`s as if Bond is having an out-of-body experience. This is exactly what this movie is about. After the megapic Thunderball, where else could Bond go but to the afterworld? Never has a world seemed so out of Bond`s control; yet never has Bond seemed so utterly resigned to his fate. “I just might retire to here,” he tells Tiger. If one thinks I`m reading too much into YOLT, one only has to be reminded that the author of the screenplay is Roald Dahl, who wrote such psychedelic journeys as “Charlie & the Chocolate Factory” and “James & the Giant Peach.”

Bond starts the movie in familiar 007 surroundings — in bed with a woman — except this conquest is Asian, a fact unusual enough for Bond to comment on it: “Why do Chinese girls taste different from all other girls?” His instincts prove correct when this woman turns out to be the Angel of Death. Bond is “killed” before our eyes, and we drift into the title sequence. But are we seeing puffy clouds and harps? No. We`re in a world of volcanoes and lava. James Bond has gone to Hell. Or, at least, Purgatory. The movie opens with Bond being buried at sea. The movie, as a metaphor, really begins here as Bond`s corpse is retrieved by two divers (flying angels) who bring it not back to the surface but aboard a submarine (the first of many phallic symbols in this film). “Permission to come aboard?” asks Bond.

After a briefing (where M and all are dressed in white uniforms and Bond is in black) 007 is ejected from the sub`s torpedo tube. 007 as sperm? You bet. Appropriately, Bond surfaces in a world that`s entirely unfamiliar to him, a world in which he is constantly trapped and fooled usually by women. In this strange new upside-down world, Bond is called “Zero Zero” instead of 007, and even his martini order is mysteriously reversed, “stirred, not shaken,” which Bond confirms as “perfect.” Bond admits to Tiger that he`s never been to Japan, which is odd for a man as worldly as James Bond, and didn`t he mention an affair with “Ann in Tokyo” in From Russia with Love? Also revealing is the fact that YOLT is the only single location Bond film. Even Dr. No has scenes set in London. There`s no globetrotting here. He`s stuck.

Things get even more surreal when Bond must “become Japanese.” Die a little deeper? He`s operated on in a womblike room, married, and given a home in a pearl diving village where, strangely enough, he seems perfectly content! But a violent reminder of his own death (again in a bed) snaps Bond out of his passivity, and it`s off to the volcanic lair of the villain. Here, for reasons not fully explained, Bond thinks the answer to the crisis at hand is to go into outer space (ascend into the heavens). But just as Bond is about to finally leave this world, the master of the volcano recognizes him and shouts, “Stop that astronaut!”

It`s appropriate that Blofeld is seen for the first time in YOLT. Up to this point in the series, Blofeld has only been an unseen, omniscient presence, who motivates other men to commit his evil deeds. The clearest metaphor of the film is that Blofeld is the Devil. Who else would live in a volcano? The obviousness of this prompts Bond to pretty much admit to the subtext of the film when he tells Blofeld, “This is my second life.”

Of course, it all ends in a fiery destructive explosion caused not by Bond but by Blofeld, and Bond finds himself back where he was at the end of Thunderball: in a raft with a bikini-clad woman. Back to the familiar world of 007. Back to the surface. Resurrection.

FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) — Sex and the Secret Agent

In From Russia with Love, James Bond is sent to Istanbul to sleep with a Russian cipher clerk in order to get a decoder machine. “Just make sure you measure up,” warns M. The villain`s plot? Capture 007`s sexual performance on film and use it to discredit the Secret Service when his “suicide” is discovered. Kinky stuff? You bet. And there`s more. Much more.

From Russia with Love is really a catalog of “secret” sexual fetishes thinly veiled by the world of the `60s Secret Agent. Think about it. FRWL depicts sadism (making two fish fight to the death); oil massage (Grant on SPECTER island); S&M (Klebb`s handy riding crop and brass knuckles); pimp prostitution (Bond and Tatiana are both ordered to have sex); sexual fixation (Tatiana falls in love with a photo of Bond “like young girls fall in love with movie stars”); lesbianism (Tatiana`s “interview” with Klebb); polygamy (Kerim`s multiple children suggest multiple wives); stripping (or in this case belly dancing); catfighting (more on this later); menage a trois (Bond is delivered both gypsy girls to his tent); bondage (the dead Prussian in the back of the Renault is very well tied); oral sex (Tatiana`s mouth is just the “right size” for Bond); voyeurism (the men watch Bond and Tatiana as they secretly film them, among MANY other examples); public exhibitionism (Tatiana wants to wear her nightgown “in Piccadilly”); sadomasochistic homosexuality (the Grant-Bond confrontation); and yes, even foot worship (how else can you account for the appeal of that spike-tipped shoe or Grant`s insistence that Bond, “Crawl over here and kiss my foot!”). Much of this comes from the novel, and it`s no secret that Fleming enjoyed a taste of the whip from time to time.

The gypsy girlfight is FRWL`s most infamous and sadistic scene. Never has a Bond movie felt so much like a snuff film. Where most movies poke fun at “catfights,” this film puts it on a level of gladiatorial match. They don`t say the girls are fighting to death, but they don`t say they aren`t! In fact, the fight between the two women “in love with the same man” is so savage (or so arousing?) that Bond asks for it to be stopped. Strange that the only way we`re “saved” from this scene is by an explosion of good old-fashioned gunplay. Stranger yet is the relief we feel at the arrival of this “safer” movie violence. How sexually charged is this scene? When FRWL aired on ABC throughout the `70s and `80s, the ENTIRE gypsy camp sequence was cut from the film. I doubt it was because of the belly dancer. Related to the girlfight in its depiction of sexual violence not usually found in a Bond film is when Bond hits Tatiana in REAL anger aboard the Orient Express. It`s interesting to note that Bond is posing as her husband at the time. Her crime? She lied to him. Dark.

But the confrontation with Grant is the ultimate ordeal for James Bond in this sexually lethal world. Of all sexual terrors, being on the end of a homosexual rape certainly ranks high. The lead-up to the fight is highly charged with innuendoes. Grant has clearly been aroused by the footage of Bond and Tatiana`s lovemaking. A line which exists in the continuity script but is missing from existing prints is when Grant says, “What a performance!” Grant makes Bond get on his knees (waist level) and tells him it`ll be “painful and slow.” Let`s not forget that this whole confrontation is taking place in a train compartment (real bunk, real bed). And what`s the first thing that goes when they start their “struggle”? The light. There`s an orgasmic quality to Grant`s silent death, but maybe I should stop here before I lose the family audience, which, by the way, is what the movie does. In the book, the Grant-Bond fight is the climax of the story and rightfully so. But the filmmakers felt compelled to give us a helicopter and boat chase, which dilute the sexual subtext of the film. But maybe that`s the intent. After all, sometimes a boat chase is just a boat chance.

GOLDENEYE (1995) — James Bond Finds Himself

If GoldenEye had not been a huge success when it was released in the fall of 1995, the James Bond series would have ended then and there. After the disappointment of License to Kill and a six-year hiatus, the question facing MGM and the Bond empire was “Is James Bond still relevant?” Cleverly enough, the filmmakers decided to make a James Bond film that was specifically ABOUT James Bond`s struggle to find his place in the modern world. Not since YOLT was a Bond film so blatantly symbolic and so psychologically interesting.
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As if to erase the Dalton years, GoldenEye starts in 1986 (a year before The Living Daylights) and then jumps “Nine Years Later,” presumably to 1995, as a Bond film always takes place “today.” This time passage device (the only time it has been used in a Bond film) tells us right off the bat that this is a movie which puts character ahead of plot. In other words, it`s ABOUT James Bond and not the global repercussions of some event that we see in the pre-titles sequence or opening scene. When we first see Bond in this film, he`s hanging UPSIDE-DOWN. And what`s 007 doing when we meet him nine years later? He`s TURNING A CORNER. But the old Bond is still very much in evidence. He seduces a girl, wears a tux, drives the Aston Martin DB5, gambles in a casino, orders a martini “shaken not stirred,” and smokes out a crime syndicate — all this in the opening two scenes! He`s also back in the personage of Pierce Brosnan, whom the public has associated with James Bond from the time he lost the role in 1986. (Hey, there`s that year again.)

But after this nostalgic romp, Bond fails in his mission to stop the robbery of the Tiger helicopter, and we FADE OUT. Fade out? Is this the end of the movie? In a way, it is because now we begin the first postmodern James Bond film, a film in which James Bond is not the master of his universe. For the next hour, 007 is ridiculed for being a “sexist misogynist dinosaur,” out of touch and irrelevant in the post Cold War world. M is more than just a woman now. She`s a mother! (“If I wanted sarcasm, I`d talk to my children,” she tells Tanner.) Up to this point in the 33 year history of the James Bond series, the concept of motherhood has been as nonexistent as, well, children. As a rule, Bond conquers the girl, and we roll credits, fast. Any relationship beyond that short circuits the fantasy. Everyone Bond encounters in this film slams him in a similar way. Valentin asks him if he`s “decided to join the 21st Century,” Jack Wade makes fun of his “secret codes and passwords,” Trevelyan suggests his martini intake is a means of escape, and sexual harassment is even suggested in his treatment of Miss Moneypenny! How does Bond respond? He doesn`t.

Instead Bond embarks on a mission to defeat the cold warrior inside himself by going to the source: Russia, a former enemy now crippled (like Valentin Zukovsky). Here, the traditional Bond girls are split (as is everything in this film) into opposing halves. Natalya is a beauty with brains, and Xenia is pure danger with a kink for killing that`s worthy of From Russia with Love. (For the first and only time in a Bond film, we get to see a woman achieve an orgasm. You`ve come a long way, baby.)

But it`s in the graveyard of discarded Soviet statues (heavy symbolism, but, hey, it works) that Bond finally encounters the REAL enemy — his shadow. Like Bond, Alec Trevelyan, agent 006, is trapped in a time warp. Like Bond, he`s become both a myth (Janus) and a real man. But Trevelyan`s problem is he still clings to the hatred and suspicion that created the Cold War while Bond just clings to the sex appeal. Their struggle makes up the last half of the film, and the shadow nature of their relationship is so obvious that there`s hardly any need for metaphor. “James and I shared everything,” says Trevelyan. The most telling moment comes in the end of the film when Bond kills Trevelyan, not “for England” but “for me.” The cold warrior is dead. Mission accomplished. Welcome to the 21st Century, Mr. Bond.

Thanks, John. Now we take a look at some of the more fascinating Freudian quirks (intentional?) of the Bond screenwriters.

Who wanted Bebe more? Brink or Kristatos? That’s an interesting question if you allow for the possibility that Brink may have had more than just a professional interest in Bebe. Brink has almost all the characteristics of the stereotypical lesbian: short, butch haircut; dour face; militant attitude, particularly towards men. In For Your Eyes Only, Brink uses her job as Bebe’s coach to seduce her. The job is a convenient outlet from which she is able to express her rigid, militaristic attitude while allowing herself to get close to Bebe.

Notice that every time a male comes into the picture, Brink snaps at Bebe? When Bebe asks Bond to take her to the biathlon, Brink forces more work on her. When Bond later catches up with Bebe at the ice rink, Brink interrupts their conversation to announce that it is “time for your rubdown”. What were Bebe and Bond discussing? Eric Kreigler, a man! At the monastery in Greece, Brink successfully turns Bebe against her male sponsor, Kristatos. She then rubs Bebe’s back, strokes her hair, and tells her how innocent she is; how she needs a new sponsor. This last scene has the same sexual overtones as Rosa Klebb`s interrogation of Tatiana in FROM RUSSIA, WITH LOVE.

Male genitalia have been all over the Bond films, though in much more subtle ways than one would imagine. It’s often been said that men buy expensive sports cars to compensate for a small penis. If that’s the case, Bond’s history with cars such as the Aston Martin, Lotus Turbo Esprit and BMW Z-3 must indicate…. Well, you get the picture. His psychiatrist, Caroline, in GOLDENEYE made a very telling observation: “You’re just trying to show off the size of your…” Bond: “Engine?” Caroline: “Ego!”

Assuming this is true, the rocket Bond fires at Naomi’s helicopter in THE SPY WHO LOVED ME logically symbolizes Bond`s manhood. Motorcycles and gear shifts are often compared to and thought of as extensions of the male genitalia and if you can accept that theory, it becomes easier to see why a headlight firing rocket in THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS is a profound statement of Bond’s manhood, and not just another way to destroy the enemy.

This brings up an interesting scene from THUNDERBALL. When Count Lippe is being tailed by a motorcycle as he himself follows Bond, the viewer automatically assumes that the person on the motorcycle is a man. Why? Because a big, strapping piece of equipment like a motorcyle is always considered to be an extention of a man`s sexuality. The fact that it ends up firing an explosive rocket only confirms to the unsuspecting viewer that a man has been on the motorcyle. Even if the viewer hadn`t conciously told him/herself that the rider was a man, they were surely shocked to see the rider take off the helmet and reveal themself to be a woman.

This one is too easy. Only in the Brosnan films have the cigars had as much sexual subtext, and even they they’ve been used as cheap, easy jokes. The cigar in both GOLDENEYE and THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH are phallic symbols. Xenia strokes her cigar upright while telling Bond how she likes her martini. The flirtation and the message therein are obvious.

In THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, Bond brings Moneypenny a cigar from Bilbao, Spain, enclosed in a phallic looking tube. The implication is again obvious. Moneypenny replies: “I know just where to put that” and then throws it into a trashcan, thus cutting off Bond’s masculinity quicker than Lorena Bobbitt.

No metaphor for male genitalia is more common or more pronounced than a gun. In THE NAKED GUN, Jane Spencer asks Lt. Frank Drebin about his gun: “Aren’t you afraid it might go off accidentally?”. He replies: “That’s why I think about baseball.”

Scaramanga’s golden gun is his, metaphorically speaking, penis. There can be no doubt that when he used that gun to trace the curve of Andrea Anders lips in THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN, he was simulating oral sex. Even the lyrics to the title song back up this claim: “Love is required, whenever he’s hired, it comes just before the kill”. After Scaramanga kills the solar energy expert outside the Bottoms Up Club, he returns to his junk and caresses Andrea’s face with his gun. I think you get the picture.

The gun that comes out of the mouth of one Bond Girl during the credits for GOLDENEYE is another sly, sexual innuendo. Daniel Kleinmann admits in an interview with 007 Magazine that it was intentionally put into the credits as a sort of sexual joke, even though the gun is coming out of the mouth rather than going in. Again, a gun is transparently a metaphor for male genitalia.

It can’t be a coincidence that the writers of THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH chose the name of Elektra as their villain, for it is from Greek mythology that Neal Purvis and Robert Wade undoubtedly came up with the inspiration for this character.

The Elektra Complex is a term originated from this Greek story: there was a guy named Oedipus who, at birth, was destined by fate to kill his father (who also happened to be the King of Thebes) and marry his mother. The people in Thebes thought that this was a pretty big deal, so when Oedipus was an infant, he was sent away. As an adult, Oedipus returns to Thebes only to – you guessed it – kill his dad and marry his mom. In psychological terms, a man who wants to kill his mother so he can marry his mother is said to have an Oedipus Complex. The opposite of that, for women, would be the Elektra Complex.

In the story of Oedipus, his father was a “King”. In THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, Elektra’s last name is “King”. In both the Greek myth and in the movie, the child comes back to kill the parent. The writers of The World Is Not Enough have taken some liberties with the mythos by having Elektra kill her father rather than her mother, but the symbolism is not lost on most viewers. Coincidentally, or not, Oedipus kills his father after having been banished for so many years. Elektra kills her father after having been kidnapped, not receiving a ransom (in effect, banishment) and eventually escaping.

TOMORROW NEVER DIES nods its head to the Oedipus Complex when Bond jokes about a skyscraper with Elliot Carver`s image on the side: `I always thought he had an edifice complex.`

Which Bond Stars Liked Which Films The Best?

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Albert R “Cubby” Broccoli said that “From Russia With Love”, “Goldfinger”, and “The Spy Who Loved Me” were his favourite Bond films. He hedged when asked his least favourite but admitted that he`d like to change parts of “The Man With The Golden Gun”. In interviews he claimed that “Moonraker” and “A View To A Kill” were tops among his output, though this might have been good PR since this was immediately prior to those films`s release.

Sean Connery said that Thunderball” and “From Russia With Love” were his favourites, while Roger Moore chose from amongst his own “The Spy Who Loved Me” and, as runner-up, “Octopussy” (Sean Connery praised the action sequences in that particular film). Timothy Dalton said that of his two, he preferred his first “The Living Daylights”, but admitted that his second, “Licence To Kill” had a better story. Pierce Brosnan`s favourite Bond film is “Goldfinger”, but “You Only Live Twice” has his favourite scene: the men scaling down into the mountain.

Bond director Terence Young considered “Thunderball” to be his weakest Bond film, while fellow Bond director Lewis Gilbert apparently once said that “OHMSS” was the worst Bond film.

Bond screenwriter Richard Maibaum considered “Moonraker” to be the worst (he once told an interviewer point blank that he “didn`t like” screenwriter and Bond novelizer Christopher Wood`s writing). He wasn`t much kinder to either “Live And Let Die” or “The Spy Who Loved Me”. He considers “OHMSS” to be his best Bond screenplay, and “A View To A Kill” his worst (he jokingly said that even Shakespeare had written “Two Gentlemen From Verona” by way of explanation). He considered “For Your Eyes Only” a failure, but a step in the right direction and liked both Dalton Bond films (though felt that the tanker chase at the end of “Licence To Kill” was overdone; he said that sometimes less is more). He considered “OHMSS” Fleming`s best novel, and “The Spy Who Loved Me” Fleming`s worst.

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Guy Hamilton regrets the Bond films he directed with Roger Moore (“Live And Let Die”, “The Man With The Golden Gun”).

Kim Basinger hated “Never Say Never Again”. In an interview she did with Adam Pirani in July 1989 to promote BATMAN, she said: “The worst experience I`ve ever had, except I got to live in Europe for a year. But that was it. It was absolutely horrible. Even Sean`ll tell you that. It was terrible and if it hadn`t been for Sean Connery, the film would never have happened. He had people telling him how to play James Bond. It was just pathetic.”

Lorenzo Semple, Jr. wrote Never Say Never Again, but lived to regret it. “I remember the panic that was starting just as I was leaving, so i`m very happy not to be further involved in Never Say Never Again. If I seem to be blaming Kersh (the Director, Irvin Kershner), I am. I think he`s extremely undisciplined. The script problems wouldn`t have occurred if we had a director who was a craftsman.” Kershner had directed Sean Connery in 1966`s A Fine Madness but even Connery didn’t trust Kershner or his sense of humor.

When Has Bond Been Spoofed On “The Simpsons”?

Nearly a dozen and a half times at last count. Many Bond fans have wondered exactly who is it on THE SIMPSONS creative team that is the big fan and the answer, it would appear, is none other than the producer himself, Matt Groening. Both of his shows, THE SIMPSONS & FUTURAMA have paid tribute to the Bond series in their own unique, warped way.

In episode 3F23 “YOU ONLY MOVE TWICE”, Homer goes to work for the Globex Corporation, run by Hank Scorpio. Hank relocates the Simpson family to the Cypress Creek planned community, where it seems everyone who lives there also works for Globex. Hank`s office is actually at the base of a hollowed out volcano. Homer doesn`t realize what he`s gotten himself into when he decides to come work for Globex. The company aims to conquer the world with “the doomsday device” unless a ransom is paid. “James Bont” infiltrates Globex but only manages to get caught, strapped to a table spread eagle, and left for dead. He is nearly castrated by a laser but manages to deflect the laser beams with a quarter he tosses into the air.

Bont runs for his life but Homer tackles him, thinking he`s an employess loafing around on the job. Scorpio thanks Homer for a job well done and together they walk away. When Homer is out of sight, four armed guards with machine guns mow “Bont” down in a hail of bullets. Scorpio`s office is then overrun by military forces who invade the volcano by rapelling down through the crater. A bikini clad femme fatale squeezes the life out of a soldier between her legs. The episode even ends with a song called “Scorpio”, which is curiously similar to the tune of “Goldfinger”, sung by Shirley Bassey. Movies spoofed: Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice and Goldeneye. Characters spoofed: Blofeld, James Bond and Xenia Onatopp. For more biographical information on Hank Scorpio, be sure to visit The Globex Corporation.

In episode 5F08 “BART CARNY”, Homer and Bart become Carnies (carnival workers) to pay off a debt. Homer and Bart befriend and eventually take in a carnival worker and his son, Cooter. The two carnies eventually trick the Simpsons out of their home and begin rummaging through Homer and Barts belongings. At one point, Cooter`s dad (voiced by Jim Varney) tries on some of Homers clothing. Cooter is so impressed by his dad`s new look he says: “Gee Dad, you look just like James Bond”.

In episode AABF01 “Treehouse of Horror IX,” (annual Halloween special) Homer gets a hair transplant from Snake, Springfield`s chief hoodlum, who has just been executed via the electric chair. He shows Marge his new hairdo. Marge is impressed and replies: “If your fly was up you`d look just like Roger Moore”.

In episode 2F10 “And Maggie Makes Three”, the show opens with the familiar white dot known to millions of Bond fans skipping across the screen. The dot then opens to reveal a portly gentleman walking right to left across the tv. At the halfway point, he turns and fires at the viewer. It is Homer Simpson.

In episode 9F03 – “Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie” Bart (as Blofeld) places a James Bond action figure in the microwave, bids him farewell, and begins the melting process.

In episode AABF23 “Beyond Blunderdome” The Simpson family rents a white car and drives it into and out of the water just like the Lotus Turbo Esprit in The Spy Who Loved Me. Additionally, Homer and guest star Mel Gibson steal a car just like the AMC Hornet in The Man With The Golden Gun.

In episode AABF13 “Maximum Homerdrive” Homer changes his name to max power and sings “Max Power” to the tune of Shirley Bassey`s “Goldfinger”. “Goldfinger” also served as the tune for “Scorpio” in “YOU ONLY MOVE TWICE”.

In episode 2F15 “LISA`S WEDDING”, Lisa consults a fortune teller, who predicts in the future she will marry someone from England. When Homer meets his son-in-law`s parents, he says: “You know what I love about the British? Octopussy”.

In episode 5F15 “GIRLY EDITION”, Lisa and Bart compete for a job as television anchors for an all-kids news show. Lisa comes up behind Bart on the set. He swivels around in his chair like Blofeld. Lisa tries to speak. Bart: “So, we meet again Mr. Bond”. Lisa tries to get him to get serious but Bart will have none of it. Bart: “Silence, Octopussy!”

In episode 3F31 “THE SIMPSONS 138th EPISODE SPECTACULAR” Bond henchmen Oddjob and Jaws make an appearance in a casino. The clip is actually a “previously unaired outtake” from “$pringfield (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)” that was included as a bonus in 138th episode. The “lost scence” from Episode 1F08 – $pringfield featured James Bond in the casino.

Blofeld: 20. Your move, Mr. Bond

Bond: I`ll take a hit, dealer. [Homer gives him a card] Joker! You were supposed to take those out of the deck.

Homer: Oh, sorry. Here`s another one.

Bond: What`s this card? “Rules for Draw and Stud Poker?”

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Bond: But…but it`s Homer`s fault! I didn`t lose. I never lose! …Well, at least tell me the details of your plot for world domination.

Blofeld: Ho ho ho, I`m not going to fall for that one again!

In episode 4F21 “The Secret War of Lisa Simpson” – Bart and Lisa are at military school and learning how to fire a grenade launcher. Bart fires his launcher and appears to miss the target. The instructor: “You missed.” Bart replies:”Did I?” and the camera pans over to show a school building in ruins. Movie spoofed: MOONRAKER

In episode 8F05 “Like Father, Like Clown” Krusty`s secretary is named Lois Pennycandy (Mrs.Moneypenny was played by Lois Maxwell). Krusty walks by a porn theater playing “For Your Thighs Only”.

In episode 3F18 “22 Short Films About Springfield” the comic book guy has a photo of Sean Connery signed by Roger Moore.

In episode 9F14 “Duffless” Lisa tries to prove that Bart is dumber than a hampster for the school science fair. Bart strokes the hampster like Blofeld stroked his pussy cat (Bart, being the mischievous one in the series, often plays Blofeld in the spoofs).

In episode 3F12 “Bart the Fink”- Krusty has three nipples like Scaramanga in The Man With The Golden Gun.

In episode 9F22 “Cape Feare” Bart watches an episode of “Itchy and Scratchy” where Scratchy finds himself mounted to a table with a laser aimed at his crotch. Movie spoofed: GODLFINGER

In episode 8F04 – “Homer Defined” – Homer saves the nuclear plant from meltdown with 007 seconds left. Movie spoofed: GOLDFINGER

In episode 1ACV03 – “I, ROOMATE” of FUTURAMA, Bender and the gang decide to check out a movie at the local theater. They decide to see ALL MY CIRCUITS (a big screen version of the popular daytime drama ALL MY CIRCUITS). The credits open, only to reveal a bevy of scantily clad female robots in silhouette writhing and dancing around large laser guns. In one sequence, a female robot cartwheels over the barrel of a laser gun before jumping off the end. Movie spoofed: THE SPY WHO LOVED ME.

Possible connections:

In episode BABF09 “Saddlesore Galactica” Bart is racing a horse and jockeys start hitting Bart like Bond in A View To A Kill.

In episode 3F19 – “Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in `The Curse of the Flying Hellfish“” Grandpa Simpson fires a harpoon gun which latches onto Mr.Burn`s boat just like in License To Kill.

In episode 5F23 “The Joy of Sect” Marge attempts to flee a religious cult by jumping across alligator backs as in Live and Let Die.

If you know of any SIMSPONS or FUTURAMA spoofs of 007 not listed here, please email Icebreaker of 007Forever or John Fiedler of The Simpsons Sourcebook.

Was On Her Majesty`s Secret Service Narrated?

Yes. For North American viewers in the mid-1970`s, ABC aired a heavily re-edited version of the movie that featured George Lazenby relating the whole adventure in narrative flashback.

Additionally, ABC-TV usually aired Healthy men should ejaculate between 1 and 5.6 tadalafil generic 20mg ml of semen in lovemaking. It has been well known as great generic version of ever-popular cialis 5mg australia– the first male impotence drug in the world. The market is flooded with numerous medications which ensure a healthy erection for pleasurable intercourse. Here is how these capsules can help: If hormonal imbalance is the reason behind this condition, the effective ingredients present in these capsules will cure the underlying issues if any, thereby providing the right kind of cure. the movie in two parts: the first half on Monday followed by the second half the following Monday. Fight scenes and sexuality were edited not only for content, but were also rearranged in sequence to better fit the story narration.

Did Roger Moore Wear A Colostomy Bag As James Bond?

If you`ve ever asked yourself this question, you probably have too much time on your hands. In any event, this ridiculous rumor alleges that Roger Moore wore a colostomy bag from The Spy Who Loved Me through A View To A Kill and that it caused slowness and awkwardness in his action scenes. While we can`t say for an absolute certainty that he never wore one, it seems extremely unlikely. Let`s consider the evidence:

Moore had several love scenes or scenes where his shirt was off during and after The Spy Who Loved Me. It would be difficult to hide a colostomy bag or scar tissue on his waist that would indicate where the colostomy bag would go. Remember, this was several years before CGI; the producers couldn`t have just digitally altered Roger`s body.

As regards his “slow” or “awkward” action scenes…well, that`s all in the eyes of the beholder. It`s no secret that most of his stunt work was handled by a double anyway. So if someone thought they detected an awkwardness in the way Moore walked or carried himself in a fight, it`s possible they weren`t even seeing Moore but actually his stunt double.

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Journalist: “What was the most serious injury you ever had doing one of these movies?”

Roger Moore: I fell off my wallet once (laughter). Well, they were all uncomfortable. The most – I couldn`t sit here like I am now, on THE SPY WHO LOVED ME because in one of the scenes, a chair blew up before I got out of it and put a couple of holes where most of us only have one. That was very uncomfortable. I had a month of going and having my dressings changed twice a day by the Sister at the studio. I never saw her! (laughter)”.

Casino Royale (1954 Television Show)

Many may not realize it, but the very first James Bond movie was Climax Theater`s Production of: Ian Fleming`s Casino Royale. Produced in 1954, and shown on CBS, it starred Barry Nelson as James Bond, Linda Christian as Valerie Mathis and Peter Lorre as Le Sheef. The 60 minute production was hosted by William Lundigan.

In some respects it`s faithful to the novel and in other places it diverges wildly. We`ll start from the beginning. This version was clearly made with the American audience in mind. James Bond was an American hero. He`s not even British in this version. That role goes to Clarence Leiter (Felix in the book) who works for Her Majesty`s Secret Service and is assigned to assist 007 to make sure Le Sheef (Le Chiffre in the book) is bankrupted in the Casino. The role of Vesper Lynd (in the book) has now been turned into Valerie Mathis.

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The basic plot of trying to bankrupt Le Sheef is intact. Other plot elements from the book that made it into this production include the cane disguised as a gun, Bond`s room being bugged, the explosion outside the Casino and Valerie being used by LeSheef. What didn`t make it into the film was the carpet beating torture sequence from the book, and Vesper`s death. The torture sequence was changed to having Bond being restrained in a bathtub while his toes were crushed in a vice like grip and in the end, Valerie and Bond appear to live happily ever after, which does not happen in the book.

Wilson Chance: 007 Spoof’s Creators

In the beginning there were the Zucker Brothers (Airplane! The Naked Gun). Then God, seeing as how it was not fit for the Zucker Brothers to be alone, created the Farrelly Brothers (Dumb and Dumber, Something About Mary). Now, ready or not, here comes the Bunzendahl Brothers with their independent film WILSON CHANCE, whose lead character could make Austin Powers look downright smooth.

Along with Dean Williams and his film A PEPPER FOR TOMORROW, the Bunzendahl Brothers, who are based out of Colorado Springs, CO have become instant cult celebrities in the Bond fan community. They appeared at Bond Collectors Weekend last month in New Orleans, debuted several scenes from the new picture and soon the whole event was abuzz with talk about the film. It`s a hybrid mix of WIZARD OF OZ, GET SMART, MATT HELM and JAMES BOND 007.

Justin Williford, 24, plays the lead role of nerdy box office ticket taker Willy Lance, and his alter-ego Wilson Chance. He`s also a college student, holds down a part time job and is the star of the film. At the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Williford majors in Communications and Recording Arts, with a minor in Film Studies. He`d like to major in Film Studies, but the college doesn`t offer them. He has taken acting classes in the past.

So strong is his committment to WILSON CHANCE that he was willing to sacrifice huge amounts of his personal life in order to get this film completed. When I first met Williford, I had him pegged as either a baseball player or a quarterback. I wasn`t completely wrong; he`s an expert rifleman and gave up an Olympic career on the National Mens Shotgun Team to do this film. His extensive knowledge of firearms also makes him the film crews resident expert on gun safety.

Williford works part time at the local Blockbuster on the nights he`s not filming (which is about three times a week). This job affords him the opportunity to stock up on free movies every night and study them. When I asked him what his boss thought of his desire to be an actor, Williford explained to me that not only was his boss enthusiastic about letting Williford have time off to film, he`s even in the film (he plays a bartender to whom Wilson Chance requests a Shirley Temple, “skaken, not stirred”).

George Bunzendahl, 33, is the Producer of the film and his energy, excitement and humor about the film is infectious. He gleefully admits he could `sell a ketchup popsicle to a white gloved customer` if he needed to. In other words, it`s his job to sell the film and so far he`s doing a great job of it; i`m sold. George is the “people guy”; the “mover and shaker”. He promotes the film, coordinates the days shoot and gets actors for the film. In real life, George is a special agent. Yes, he`s an insurance agent for Progressive Auto Insurance.

Jeff Bunzendahl, 28, is George`s brother, and the Director and Writer of WILSON CHANCE. Jeff`s first introduction to Bondage was a trip with his dad to see MOONRAKER when he was six years old. His love of filmmaking was sparked by, ironically, a spoof of STAR WARS called HARDWARE WARS, in which a variety of kitchen appliances were piloted. Jeff refused to play with other kids and their action figures unless the playtime included a narrative from which he could work with. By age 12, he was already beginning ot make movies.

At 20, Michael Helsley is the youngest of the bunch. He`s Korean, an Electrician on the side, and keeps in shape for his role as an assassin with a strenuous workout of Jujitsu. While all four key players assume many roles when making the film, acting is the one area Michael would like to focus on when he`s got the time to do it. He`s what they call “a natural”. That means, he`s got screen presence and doesn`t necessarily need to take acting classes.

Jeff has been Mike`s Jujitsu teacher since Mike was 14. Jeff has a 3rd degree Black Belt in Jujitsu and feels that, as Mike`s teacher, it helps him to better choreograph the fight sequences knowing what Mike is capable of. Justin Williford also took about 5 months of Jujitsu training and learned techniques that make him better able to take a fall.

The film had its genesis in a chance meeting four years ago when Justin met George in class at the University of Colorado. Justin had heard that Jeff was making some independent films and was interested in being in some. Jeff began putting Justin in a series of short films that left such an impression that Jeff was sure Justin was the embodiment of WILSON CHANCE.

LEAVE NOTHING TO CHANCE was essentially a 7 minute clip of things they`d like to do in a full length movie. It helped establish Williford in Jeff`s mind as `Chance`. That was two and a half years ago. WILSON CHANCE is the full length, feature film they`ve all been working on for the past year under the tutelage of Professor Robert von Dassanowsky (he also serves as Executive Producer and is a knowledgeable Hollywood player). While Austin Powers was a sexy agent in the 60`s but out of place in the 90`s, WILSON CHANCE`s gimmick is that the hero, Willy Lance, is too stupid to even get his dreams right. His alter-ego, WILSON CHANCE, is almost as uncool as Willy Lance is.

The Bunzendahl Brothers received a small inheritance which has gone a long way towards funding the film. In fact, it has allowed for Jeff to concentrate solely on the film without having to worry about a second income. If the film attracts enough attention at upcoming independent film festivals, the whole group may soon be able to make filmmaking their full time occupation.

WILSON CHANCE is entirely shot on location in Colorado, which also doubles for Norway; Quebec, Canada; Mexico and Germany. For one scene, the brothers received permission to use a bed and breakfast in Pikes National Forest just outside of Deckers, CO that is designed to look like a German castle.
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Independent projects are no less troublesome than major, studio funded films. The only difference is the creative ways in which the brothers resolve their problems. Because the budget is small, Jeff and George were keen on finding actors for the movie that they could be sure would be committed to seeing the film through, no matter how long it takes.

For one particular sequence, the brothers called ahead to the local police department and warned them that they would be filming in the woods and invited them to come down and watch. The scene involved Chance and some henchmen shooting at one another. Despite the heads up, the 911 call center`s phone rang off the hook, with at least 20 calls from frightened neighbors claiming that terrorists were attacking the area. Filming was taking place at night and passersby could see the flash report of the guns going off from the freeway.

Actors have been known to give Jeff fits as well. One actor in particular was regularly absent from the set and made up excuses as to why he couldn`t show up. When the unnamed actor would bother to show up at all, he was usually late. Early on in the shoot he had long hair but inexplicably cut it all off halfway through. Jeff had to go out and buy the guy a wig to compensate. After much thought, the actor was simply let go and all his scenes were reworked or cut out.

Professional stunt men? Forget about it! In a variation of THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS, Justin held on for dear life as he clung to the top of a Volkswagen van while doing 50 to 60 m.p.h through the Rocky Mountains, which were doubling for Norway. That`s one stunt all agreed they`d never do again without the proper safety checks in place. However…

That didn`t stop them from using a real knife in a fight sequence one day. Apparently, Williford forgot to bring the prop knife to the location shoot. Because the film is independent and made on a small budget, every days shoot is invaluable once everyone is in place. After all, most of these actors and actresses have other jobs they have to tend to in real life. Because of the uncertainty of getting everyones schedule back in sync for a future shoot, Jeff decided to have Justin use a real knife and just be very careful.

I`m curious about the film, so I ask how long will it be? About 90 minutes. Will fans be able to buy it? Yes, it should be out on DVD/VHS in late February or early March. Are there any Chance Girls in the film? Yes. That last answer gets my interest and my ears perk up. Surely the job of leading man in a spy spoof means Williford gets to be surrounded by a lot of beautiful women, right? Surely there must be a spicy story in there somewhere, right? Not quite. Although it is safe to say Chance gets the girl in the end, the kiss was a kind of “turn your back to the camera” sort of thing.

Well then, being an up and coming film star/producer/director means getting more women, right? Not necessarily. All four have sworn off groupies or potential Yoko Ono`s. This group is tight, focused and dedicated to the task at hand. Serious relationships can wait.

As for Williford, the typecasting as WILSON CHANCE has already begun. One night on the way back to the hotel after partying on Bourbon Street, I ask George some questions about his actor, Wilson. Then George just starts laughing like a mandman and I realized I had totally forgotten that his real name was Justin Williford, and had become completely absorbed in the catch phrase value of the name WILSON CHANCE. The absurdity goes even further. When Williford was picked up by campus security for a driving violation, he was so well known as WILSON CHANCE, that he was ticketed under the name WILSON CHANCE. He beat the charge anyway.

So, where do the brothers go from here? Filming is almost complete and post production will soon begin. I`m sworn to secrecy for right now, but I can tell you that the guys are getting some pretty big assistance from several key people in the Bond fan community that will go a long way towards making sure the film is a cut above the average small budget movie.

Maybe it all sounds crazy, but isn`t this what being a fan is all about? You`ve got to admire these guys for sticking their necks out so far on something they feel so passionate about. The Bunzendahl Brothers, as well as Justin Williford and Michael Helsley, truly embody the term “fandom”, and 007Forever is excited to follow the progress of their film!

Keep watching 007Forever for more news and special coverage of WILSON CHANCE in the weeks and months to come.

You can contact the guys of WILSON CHANCE at for questions or comments.

Like A Bullet to the Brain

Another game friends and I enjoy (yes, they are not imaginary Bond friends) is “Best Bullet Award”.

What is the single most entertaining gunshot taken in the Bond films, not including the gunbarrel logo? For example, just Nightforce is one brand you can opt for Kamagra, sildenafil overnight shipping, Silagra or any other that suits your condition. The best treatment for erectile dysfunction is reference viagra sales in uk . The common symptoms include urinary frequency and cialis 40 mg urgency, dribbling after urination, burning sensation when urinating, painful urination, difficulty urinating, frequent and urgent urination, etc. Ensure that the lifestyle you lead is healthy one. as Deb Lipp and Michael Di Leo have favorite Bond explosions, I really like when Bond kills the fellow in Octopussy in the train reveal scene, you know, the fellow who looks stupidly cross-eyed just as Roger Moore pegs him right between the eyes. Enjoy!

Dr. Mortner, Meet Dr. Stein

I saw Expelled last night, and other than being an extraordinary, powerful film, I was incessantly bothered each time one of Ben Stein’s interviewees cropped up.

One of the leaders of Seattle’s Discover Institute for Intelligent Design research looks as photographed remarkably like Willoughby Gray as “Hans Glaub” (Dr. Carl Mortner) in AVTAK.
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Good way to get a Bond fix while waiting for QOS and Devil May Care.